Conference of the British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK Conference)*

Conference of the British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK Conference)*

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The biennial Conference of the British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK Conference) is organized by the British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK) in cooperation with local universities and institutions.

Conference History:

8th ISKO UK Conference 2025, TBD, Virtual venue

Conference Theme: TBD
(Host: TBD)

    Conference program TBD

7th ISKO UK Conference 2023, 24-25 July 2023, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization and Information Discovery: Improving user experience, quality and trust
(Host: University of Strathclyde, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer & Information Sciences, Strathclyde iSchool Research Group, Information Engagement Group)

    Conference Sessions:
    Informatoion Behaviour and Navigation
    User Experience and Data Enrichment
    Knowledge Engineering
    Visualization and Information Discovery
    Information Quality and Impact on Users
    Subject Access and Knowledge Organization
    Doctoral Research Showcase
    Posters Session

    Panel Discussion (CANCELLED)

    Becoming Different: Information Behaviours in the Times of Personal Change

    Invited Talks:
    Citizen experiences in cultural heritage archives: a data journey
    Biases in Information Behaviour: Making (better) online choices
    Knowledge Engineering in the Language Model Era
    Improving search quality by enhancing access to metadata
    ‘Seeking Serendipity’ through Knowledge Organisation: Creating a Knowledge Infrastructure for Surprising, Meaningful Discoveries through Browsing
    Information Quality and its Impact on Enterprise Search Satisfaction
    Is an upper ontology useful?
    Visual Representations of Knowledge Structures for Information Discovery

7th ISKO UK Conference 2021, 12-16 July 2021, Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization in Exceptional Times: How Knowledge Organization helps people, organizations and societies to adapt to change
(Host: Edinburgh Napier University, School of Computing, Centre for Social Informatics)

    Note: Cancelled due to the insufficient number of submissions

    Conference program TBD

    The role of knowledge organization in knowledge management to effect change
    Knowledge organization and information architecture – how KO can be embedded in the design of apps and information systems
    Knowledge organization systems in the cloud, for linked open data and for knowledge graphs
    Knowledge organization and reality – ways of representing reality
    Content analysis, artificial intelligence and knowledge organization – the role of KO in information extraction, NLP, machine learning and data visualization
    Polarisation and social issues – how KO systems reflect different values and how it is used to combat fake news and deliver fairness
    How knowledge organization can support distributed working
    Evolution of knowledge organization – education, training, and new entrants into the domain

6th ISKO UK Conference 2019, 15-16 July 2019, City University of London, London, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The Human Position in an Artificial World: Creativity, ethics and Artificial Intelligence in knowledge organization
(Host: City University of London, Department of Library & Information Science)

    Conference Sessions:
    Opening Session; Artificial Intelligence in Knowledge Organization; Ethics in Knowledge Organization; Creativity; Creativity and Ethics; Artificial Intelligence and Taxonomies; In an AI-Supported World, Where do the Opportunities Lie for Knowledge Organization? (discussion panel); Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Organization and Retrieval; Poster Session

    Conference Workshops:
    Innovations in Knowledge Organisation (IKO) Case Study Café – Case Pitches and Discussion; Feedback Session on Insights from Case Study Cafe, Jul 15 (in collaboration with ISKO Singapore)

    Artificial Intelligence & Semantic Web Solutions; Creativity and Artificial Intelligence

    Side events:
    Knowledge Organization Meetup – ISKO UK Pre-conference get-together @ The Peasant, Jul 14

5th ISKO UK Conference 2017, 11–12 September 2017, London, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization – what’s the story? Classification, Indexing, Taxonomies and Ontologies – current state and direction of travel – Celebration of the 10th birthday of the ISKO UK chapter
(Host: Canada Water Library)

    Conference Sessions:
    Opening Session; Narrative in Knowledge Organization has a long history; Classification and indexing – the traditional story of knowledge organization; An evolving story for knowledge organization in the workplace; Stories linked to sounds and images; False narratives: developing a Knowledge Organization community response to post-truth issues; Narratives built through Linked Data; Towards the building of narratives; Narratives built through social media; Narratives built around the world; Poster Session

    The unicorn and the rhinoceros, not to mention the thesaurus: ontology and discovery in the story of knowledge organization

    Special Events:
    Presentation of ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization

4th ISKO UK Conference 2015, 13–14 July 2015, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization – making a difference: The impact of knowledge organization on society, scholarship and progress
(Host: University College London, Department of Information Studies)

    Conference Sessions:
    The difference over time; Using the classification legacy; The difference in a non-text context; The difference in a corporate environment; The future and the value of structure ; Knowledge Organization for cultural heritage ; Enhancing capabilities in the education sector; Tools and techniques to support Knowledge Organization systems management and use; From the perspective of theory; Poster Session

    Reflections on knowledge, communication and knowledge organization; Unleashing the power of data through organization: Structure and connections for meaning, learning, and discovery

3rd ISKO UK Conference 2013, 8-9 July 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Knowledge Organization – Pushing the Boundaries
(Host: University College London, Department of Information Studies)

    Conference Sessions:
    Exploring the boundaries; Evolution in working practices; Knowledge management meets knowledge organization (co-organized with UKeiG); Ontologies combine with other tools; Overcoming boundaries in Knowledge Organization Systems development; Linking divergent professional perspectives; The innovation boundary – between research and commercial take-up; Crossing the vocabulary boundary; Metadata mash-up; Research into practice (co-organized with LIRG); Taking a more fundamental approach; Crossing cultural boundaries; Sponsor’s presentations; Poster Session

    Charting the edge of chaos: challenges in mapping scientific research; The gap between enterprise search developments and information retrieval research in academic establishments

2nd ISKO UK Conference 2011, 4-5 July 2011, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Facets of Knowledge Organization: A Tribute to Professor Brian Vickery 1918-2009
(Host: University College London, Department of Information Studies)

    Conference Sessions:
    Inspired by Brian C Vickery; Exploring relationships; The big schemes – LCSH and DDC; Perspectives on resource discovery; NKOS special session: What role can Knowledge Organization Systems play in information retrieval applications? (co-organized by the NKOS European network); Organizing information: behaviour and development; The legacy of Brian C Vickery; Making it work in practice; Facets and folksonomies; Special subjects: music and mathematics; Poster Session; Sponsor’s Presentation Session

    On retrieval system theory; Information organizing: an evolutionary and developmental framework

1st ISKO UK Conference 2009, 22-23 June 2009, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Content Architecture: Exploiting and Managing Diverse Resources
(Host: University College London, School of Library, Archive and Information Studies)

    Conference Sessions:
    Multimedia Challenges; Discovery Challenges; Image Retrieval; Semantic Interoperability; Connecting and Collaborating; User Exploitation leads to User Benefit; Frameworks for Knowledge Organization; Potential of New Technologies; Mapping and Modelling; Poster Session; Vendor demonstrations

    Semantic targeting: past, present and future; e-Research and new challenges in knowledge structuring

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