International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (SunBelt)*
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The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (SunBelt), formerly the Sunbelt/Sun Belt Social Network Conference, is the official conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) since 1997 (?). From 1989-2007 the bi- and triennial European Social Network Conference (EC-SNA) took place supplementary and in conjunction with Sunbelt.
SunBelt provides an interdisciplinary venue for social scientists, mathematicians, computer scientists, ethnologists, and others to present current work in the area of social networks. Workshops and conference sessions allow individuals interested in theory, methods, or applications of social network analysis to share ideas and explore common interests.
Conference History:
2024 Sunbelt XLV International Social Network Conference, June 23-29, 2025, Sorbonne University/Sciences Po, Paris, France
Conference Theme: Social Networks, Mechanisms, and Algorithms
(Co-organizer: Groupe d’Etude des Méthodes de l’Analyse Sociologique, Sorbonne University; Centre de sociologie des organisations, Sciences Po;…)
- Conference program TBD
Pre-conference Workshops:
Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change
SBS BI: Mastering the Analysis of Words and Networks
Social Network Theory
Understanding social-ecological systems as multilevel social-ecological networks
Mediation and Moderation Analysis in ERGM using ergMargins
Bayesian exponential random graphs with Bergm
Introduction to inference with networks in R
Analysing Mobility Networks with MoNAn
Mixed methods for Social Network Analysis
The origins and history of the social network’s perspective
Advanced RSiena workshop
Mapping and Geovisualization with Social Networks
Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models (TERGMs) for dynamic networks
Multiplex social network analysis with multip2
Tidy Networks: the tidyverse and tidygraph for social network analysis in R
The analysis of longitudinal social network data using RSiena
Net-Map workshop: Increasing Social Network Knowledge through participatory mapping
Many metrics and models for network diffusion and learning
Co-occurrence and Correlation Networks
Analysis of weighted networks
Co-authors’ spatial networks analysis with Cortext Manager and Arabesque
Addressing Unprecedented Global Challenges: How to Create Structures Through Social Network Analysis to Support Team Development and Effectiveness using the Archintor® – A Transformative Framework
Modeling Relational Event Dynamics with statnet
Continuous Time Network Dynamics with statnet
Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) using statnet
Visualizing networks from the comfort of Jupyter notebooks with ipysigma
Egocentric network analysis with R
Advanced Exponential-Family Random Graph Modelling with Statnet
Valued Tie Network Modelling with Statnet
Intro to Network Analysis Tools In R
SOCITS: Integrating Social Network Analysis in Mental Health Research through Qualitative, Quantitative, Simulation, and Systems Thinking Methods
Modeling Relational Events in R Using goldfish
Introduction to Core Social Network Concepts
Walking through a Social Network Project in UCINET
Community Detection in Networks: An Overview
Simulating Complex Agent-Based Models with epiworldR: A fast and flexible ABM framework
Agent-Based Modelling for Social Good: Concepts, Tools, and Applications
Extension the relational event model
Introduction to social network analysis using R
Analysis of Multiplex Social Networks (hands-on)
Understanding Diffusion with netdiffuseR
Epidemic modeling on networks using EpiModel
Bringing Social Network Analysis into Practice: An Introduction to Using PARTNERTM CPRM for Network Data Collection and Analysis
Navigating social capital theory and literature
Advanced Modeling of Relational Events in R Using goldfish.latent
Creating New Effects in RSiena
Mapping Semantic Networks with KnowKnow
Introduction to the analysis of multilevel network dynamics using multiSiena
Introduction to Bayesian estimation of Auto-logistic actor attribute models (ALAAM) in R
Next-generation ERGMs: Scaling Up
The ACT (Activate, Connect, Transform) model to design social and collaborative interventions for implementation and action
Discovering Blockmodeling: Hands-On Analysis with BlockmodelingGUI
Fluctuating Opinions in Social Networks: A Tutorial in Bayesian Learning Methods
Introduction to Social Network Data Collection with an Emphasis on Social Survey Methods
Hyperlink Prediction on Hypergraphs Using Python
SNA Toolbox – Data Collection, Visualisation, Analysis and Rapid Reporting
Family violence in network research
Introduction and demonstration of participatory social network mapping approaches for health equity
Network Canvas: An introduction to the design, administration, and management of in-person and remote personal network studies
2024 Sunbelt XLIV International Social Network Conference, June 24-30, 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Conference Theme: Networks and Resilience
(Co-organizer: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Business School, Centre for Networks and Enterprise)
- Pre-conference Workshops:
Design and Execution of Interactive Web Application-Based Group Experiments
Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) using statnet
Introduction to Network Analysis Tools in R
Mediation and Moderation Analysis in ERGM using ergMargins
Using patent data to Study Collaboration Networks. An application with USTPO data in PatentsView
Egocentric Network Data Analysis with ERGMs
Interactive Teaching Exercises for Social Networks
Introduction to Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models (TERGMs) for dynamic networks using statnet
Many metrics and models for network diffusion
Micro-Macro Network Analysis using netmediate
Egocentric network analysis with R
Handling Missing Network Data
Introduction to Relational Event Modelling 2.0
Introduction to social networks using R
Social Network Theory
Webscraping Scientific Co-publishing Networks
Advanced Exponential-Family Random Graph Modelling with Statnet
AI & Networks
Analyzing negative and signed networks
Bayesian exponential random graphs with Bergm
Introduction to inference with networks in R
Introduction to the analysis of multilevel network dynamics using multiSiena
Micro-macro analysis: Empirically calibrated simulations with packages ‘RSiena’ and ‘ergm’
Multiplex social network analysis with multiP2
Network Visualization with R
Analyzing multilevel network dynamics using multiSiena; further topics
Analyzing the dynamics of networks and continuous behavior with RSiena
Co-occurrence and Correlation Networks
Introduction to Social Network Data Collection with an Emphasis on Social Survey Methods
Network data capture for public health within Network Canvas
Next-level Exponential Random Graph Models for large Networks
Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change
Understanding social-ecological systems as multilevel social-ecological networks
Valued Tie Network Modelling with Statnet
Analyzing the Structure and Evolution of Scientific Co-publishing Networks with RSiena
Mixed Methods Research into Social Networks
REM beyond dyads: relational hyperevent modeling with eventnet (beginners and advanced)
SBS BI: Mastering the Analysis of Words and Networks
The analysis of longitudinal social network data using RSiena
2023 Sunbelt XLIII International Social Network Conference, June 19 – July 1, 2023, Portland, OR, USA / Virtual venue
(Co-organizer: TBD)
Note: Online Workshops: June 19-24, 2023; In-person Workshops: June 27-28, 2023; In-person/online Conference: June 24 – July 1, 2023
Pre-conference In-person Workshops: (Jun 27-28)
Introduction to Network Analysis Tools in R
Spatial Social Network Analysis with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) using Statnet
Considering Research Teams as Small Social Networks Instead of Hierarchical Structures: Workshop on Stakeholders’ Participation in Science
Conducting personal networks research with Network Canvas
Modeling Relational Event Dynamics with statnet
Advanced ERGMs using statnet
Mixed Methods Research into Social Networks
From Webscraping to Social Network Analyses: Structure and Evolution of Scientific Co-publishing Networks
Using patent data for collaboration network analysis. An application with USTPO data in PatentsView
Cancelled: A Hands-On Introduction to Analyzing Social Networks with UCINET & Netdraw
Integrating SNA and Text Mining: Business Intelligence Through the SBS BI App
Longitudinal Network Analysis with SAOMs using RSiena – Beginner Level
Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change
Introduction to Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models (TERGMs) using Statnet
Cancelled: Data Collection and Network Analysis of Temporal Citation Data using the Dimensions research database
Latent network modelling for networks based on multiple (imperfect) reports: An introduction to the VIMuRe package in R and Python
Simulating Complex Agent-Based Model with epiworldR: A fast and flexible ABM framework
Interactive Tools and Teaching Methods for Motivating Social Network Thinking
Egocentric Network Data Analysis with ERGMs
Introduction to Social Network Data Collection with an Emphasis on Social Survey Methods
Pre-conference Online Workshops: (Jun 19-24)
Egocentric network analysis with R
The Emergence of Teams’ Innovativeness in an Organization — An Examination Based on Paradoxical Management in the Emergence Process
Mediation and Moderation Analysis in ERGM using ergMargins
Pushing the boundaries of social networks research in organizations: Paper development workshop to develop ideas, proposals and draft papers into high quality publications
Network visualization with R
manynet: an R package for multimodal network analysis and more
Causal Network Analysis
Using Qualtrics to Design Sociometric Surveys
The goldfish package in R
Using patent data for collaboration network analysis. An application with USTPO data in PatentsView
Simulating Complex Agent-Based Model with epiworldR: A fast and flexible ABM framework
Advanced RSiena workshop
Latent network modelling for networks based on multiple (imperfect) reports: An introduction to the VIMuRe package in R and Python
Introduction to Social Network Data Collection with an Emphasis on Social Survey Methods
Algebraic analyses and visualization of complex networks
CANCELLED: Data Collection and Network Analysis of Temporal Citation Data using the Dimensions research database
Interactive Tools and Teaching Methods for Motivating Social Network Thinking
MWnets – an R package for the analysis of multiway networks
2022 Sunbelt XLII International Social Network Conference, July 12-16, 2022, Cairns, Australia / Virtual venue
Special Conference Theme: Social Networks, Disaster Recovery and Environmental Governance in the Face of Climate Change
(Co-organizer: Swinburne University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Law, Centre for Transformative Innovation)
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for January 4-8, 2022, Melbourne, Australia
Pre-conference Workshops and Tutorials: (Jul 12)
Workshop: 14. Using Polinode: A Web Application for Collecting and Analysing Network Data (online-only)
Workshop: 18. Mediation and Moderation Analysis in ERGM using ergMargins (online-only) [Presenter: Scott
Workshop: 19. Integrating SNA and Text Mining: Business Intelligence Through the SBS BI App (hybrid)
Workshop: 25. PyNetworkshop: Hands-on tutorial on analyzing social network data in Jupyter Python (online-only)
Workshop: 28. Pushing the boundaries of organizational network research: Paper development workshop to
develop ideas, proposals and draft papers into high quality publications (online-only)
Workshop: 29. Conducting personal networks research with Network Canvas (online-only)
Workshop: 30. Creating and analysing scientific networks: A hands-on activity using open-access citationmetadata (online-only)
Workshop: 39. Analysis of complex networks with algebra (online-only)
Workshop: 43. EGONET: computer-assisted face-to-face intervention for mapping and bench-marking the social
support networks of patients with severe mental illness in routine clinical practice (hybrid)
Workshop: 49. Analyzing the dynamics of networks and continuous behavior with RSiena (online-only)
Workshop: 51. Analysis of two-mode networks based on network multiplication (online-only)
Workshop: 56. migraph: multimodal network analysis in R (online-only)
Workshop: 58. Advanced RSiena workshop (online-only)
Workshop: 61. Introduction to the analysis of network dynamics and peer influence with RSiena (onlineonly)
Workshop: 62. Micro-macro analysis: How to set up empirically calibrated social simulations in RSiena (onlineonly)
Workshop: 69. The goldfish package in R (online-only)
Workshop: 70. Network visualization with R (online-only)
Workshop: 74. Jargon-free Workshop on Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling (online-only)
Workshop: 85. Introduction to Social Network Data Collection with an Emphasis on Social Survey Methods (hybrid)
Workshop: 88. Collecting and Analysing Online Networks with VOSON R tools (online-only)
Workshop: 90. Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change (online-only)
Workshop: 95. Social Network Analysis with Mathematica (online-only)
Workshop: 100. Valued Tie Network Modelling with statnet (hybrid)
Workshop: 101. Introduction to ERGMs using Statnet (online-only)
Workshop: 102. Introduction to Modeling Temporal (dynamic) Networks using TERGMs in statnet (online-only)
Workshop: 103. Introduction to Egocentric Network Data Analysis with ERGMs using statnet (online-only)
Workshop: 104. Advanced ERGMs using statnet (hybrid)
Workshop: 105. Moving Beyond Descriptives: An Intro To Statistical Testing for Networks with Statnet (onlineonly)
Workshop: 106. Introduction to Network Analysis tools in R (online-only)
Workshop: 107. Using ‘igraph’ for SNA: advanced topics (online-only)
Workshop: 143. Modeling Relational Event Dynamics with statnet (hybrid)
Freeman Award
2021 Sunbelt XLI International Network for Social Network Analysis, July 5-10, 2021, Washington D.C., USA Virtual venue
(in conjunction with the Network Science Society Conference (NetSci), branded as Networks 2021; Host: Indiana University, Network Science Institute)
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for July 6-11, 2021
Post-conference Workshops: (Jun 21 – Jul 1)
Bayesian ERGMs with the Bergm package for R
PyNetworkshop: Analysing the Structure of Networks in Python – The Essentials, Signed Networks, and Network Optimization Session 1 ∧ 2
Introduction to the analysis of network dynamics and peer influence with RSiena: Session 1
Using ‘igraph’ for SNA: advanced topics
Introduction to Network Analysis Tools in R
Conducting personal networks research with Network Canvas
Moving beyond Descriptives: Basic Network Statistics with R/statnet
Algebraic analysis of complex social networks
Advancing organizational network research: Paper development workshop to develop ideas, proposals and draft papers into high quality publications
Micro-macro analysis: How to set up empirically calibrated social simulations in RSiena
Analysis of Multiplex Networks (hands on with Python)
Introduction to ERGMs using statnet
Analyzing the dynamics of networks and continuous behavior with RSiena
Basic and Advanced Network Visualization with R
Introduction to Egocentric Network Data Analysis with ERGMs using statnet
Introduction to Modeling Temporal (dynamic) Networks using TERGMs in statnet
Egocentric network analysis with R
Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change
Integrating SNA and Text Mining: the Semantic Brand Score BI Ap
Using Polinode: A Browser-Based Application for Collecting, Analyzing and Visualizing Network Data
Meta Network Analysis
Post-conference Satellites: (Jun 22 – Jul 2)
Low-rank models in multiple-network analysis (LRMNA)
Statistical Inference for Network Models (SINM)
Network Structure: The causes & effects of Social Phenomena
Controlling Complex Networks: When Control Theory Meets Network Science
CADRE to Enable Networks Research on the Science of Science: Workshop & Tutorial
PCNet21: Political Communication Networks
NetBioMed: Networks in Biology and Medicine
Democracy out of the balance: a Networks Perspective
DynaMo: Dynamics and motifs
Network Science and Education (NetSciEd) 2021
Networked Justice
Network Approaches to Economic Crimes
Complex Networks in Economics and Innovation
NetOpen21: modeling open innovation communities with network science
Network Neuroscience
TopoNets 2021: Networks beyond pairwise interactions
Power-net: complex network approaches towards stable power grids
Community Structure in Networks
MultiNet Satellite
Opinion and Language Dynamics (OpLaDyn)
Higher-Order Models in Network Science (HONS 2021)
Quantifying Success
2020 Sunbelt XL International Social Network Conference, July 13-17, 2020, 2020, Paris, France Virtual venue
(Co-organizers: National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS); Sciences Po Paris)
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for June 2-7, 2020
Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
Simplifying ego-centered network analysis in R with egor (Jun 22); An Introduction to Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) (Jun 24); Handling Missing Network Data (Jun 26); Advancing organizational network research: Paper development workshop to develop ideas, proposals and draft papers into high quality publications (Jul 1); Multimode networks and projections: Methods and applications (Jul 15); … Introduction to Social Network Data Collection with an Emphasis on Social Survey Methods (Aug 11); Moving Beyond Descriptives – HYPOTHESIS TESTING FOR SNA WITH STATNET/R (Aug 18); Method Selection and Adaptation (Aug 19)
COVID-19 satellite, Jul 20-22
2019 Sunbelt XXXIX International Social Network Conference, June 18-23, 2019, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada
(Co-organizers: Département de communication sociale et publique, Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 18-19): …
2018 Sunbelt XXXVIII International Social Network Conference, June 26-July 1, 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands
(Co-organizers: Departments of Sociology at Utrecht University, University of Groningen, and University of Amsterdam)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 26-27): …
2017 Sunbelt XXXVII International Social Network Conference, May 30–June 4, 2017, Beijing, China
(Co-organizers: Chinese Network for Social Network Studies, the Tsinghua Center for Social Network Research of Tsinghua University, and the Institute for Empirical Social Science Research of Xi’an Jiaotong University)
- Pre-conference Workshops (May 30-31): …
2016 Sunbelt XXXVI International Social Network Conference, April 5-10, 2016, Newport Beach, CA, USA
(Co-organizers: )
- Workshops: …
2015 Sunbelt XXXV International Social Network Conference, June 23-28, 2015, Brighton, UK
(Co-organizers: University of Manchester, Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis; University of Greenwich, Department of International Business and Economics)
- Workshops: …
2014 Sunbelt XXXIV International Social Network Conference, February 18-23, 2014, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA
(Co-organizers: University of South Florida, Department of Anthropology; University of Florida, Department of Anthropology)
- Workshops: …
2013 Sunbelt XXXIII International Social Network Conference, May 21-26, 2013, Hamburg, Germany
(Co-organizers: Hamburg University, Department of Social Ecomomics, Institute of Sociology, Institute of Ethnology)
- Workshops: …
2012 Sunbelt XXXII International Social Network Conference, March 13-18, 2012, Redondo Beach, CA, USA
(Co-organizers: University of Southern California; National Institute of Health; University of California, Los Angeles)
- Workshops: …
2011 Sunbelt XXXI International Social Network Conference, February 8-13, 2011, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA
(Co-organizers: University of South Florida, Department of Anthropology; University of Florida, Department of Anthropology)
- Workshops:
Relational Text Analysis and Network Analysis: From AutoMap to ORA; Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data with UCINET and NetDraw; visone Tutorial; Introduction to Social Network Analysis with R; Introduction to the Modeling of Networks; Networks for Newbies & Network Data Collection (Combined); Moving Beyond Descriptives: An Introduction to Basic Network Statistics with statnet; Mapping your field without going crazy: A new software and approach to citation network data sampling and collection through Google Scholar; Introduction to Exponential-family Random Graph (ERG or p*) modeling with statnet; Network Data Collection, Analysis, and Visualization via C-IKNOW; Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) and ORA; Advanced Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw; Pajek Workshop: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using SIENA; Mixed Methods Research Designs for Ego-centered Social Networks; VennMaker – A Software for participative visualization, interpretation and analysis of social networks; Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change; NetworkX introduction: Hacking social networks using the Python programming language; tnet: Software for Analysis of Weighted, Two-mode, and Longitudinal networks; Sci2 and NWB – Network Analysis and Visualization
2010 Sunbelt XXX International Social Network Conference, June 29-July 4, 2010, Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, Trento, Italy
(Co-organizers: University of Trento, Sociology and Social Research Department)
- Workshops:
Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data with UCINET and NetDraw; Introduction to the Modeling of Networks; Networks for Newbies; tnet: Software for Analysis of Weighted, Two-mode, and Longitudinal networks; Advanced Social Network Analysis using UCINET; Collecting Social Network Data; Jacob’s Ladder 12 and NetXML (CANCELLED); VennMaker – A New Software for participative visualization, interpretation and analysis of social networks; Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change; visone – Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks; Mixed Methods Research Designs for Ego-centered Social Networks; Pajek Workshop : Analysis of Large Networks; Relational Text Analysis and Network Analysis: From AutoMap to ORA; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using SIENA; NetworkX introduction: Hacking social networks using the Python programming language; Introduction to Exponential-family Random Graph (ERG or p*) modeling with statnet
2009 Sunbelt XXIX International Social Network Conference, March 10-15, 2009, San Diego, CA, USA
(Co-organizers: University of Southern California; National Institute of Health; University of California, Los Angeles)
- Workshops:
Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET and NetDraw; Pajek workshop: Analysis of Large Networks; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using SIENA; The Practice of Exponential family Random Graph (ERG or p*) modeling; Networks for Newbies; Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change; Using (Excel) .NetMap for Social Network Analysis (Excel); Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) and the DNA toolkit ORA; Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) and AutoMap; Network Genie: Online Social Network Survey Data Collection; Mixed Methods Research Designs for Ego-centered Social Networks; An Introduction to Analytic and Game Theoretic Tools for Network Modeling; Collecting Social Network Data; Visualizing and Analyzing Scientific Literature with CiteSpace; Social Network Analysis in Business
2008 Sunbelt XXVIII International Social Network Conference, January 22-28, 2008, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA
(Co-organizers: University of South Florida, Department of Anthropology; University of Florida, Department of Anthropology)
- Workshops:
Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET and NetDraw; Pajek workshop: Analysis of Large Networks; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using SIENA; Networks for Newbies; The Practice of Exponential family Random Graph (ERG or p*) modeling; Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change
2007 Sunbelt XXVII International and 8th European Social Network Conference, May 1-6, 2007, Corfu, Greece
(Co-organizers: University of Patras; Ionian University; University of the Aegean)
- Workshops:
Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET and NetDraw; Pajek workshop: Analysis of Large Networks; SocioMetrica Suite: EgoNet and VisuaLyzer; Concepts and Practice of Exponential random graph (ERG or p*) modeling; Networks for Newbies; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using SIENA; Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change (CANCELLED); Methodology of social networks within social research (Session in Spanish)
2006 Sunbelt XXVI International Social Network Conference, April 25-30, 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada
(Co-organizers: Simon Fraser University, School of Communication, Instructional Media Centre)
- Workshops:
Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET and NetDraw; Pajek workshop: Analysis of Large Networks; SocioMetrica Suite: EgoNet, LinkAlyzer, VisuaLyzer; Exponential random graph (ERG or p*) models; MultiNet; Networks for Newbies; SIENA; Social Network Approaches for Behavior Change
Satellite Symposium:
Sex, Drugs, and Social Networks, Apr 24-25
2005 Sunbelt XXV International Social Network Conference, February 16-21, 2005, Redondo Beach, CA, USA
(Co-organizers: University of Southern California; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Los Angeles)
- Workshops:
Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET and NetDraw; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data; Pajek workshop: Analysis of Large Networks; Networks for Newbies; MultiNet
2004 Sunbelt XXIV International and 7th European Social Network Conference, May 12-16, 2004, Portoroz, Slovenia
(Co-organizers: University of Ljubljana, Department of Sociology)
- Workshops:
Pajek workshop: Analysis of Large Networks; Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET and NetDraw; IV Mesa Hispana para el análisis de redes sociales; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data; Networks for Newbies
Satellite Symposium:
Dynamics of Networks and Behavior, May 10-11
2003 Sunbelt XXIII International Social Network Conference, February 12-16, 2003, Cancun, Mexico
(Co-organizers: Research Institute for Applied Mathematics and Systems, National Autonomous University of Mexico (IIMAS-UNAM); Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez)
- Workshops:
Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek; Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET, Pajek and NetDraw; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data; MultiNet; Networks for Newbies; Introducción al Análisis de Datos de Redes; Useful Graph Theoretic Models for Structure in the Social Sciences (CANCELLED)
2002 Sunbelt XXII International Social Network Conference, February 13-17, 2002, New Orleans, LA, USA
(Co-organizers: Louisiana State University, Sociology)
- Workshops:
Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek; Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET; Using the Social Network Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data; Networks for Newbies
2001 Sunbelt XXI International and 6th European Social Network Conference, April 25-29, 2001, Budapest, Hungary
(Co-organizers: Hungarian Academy of Science, Institute of Sociology; TARKI Social Research Centre; Research Group for Communication Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Eotvos Lorand University)
- Workshops:
The analysis of longitudinal social network data; A Non-Technical Introduction to Social Network Analysis; Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data; Microfoundations of Social Networks; “Spanish Session”: El analisis de redes sociales en Espana y Latinoamerica
2000 Sunbelt XX International Social Network Conference, April 13-17, 2000, Vancouver, BC, Canada
(Co-organizers: Simon Fraser University, School of Communication, Instructional Media Centre)
- Workshops:
Applications of social network analysis to infectious diseases; theory and practice; The analysis of longitudinal social network data; Networks for Newbies; Introduction to the Analysis of Network Dat; Introduction to the Web-Lab; MultiNet; Computational Modeling and Analysis; Introduction to and Applications of p*
1999 Sunbelt XIX International Social Network Conference, February 18-21, 1999, Charleston, SC, USA
(Co-organizers: Department of sociology at the University of South Carolina)
- Workshops:
A Non-Technical Introduction to Social Network Analysis; Generating Images of Networks; Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data; Workshop on p*: Introduction, Generalizations, and Applications
1998 Sunbelt XVIII International and 5th European Social Network Conference, May 28-31, 1998, Sitges (near Barcelona), Spain
(Co-organizers: Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
- (Pre-conference) Workshops:
El analisis de redes en Espana y Latinoamerica; An Introduction to Network Analysis; Rational Choice and Social Networks; Pajek – Workshop; A Non-Technical Introduction to Social Network Analysis; Graph Theory Basics, the Heart of Network Analysis
1997 Sunbelt XVII International Social Network Conference, February 13 -17, 1997, San Diego, CA, USA
(Co-organizers: Program in Social Networks at the University of California, Irvine (Department of Sociology); Department of Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh)
- Workshops:
Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data; Graph Theory Basics, the Heart of Network Analysis; A Non-Technical Introduction to Social Network Analysis
1996 Sunbelt XVI International Social Network Conference, Charleston, SC, USA
1995 Sunbelt XV International and 4th European Social Network Conference, London, UK
1994 Sunbelt XIV International Social Network Conference, February 17-20, 1994, New Orleans, LA, USA
3rd European Conference on Social Network Analysis (EC-SNA), June 10-13, 1993, München, Germany
1993 Sunbelt XIII International Social Network Conference, February 11-14, 1993, Tampa, FL, USA
1992 Sunbelt XII International Social Network Conference, February 13–17, 1992, San Diego, CA, USA
2nd European Conference on Social Network Analysis (EC-SNA), June 20-22, 1991, Paris, France
1991 Sunbelt XI Social Network Conference, Tampa, FL, USA
1990 Sunbelt X Social Network Conference, San Diego, CA, USA
1st European Conference on Social Network Analysis (EC-SNA), June 29-30, 1989, Groningen, The Netherlands
1989 Sunbelt IX Social Network Conference, Tampa, FL, USA
1988 Sunbelt VIII Social Network Conference, San Diego, CA, USA
1987 Sunbelt VII Social Network Conference, Clearwater, FL, USA
1986 Sunbelt VI Social Network Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
1985 SUNBELT V Social Network Conference, February 14-17, 1985, Palm Beach, FL, USA
(Co-organizers: University of South Florida, Department of Anthropology; University of Florida, Department of Anthropology)
1984 SUNBELT IV Social Network Conference, February 7-9, 1984, Phoenix, AZ, USA
(Co-organizers: Arizona State University, Center for Public Affairs & Department of Anthropology)
1983 SUN BELT III Social Network Conference, February 11-13, 1983, San Diego, CA, USA
(Co-organizers: University of California at Irvine, Department of Sociology, Program in Comparative Culture and Graduate Program in Social Networks)
1982 SUN BELT II Social Network Conference, February 12-14, 1982, Tampa, Florida, USA
(Co-organizers: University of South Florida, Department of Anthropology; University of Florida, Department of Anthropology)
1981 SUN BELT I Social Network Conference, February 20-22, 1981, Tampa, Florida, USA
(Co-organizers: University of South Florida, Department of Anthropology; University of Florida, Department of Anthropology)