Knowledge Café Meetup Group

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The Knowledge Café Meetup group, also branded as the Gurteen Knowledge Café Club or Washington, DC Knowledge Café, hosted by STRATactical International, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


Knowledge Cafes, Virtual Open Houses, Workshops, etc.

  • May 2024: Can we combine Design Thinking and Data Science?
  • Feb 2024: What impact does the Conversational Leadership “AI coach” have? (full title: Practicing Conversation with our Conversational Leadership AI Coach – What is your conversational awareness?)
  • Jan 2024: How does AI impact our practice of Conversational Leadership?
  • Dec 2023: What is Conversational Leadership? How do I practice it?
  • Apr 2023: What is “communityship”? How is it different from leadership?
  • Mar 2023: Facilitating Conversational Leadership (literally, in a virtual world) (venue: QUBE – avatar-based virtual world)
  • Jan 2023: Radical Knowledge Management: evolving knowledge for a changing world
  • Nov 2022: What was the (KMGN) HacKMthon and its impact?
  • Oct 2022: Two experts. 30 years. Retirement. Now what? (online)
  • Sep 2022: How do we include a wider range of voices in online conversations? (online)
  • Jun 2022: Two experts. 30 years. Retirement. Now what? (online; POSTPONED)
  • May 2022: How does creating and making meaning in the workplace influence motivation, performance, and resilience? (online)
  • Apr 2022: How do knowledge teams continue to keep the Knowledge Management spark alive? (online)
  • Mar 2022: Communities are like a garden (easy & hard). How did I work through challenges? (online)
  • Feb 2022: Lessons that really work – what’s the case for Case Based Learning? (online)
  • Jan 2022: Does the Complexity of Today’s Working World Make you Feel In-Over-Your-Head? ((online)
  • Nov 2021: How do you map the path of knowledge, information, and decisions in your org? (online)
  • Oct 2021: How Does a Systems Convening Perspective Inform Your Work? (online)
  • Sep 2021: Knowledge Management is hard to measure, but what if we ask an Evaluation expert? (online)
  • Aug 2021: People aren’t robots. How can we save the intellectual/emotional aspects of Knowledge Management? (online)
  • Jul 2021: Knowledge Management: Don’t start small. Start small AND usable. But how? (online)
  • Jun 2021: Is “Work Out Loud” limited by your local situation/environment, and if so, why? (online)
  • May 2021: Do KMers have a role in convening and caring for communities in the workplace? (online)
  • Apr 2021: It’s Hard Enough for an Individual to Change, How Can an Organization Possibly Change? (online)
  • Mar 2021: How does an Italian passionately draw an “organizational knowledge map”? (online)
  • Feb 2021: A rose by any other name, how do we elevate Knowledge Management (KM)? (online)
  • Jan 2021: The Top 5 Lies We Tell Ourselves in Organizations (online)
  • Nov 2020: What is the most important conversation you need right now? (virtual open space)
  • Oct 2020: Dynamic ReTeaming – Coaching Teams Through Change (online)
  • Sep 2020: What’s Knowledge Management really worth? Exploring a business case with a Chief Financial Officer (online)
  • Aug 2020: How Can Knowledge Management Increase Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Startup Landscape? (online)
  • Jul 2020: What are the personal and organizational benefits of ISO 30401? (online)
  • Jun 2020: What is fueling our inability to have the conversations to heal this country? (online)
  • May 2020: How can you lead change in your organization? (especially! virtual knowledge cafe)
  • Apr 2020: How does “visual mapping” support decision making in organizations? (online)
  • Feb 2020: How do Knowledge Management and Diversity & Inclusion Create a Shared Strategy? (online)
  • Oct 2019: How can you use “Story Thinking” to improve Knowledge Sharing? (online)
  • Jul 2019: How can you stimulate better conversation? (Johari Window model) (online)
  • Jun 2019: New International Standard for Knowledge Management (ISO 30401)
  • May 2019: What inspires you? Have you deeply considered your inspirational patterns? (online)
  • Apr 2019: Shall we apply Project Management to Knowledge Management,or vice versa,or both? (online); (KMI Showcase: Come join us at the annual KM Showcase!)
  • Mar 2019: 40 Knowledge Management projects, only have funding for 5, where do you start? (online)
  • Oct 2018: What does “embodied leadership” look like? (online)
  • Aug 2018: Knowledge Cafe @gov930 KIDM Conference: How to Build Knowledge Management program to actual implementation (Joint event with the Knowledge Management Community DC (KMCDC)); Orshy Organization Workshop: Strategies for building successful partnerships that make successful organizations (Free)
  • Jun 2018: How Can Learning be Activated Across Organizational Boundaries?; Conversational Leadership (Virtual Open House)
  • May 2018: How do you Balance “Free Speech” and “Hurtful Speach”?
  • Apr 2018: How Can Ecperts Share and Innovate Across Different Disciplines? (Online event)
  • Feb 2018: Does Technology Help or Hurt our Ability to Learn?
  • Nov 2017: How Does Virtial Leadership Work Across Generations?
  • Oct 2017: How to Handle Difficult Conversations?
  • Sep 2017: Knowledge Cafe @gov930 KIDM Conference: What is the Future of Knowledge management? (Joint event with the Knowledge Management Community DC (KMCDC))
  • Aug 2017: How do We Develop Critical, Strategic Thinkers Later in their Careers?
  • Jul 2017: Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer – BAS Systems
  • May 2017: (CANCELLED?) What’s the Future of Organizational Learning
  • Apr 2017: Internaltional Learning – What’s Your Personal Culture?
  • Mar 2017: (POSTPONED) Internaltional Learning – What’s Your Personal Culture?

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