#KMedu tweets of week 37/2015
- (Status) Chief Knowledge Officer Wanted!: Abstract: One of the key challenges for business executives in … http://bit.ly/1QwX3jB #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) Chief Knowledge Officer and Reward Structures: Abstract: There is only one way under high Heaven… http://bit.ly/1QwX32T #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) RT @TheCR: Episode #32 of "Conversations with Community Managers" is now live! http://www.communityroundtable.com/podcasts/ivonne-smith/ … #cmgr
- (Status) #PKMChat Topic today inspired by "12 Principles of Knowledge Management" by Verna Allee @vernaallee #kmers 4PM ET! pic.twitter.com/Ji7VA4z17l
- (Status) What is knowledge management? [Video assignment for KM course] #lifeincbus #downtown #knowledge #gradschool https://vimeo.com/138471597
- (Status) Knowledge Management http://www.techtrainit.com/courses/knowledge-management/ … via @@TechTrainIT
- (Status) Thanks to all who attended our #KnowledgeManagement seminar in DC last week! Best of luck with all the great ideas you generated!
- (Status) -Strngthng Knowledge Management Capacities to support Agriculture & Forestry Policies workshop has commenced in Vanuatu.#VuKMPol #Intra_APP
- (Status) The KIN Daily is out! http://paper.li/KINWBS/1332711655?edition_id=3c012510-546b-11e5-afbd-002590a5ba2d … Stories via @KMeducation
- (Status) KMedu Hub’s weekly tweets – week 36/15: (Status) Designing the Knowledge Management Team: Abstra… http://bit.ly/1OmRrH1 #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) The Knowledge Management Implementation Team: Abstract: Creating a knowledge management organisa… http://bit.ly/1OmRuma #KMedu #KMers

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