International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE)*

International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE)*

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The International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), founded and organized by the US-based Knowledge Systems Institute (KSI), aims at bringing together experts in software engineering and knowledge engineering to discuss on relevant results in either software engineering or knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put on the transference of methods between both domains.

Conference History:

37th SEKE 2025, September 29 – October 6, 2025, Pompeii, Italy / Virtual venue

    Note: live: September 29-30, 2025; virtual: October 1-6, 2025

    Conference program TBD

    New! Special Theme on SEKE Education

    Co-located Conferences:
    International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages (DMSVIVA)

36th SEKE 2024, October 26 – November 3, 2024, San Francisco, USA / Virtual venue

    Note: live: October 26-28, 2024; virtual: October 29 – November 3, 2024; The live conference was originally planned to happen in Amalfi, Italy

    Conference Sessions:
    Learning; Data modeling and analytics; Prediction and Recommendation; Advanced Learning

    Co-located Conferences:
    International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages (DMSVIVA)

35th SEKE 2023, July 1-10, 2023, San Francisco Bay, USA / Virtual venue

    Note: Live conference from July 1 to July 3, 2023; Virtual conference from July 5 to July 10, 2023

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Engineering; Data Mining and Analytics; Machine Learning and Deep Learning Applications

    Co-located Conferences:
    International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages (DMSVIVA)

34th SEKE 2022, July 1-10, 2022, KSIR Virtual Conference Center, Pittsburgh, USA (Virtual venue)

    Conference Sessions:
    SEKE and Education (panel); Distributed Systems and Machine Learning; Agile Development Practices for Big Data Analytics (special session); Knowledge Engineering; Natural Language Processing; Data Modeling, Mining and Analysis; Social Network and Recommendation Systems

33th SEKE 2021, July 1-10, 2021, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Celebrating the Humanities

    Note: The conference was originally scheduled for July 1-3, 2021

    Conference Sessions:
    Recommendation and Classification; Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Education (special session); Knowledge and Ontology; Machine Learning; Natural Language and Text Processing and Data Mining; Big Data in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (special session CANCELLED)

32nd SEKE 2020, July 9-19, 2020, Wyndham Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh, USA Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Celebrating the Humanities

    : Note: The conference was originally scheduled for July 9-11, 2020, with the theme “Big Data and Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering”

    Conference Sessions:
    Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs; Distributed Systems and Machine Learning; Social Media Mining; Recommender Systems

31st SEKE 2019, June 28-30, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

Conference Theme: ?

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Graphs; Semantic Enabled Software Engineering; Machine Learning Algorithms for Software Engineering; Deep Learning/AI; Information Systems; Ontologies

30th SEKE, July 1-3, 2018, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

Conference Theme: Soft computing in software engineering & knowledge engineering

    Note: The conference was announced for July 5-7, 2018, Knowledge Systems Institute, Skokie, IL, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Semantic Enabled Software Engineering; Information Extraction; Big Data Research and Development in Knowledge Engineering (special session; CANCELLED?)

    Discussion Panels:
    Future Research Directions of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

    Open Forum:
    Do we have a new “bag of tricks” for professional software/knowledge Engineers? (certification of professional software/knowledge engineers)

29th SEKE 2017, July 5-7, 2017, Wyndham Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh, USA

Conference Theme: Big data and software engineering & knowledge engineering

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Mining; Ontology; Data Analysis; Big Data Research and Development in Knowledge Engineering (workshop)

28th SEKE 2016, July 1-3, 2016, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

Conference Theme: Big data and software engineering & knowledge engineering

    Conference Sessions:
    Big Data Analysis; Learning and Education; AI and Knowledge Engineering; Data Analysis and Systems; Semantic Web and SOA; Transportation System Research and Development in Knowledge Engineering (special session); Big Data Research and Development in Knowledge Engineering (workshop)

27th SEKE 2015, July 6-8, 2015, Wyndham Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management; Data mining for Knowledge Engineering; Database and Information Systems; Social Networks; Software and Knowledge Visualization; Data Mining for Software Engineering; Semantic Web; User Experience and Organizational Learning; Web Applications and Ontological Engineering

    Discussion Panels:
    Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering vs. Big Data

26th SEKE 2014, July 1-3, 2014, Vancouver, Canada

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management in Software Engineering (KMISE); Machine Learning and Prediction; Database Usage and Refactoring; Social Networks and Ontology-based Search; Software Knowledge and Information Representation; Ontology and Knowledge Discovery; Ontology and Database Access Control

    Panels: The Future of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering

25th SEKE 2013, June 27-29, 2013, Boston, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Data and Knowledge Visualization; Web and Data Mining; Web-based Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Software Engineering; Semantic Analysis; Agents and Ontologies

24th SEKE 2012, July 1-3, 2012, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Mining; Software Engineering with Comp. Intelligence & Machine Learning (special session); Agent-based Learning; Ontologies and Architecture; Semantic Web; Knowledge Acquisition and Visualization

23rd SEKE 2011, July 7-9, 2011, Miami Beach, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Software Engineering with Comp. Intelligence & Machine Learning; Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques; Semantic Web Technologies; Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Representation and Visualization; Web and Data Mining; Ontologies and Methodologies

22nd SEKE 2010, July 1-3, 2010, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

Conference Theme: Smarter software engineering

    Conference Sessions:
    Machine Learning with Value-Based Software Engineering; Interoperability and Semantic Web Technologies; Knowledge Engineering; Ontologies and Slow Intelligence Methodology; Social Networks and Web Mining; Knowledge Engineering Systems

21st SEKE 2009, July 1-3, 2009, Boston, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Mining and Features; Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning; Interoperability and Semantic Web Technologies; Ontologies and their Applications

20th SEKE 2008, July 1-3, 2008, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning; Data Mining; Knowledge Engineering; Ontologies

19th SEKE 2007, July 9-11, 2007, Boston, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Engineering, Natural Language Processing, and AI; Database Retrieval Methods; Data; Data Warehouse; Data Mining and Machine Learning

    Workshops: Knowledge Modelling using UML

18th SEKE 2006, July 5-7, 2006, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Mining; Ontologies; Knowledge Acquisition

17th SEKE 2005, July 14-16, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan

    A Chronobot for Time and Knowledge Exchange and Management

    Conference Sessions:
    Chronobot for Time and Knowledge Management; Ontologies for Software Engineering; Data and Knowledge Base; Data and Text Mining

16th SEKE 2004, June 22-24, 2004, University of Calgary, Banff, Canada

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 20-21):
    Canadian Agile Network workshop; Knowledge-Oriented Maintenance; Learning Software Organizations (LOS); Ontology In Action

    Conference Sessions:

15th SEKE 2003, July 1-3, 2003, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Mining Approach to SE and KE; Software and Knowledge Reuse; Knowledge Retrieval and Management; Knowledge Acquisition; Data Mining for SE and KE

14th SEKE 2002, July 15-19, 2002, Ischia, Italy

    On the many ways software engineering can benefit from knowledge engineering; Knowledge discovery in very large databases

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge engineering tools and techniques; Knowledge representation and retrieval; Computer-supported cooperative work

13th SEKE 2001, June 13-15, 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 12):
    Workshop on Individual and Organizational Learning for Software Improvement

    Conference Sessions:
    Ontologies; Learning Organizations; Data Mining

12th SEKE 2000, July 6-8, 2000, Chicago, USA

    Knowledge and Software Engineering in the Global Information Society

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Engineering; Knowledge Engineering

11th SEKE 1999, June 16-19, 1999, Kaiserslautern, Germany

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 16):
    Workshop on Learning Software Organizations (LOS)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 16):
    Knowledge Maintenance: The State of the Art

    Conference Sessions:

10th SEKE 1998, June 18-20, 1998, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 17):
    Knowledge Engineering under Uncertainty

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Management

    Discussion Panels:
    Knowledge Engineering Today for Large Scale Systems: Are we doing the right thing?; Knowledge Management in Empirical Software Engineering

9th SEKE 1997, June 18-20, 1997, Madrid, Spain

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 17):
    Software Engineering for Knowledge Engineering Environments and Knowledge Sharing

    Epistemological Approach to Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Mining

8th SEKE 1996, June 10-12, 1996, Lake Tahoe, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Mining; Knowledge Engineering in Software Engineering

7th SEKE 1995, June 22-24, 1995, Rockville (Washington DC area), USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Acquisition and Representation; Advances in Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering; Advances in Knowledge Systems; Advances in Information Systems; Knowledge Systems

6th SEKE 1994, June 21-23, 1994, Jurmala, Riga, Latvia

    Conference Sessions:
    Data base and knowledge base methods; Advances in Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering

5th SEKE 1993, June 16-18, 1993, Redwood City (San Francisco Bay), USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge-Based Query Processing; Advances in Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge-Level V&V; Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering Process Issues

    Discussion Panels:
    Knowledge Engineering in Concurrent Engineering and Experience Factories; Knowledge-Based Support for Reverse Engineering; Future Directions of the Knowledge-Based Software Assistant (KBSA) Program

4th SEKE 1992, June, 15-20 1992, Capri, Italy

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Engineering for Software Engineering; Knowledge Representation Systems; Tools for Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering; Expert Systems; Languages for Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering

3rd SEKE 1991, June 27-29, 1991, Knowledge Systems Institute, Skokie, USA

    Conference Sessions:

2nd SEKE 1990, June 21-23, 1990, Knowledge Systems Institute, Skokie, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge-based Systems; Logic Programming and Knowledge Representation

1st SEKE 1989, June 15-16, 1989, Knowledge Systems Institute, Skokie, USA

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge-Based Software Design and Testing; Software Knowledge Acquisition
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