Knowledge Management Group of Philadelphia (KMG-P)*
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

The Knowledge Management Group of Philadelphia (KMG-P), also known as the Philadelphia Chapter of the Knowledge Management Group (PKMG) or in short the Philly KMers, 1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Monthly (networking) events & webinars
KMedu relevant meetings
- Jun 2007
What to Leave In, What to Leave Out: Contents of a KM Graduate Course
Presenter: Dr. Eric W. Stein, Associate Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, Management Division, Penn State Great Valley - Apr 2000
Building The Baseline — To Improve The Bottom Line: Knowledge Management Competencies For The Real World
Presenter: Tom Childers and Kathy Shelfer, College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University
Tom Childers and Kathy Shelfer will brief you on what’s happening in KM education and research at Drexel – their efforts to find the “knowledge levers” that make a difference. They will give you their matrix of core competencies required for KM professionals, how they are teaching it – and the real world impact their students have on their corporations’ bottom lines.
- Knowledge Management Camp Philadelphia (KMCampPhilly) 2011 (planned) 2)
The KMCampPhilly is an unconference, which is a community-driven exercise in learning, networking and community building.