#KMedu tweets of week 44/2015
- (Status) Knowledge Management not about flashing dopy certificates: Abstract: Just look around and marvel… http://bit.ly/20jQFlL #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) Certification for knowledge management professionals: Abstract: As knowledge management has incr… http://bit.ly/20jQFlJ #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) 19 days to go: Have you secured your seat yet? There's still time http://ow.ly/SQOvw #KMAsia2015 pic.twitter.com/dWq8AIvQbd
- (Status) Very excited-I'm signed up for "The "Knowledge on a Mission" Conference" next Friday. There's still room http://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-knowledge-on-a-mission-conference-tickets-18958524457 #km #kmers
- (Status) NY/NJ/PA Area Knowledge Management (SIKM) Get Together: In the Yahoo! Group of the Systems Integ… http://bit.ly/1ip6NQA #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) Just booked for #Cynefin & Sense-Making with @snowded in London. Check it out on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/cynefin-sense-making-london-tickets-13303686685?aff=eiospostshretwtr&ref=eiospostshretwtr … pic.twitter.com/6UeJH2kHV9
- (Status) Robert Bosch (D): Praktikant/in im Bereich Kompetenz- und Wissensmanagement: Company: Robert Bos… http://bit.ly/1LBun7h #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) Société Générale (F): Stage Knowledge management et collaboratif: Company: Société Générale Loca… http://bit.ly/1LBun7f #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) Life Changes Trust (GB): Insight and Knowledge Management Intern: Company: Adopt an Intern Locat… http://bit.ly/1GI6xYv #KMedu #KMers
- (Status) Design Thinking workshop for Knowledge Management solution at loveLife with SAP Social Sabbatical team loveLife. pic.twitter.com/JEn8mnEBxI
- (Status) We are running some workshops on the future of Information Management and Knowledge Management #IKM http://buff.ly/1O3gEd7
- (Status) HAPPY TO SHARE…. passed out my PhD exams related to "QUALITY and KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT" with distinctions… Shall earn the 'Dr'. followe…
- (Status) This week's #ACDigPed workshop: "Social Bookmarking as a Knowledge Management Practice" http://ow.ly/TRiNj pic.twitter.com/ttB0LQXBdm

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