#KMedu tweets of week 15/2016
Gestão do Conhecimento aplicada à Gestão de #Projetos: workshop com @beto_do_valle e @monicarottmann http://goo.gl/QMjNQ3 #KM #KMers
Knowledge management Workshop will change Motherland ‘Africa’
Thank Organizers and beloved Folk! -
I am excited to be heading to ACEC’s Convention in DC to give a seminar on using Knowledge Management to drive profits #ACECAnnual2016
#WW Knowledge Management Overviews: includes links to KM 101 resources https://www.linkedin.com/hp/update/6126038947454791680 … #KM #KMers
All is well on our #Knowledgemanagement course in #Brussels… http://www.imainternational.com/…/Knowledge+Management pic.twitter.com/IFULiOoxjC
Belajar Sosial Media di Workshop Knowledge Management Program Kerjasama RI-UNiCEF 2016 @UNICEF #PokjaAMPL #WASH pic.twitter.com/0PPbIV9buL
Modelling individual KM competencies (new article in Educating Knowledge Managers series) http://realkm.com/2016/04/13/modelling-individual-km-competencies-ekm-series/ … #km #kmers #competence
Improve your Knowledge Management skills – Win a KCS course in booth B4 #itsmfno16pic.twitter.com/NXUv6omZiZ
Where are the growing sectors for Knowledge Management? http://bit.ly/23trUYy #KM #KMers #knoco
the draft program for the IFLA 2016 Knowledge Management Satellite Conference now online: https://sites.google.com/site/ifla2016km/program … #IFLAKM @IFLA
International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS)*: The … http://bit.ly/1SwoPeT #KMedu #KMers
JEKPOT Knowledge Management Tracks*: Scopo del JEKPOT Knowledge Management Tracks è presentare s… http://bit.ly/1UY3BNl #KMedu #KMers

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