#KMedu tweets of week 28/2015
- (Status) The Knowledge Counselor: Abstract: “Knowledge counseling” can be defined as a professional servi… http://bit.ly/1fzh38A #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) Knowledge management’s core function: guardian or guide?: Abstract: What is knowledge management… http://bit.ly/1HwldUH #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) The 6 Factors of Knowledge Worker Productivity: Chapter 2 – When is a worker a Knowledge Worker? http://www.advanced-workplace.com/when-is-a-worker-a-knowledge-worker/ … via @amawson #kmers
- (Status) Das KnowledgeCamp 2015 im Rückblick – http://xing.com/r/TTrDT via @c_o_k | @GfWM_KnowCamp #gkc15 #KMedu #Germany
- (Status) How to sustain Knowledge Management: Many Knowledge Management initiatives fail to get going. Other… http://bit.ly/1KW9wfn #KM #KMers
- (Status) "People are at the heart of any knowledge ecosystem." Our webinar on effective KM programs is live now: http://irrevo.com/webinar/ #kmers
- (Status) RT @jaegerWM: Weiterbildungsmaster Wissensmanagement @MWMHannover http://xing.com/r/Twi8y | #KMedu #Germany
- (Status) Einladung: GfWM KnowledgeCamp „Wissen auf Wanderschaft“ – http://xing.com/r/Twiu7 24/25.08., @DUK_KIM #gkcö15 #WIMAkrems #KMers
- (Status) Good Elevator Pitch on Knowledge Management and Big Data Course Introduction | @scoopit http://sco.lt/4lrj5F
- (Status) Big kudos to @MA_NonprofitNet for leading the way in education about #knowledgemanagement! https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7849730535762310402 … @annkissam #km #nptech
- (Status) Our newest certificate course on #KnowledgeManagement is launching in a week: http://j.mp/1KGA59L #km pic.twitter.com/twMsdoKlJu
- (Status) #CFP DIKM 2015: International Conference on #Data, Information and Knowledge Management http://ow.ly/P4C5F #China pic.twitter.com/fdVCLMZiTu
- (Status) Register for the 17th Knowledge Management/Knowledge Services Workshop|Boma Hotel,Nairobi http://eepurl.com/bslnzT
- (Status) APQC's MENA #KnowledgeManagement #Conference. November 18-19 2015 #Dubai, #UAE kmconference.me info@kmconference.me pic.twitter.com/wt8oGFSl5I

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