Knowledge Day Singapore (K-day Singapore)*

Knowledge Day Singapore (K-day Singapore)*

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The Knowledge Day Singapore (K-day Singapore), also known as Knowledge Management Day or Knowledge and Innovation Day, quasi-successor of the Knowledge Management Singapore (KMSG) conference series, is a one day mini conference and sharing session to learn from the successful Knowledge Management (KM) strategies of Singaporean organizations. A day to learn & share. K-day was introduced in 2019 as a day for KMS members and members of the public service.

It is organized by the Knowledge Management Society (KMS), formerly known as the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS).

The Knowledge Management Singapore (KMSG) conference, formerly branded as KM Singapore and iKMS (Practitioner’s) Conference, was an annual two- or three-days event. It aimed to bring together the Knowledge Management community to interact and learn about the latest Knowledge Management developments. The KM Singapore Conference was about conversations not monologues, practice not theory, practitioners not vendors.

The presentation ceremony of the Knowledge Ready Organisation (KRO) Awards (2015-2018, 2022) and the Knowledge Management (KM) Excellence Awards (2008-2010, 2012) have been organized in conjunction with KM Singapore.

KRO Awards Winners
KM Excellence Award Winners

Conference History:

Knowledge Day Singapore 2024, 5 June 2024, Singapore Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Singapore Strategies for Success

    Note: The Knowledge Day was originally planned as onsite event in mid-May. In the same time there was a conflict with a workshop organized by ACIES Innovations for which the persons responsible for KMS work. A note that the K-day is postponed again or cancelled wasn’t made public.

    Conference program TBD

Knowledge Day Singapore, 22 March 2023, NTU@one-north, Singapore

Conference Theme: Moving Forward (Towards the New Knowledge Management Landscape)

    Note: The event, aka Knowledge Management Day Singapore, was originally scheduled for February 3 and for January 10, 2022 as regular session titeled “An overview on the KM ISO 30401 and the KRO”, in an online mode. After that it was scheduled for 24 February 2023 as KMS K-day with the theme “Knowledge Management Readiness”

    The New Knowledge Management Landscape (w. Open Floor Discussion)
    Telling Your Organisation’s Story – Narative
    Leveraging on the KM Global Network

    KM Success Stories Presentations:
    Strides International Business
    Community Justice Center (KRO Commendation Award 2017)
    Center of Healthcare Innovation
    National Council of Social Services (KRO Award 2015 & 2017)

    Knowledge Ready Organisation (KRO) Awards Ceremony

19th KMSG 2022, 12-13 October 2022, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Virtual venue

Conference theme: Sustainable Knowledge Management (was: Knowledge Sustainability or Global Knowledge Management – The Knowledge Management Future (A Global Collaboration Event))
(In collaboration with the Knowledge Management Global Network; In conjunction with the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information 30th anniversary)

    Note: 12 October in-person, 13 October online; The conference was originally scheduled for October 12 as virtual event.

    Setting the Stage:
    Sustainable Knowledge Management

    Why Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) & Sustainability Matters
    The Essential Data & Analytics Trends for Business & Technology Dynamics
    The Future of Knowledge Management
    Radical Knowledge Management
    The Circular Economy of Knowledge Management

    The Next Wave:
    Sustaining Knowledge management at the Global Level – Why Being Part of the Knowledge Management Global Network Matters

    KRO Award Presentation
    Being a Sustainable Knowledge Ready Organisation

    Co-located Workshops:
    Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN) HacKMthon, Oct 12, Australia (Melbourne) | Austria | India (Bangalore) | Israel (Reut) | Russia (Moscow) | Singapore | Thailand (Bangkok) & Virtual venue

    Show me the KMoney! what’s our Return on Knowledge Management? What’s our K-Value Proposition?
    How to Evolve our Culture to be Knowledge-friendly?
    KM2035 – How to Get Prepared for the Future of Knowledge Management?
    What’s in it for K(Me)? How to best Engage our Knowledge Workers?

    Pre-HacKMthon Activities:
    (CANCELLED) Sep 2022: Global Knowledge Management Challenges – Ideas & Topics for HacKMthon (Workshop)
    Aug 10, 2022: Global Virtual Collaboration (Webinar)
    Jun/Jul 2022: Knowledge Management Challenges (Global Survey)

18th KMSG 2021, 17 December 2021, Virtual venue

Conference theme: 2021lluminate – Reigniting the Knowledge Organization
(In co-operation with the Knowledge Management Global Network)

    Note: 1/2 day conference; The KMSG 2021 was originally scheduled for September and then July 2021.

    Conference Presentations:
    Knowledge Management Resilience (Opening)
    (Data + Decision) x Science, the Meeting Point of Data Science and Decision Science
    Digital Transformation with Storytelling
    Design Thinking – How to Keep Knowledge Management Relevant and Improve UX in a Human Centered Space
    The Colourful World of Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management – Trends and Insights for a Changing Landscape (was: The Changing Landscape of Managing Knowledge)
    The Future of Hybrid Workplace (Closing)

    Alternative July 2021 Event:
    Pulse Check on your Organisation’s Knowledge Readiness: Is Your Organization Ready to face the Challenges of tomorrow?, Jun 30, 2021, Virtual venue

    Building a Resilient Workforce
    The Future of Work
    Being a Knowledge Ready organisation
    AFCONS Infrastructure – Quickfire session with a Knowledge Ready organisation

17th KMSG 2020, 24 July – 20 November 2020, Singapore Virtual venue

Conference theme: Knowledge Management in the Next Decade

    Note: Announced is a “Three months online conference covering seven sessions” (7/20); The conference was originally scheduled for 27-28 August 2020

    Technology Opportunities & Challenges for Knowledge Management in the Coming Decade / 20 Nov 2020
    Principles for the Knowledge Manager: A Puzzle Solver’s Toolset / 6 Nov 2020
    Building a Successful Data Driven Enterprise / 23 Oct 2020
    Values Driven Leadership in the Next Decade / Oct 9, 2020
    Managing Knowledge Through Crisis and Disruptions: The Need to ‘Know’ Yesterday, Plan Today, Be Ready for Tomorrow. / Sep 25, 2020
    The Worst Knowledge Manager in History (in conjunction with the “Worst Knowledge Manager in the World Award”; planned was: The Six Economies of Knowledge Management) / Sep 11, 2020
    The Psychology of Knowledge Sharing / Aug 28, 2020
    Creating Insight-Driven Opportunity & Value / Aug 5, 2020
    The Changing Landscape of Knowledge Management / Jul 24, 2020

16th KMSG 2019, 29-30 August 2019, Lifelong Learning Institute, Singapore

Conference theme: Smart Organisations: A Knowledge based Enterprise for Society 5.0 (was: Smart Organisations: Sustaining as a knowledge enterprise in the digital transformative age)

    Smart Organizations: Changing Paradigms
    Tackling Cybersecurity with Knowledge
    Performance Learning
    Enterprise Agility
    Knowledge Management Technologies in the Age of Digitalisation

    Presentations: (Sharing Sessions)
    Crossing the Cognitive chasm
    Future of Work
    Workplace for the Public Service: Learnings and Challenges
    Story telling in today’s digital and AI arena
    Knowledge Management (KM) Skills and Competencies (interactive session)
    Data Story-teller – Data Storytelling for effective communications
    Coaching for Change

    Panel Discussions:
    Smart Organisations for knowledge based enterprises

    Knowledge Ready Organisations (KRO) Success Stories
    Table Breakout Session: Breakfast Roundtable Discussions

    Associated Events:
    KMS K-day, 29 May 2019, Lifelong Learning Institute, Singapore
    (Co-organizer: Lifelong Learning Institute, SkillsFuture Singapore)

    Knowledge Centric Expertise in a digital world for Smart Organisations
    Gallup’s philosophy and practice on Transformation
    How organisations can learn faster with mobile micro-learning and get digitally ready
    Conversational leadership
    Hands on learning on getting your organisation the Knowledge ready

15th KMSG 2018, 29-31 August 2018, Microsoft Singapore, Singapore

Conference theme: TRANSformation: Reinterpreting Knowledge Management in the Digital Transformation Wave

    Note: KMSG 2018 was announced for 2-4 July 2018 at the Lifelong Learning Institute with the theme “Transformation: Reinterpreting Knowledge Management as Key Element of Innovation, Co.creation, and Learning”

    Leadership drives transformation
    Re-Imagine the Modern Workplace: What’s after Sharepoint?
    Knowledge Management transformation must consider “how” we do things, and not just “what” we do
    Moving beyond a one-hit wonder: Aow to leverage Knowledge Management to innovate effectively and consistently
    Transformational Knowledge Management as an integral part of business
    Internet of Theings: Another nice to have or more than that?
    Knowledge Reinvented

    KNOWledge driven transformation for sustained performance
    Social listening & engagement: Managing relationships in the digital age
    Knowledge Ready Organization (KRO) and ISO Knowledge Mangaement
    KMS – SENSE Strategic Partnership
    Sharings from Creative Melbourne

    Knowledge Management Success Stories:
    Shell, Mendaki, Hong Kong Police Force

    Panel Discussion
    Top Table Discussions

    Post-conference Masterclasses (Aug 31):
    Transforming mindsets – Leading the way with innovation
    Leading knowledge driven transformation for sustained success
    Te secret sauce in effecting transformation: It’s not about developing one mindset, it’s about developing many (agile) mindsets
    Social Listening & Engagement Managing Relations in the Digital Age

    Knowledge Ready Organization (KRO) Awards Presentation & Ceremony

14th KMSG 2017, 12-13 October 2017, Lifelong Learning Institute, Singapore

Conference Theme: Energizing Innovation Through Creative Knowledge

    Learning before, during and ongoing for co-creation of new knowledge
    Securing your organisation’s knowledge DNA, as a critical business asset
    Lifelong Learning: lessons from Leonardo da Vinci
    From Communities of Practice to Communities of Interest (CoI)

    Conference Workshops:
    Table Topic Crowdsourcing & Discussions
    Ingiting Innovative & Creative Culture for Organisational Excellence
    Experiencing Collaboration an Effective Communication through Lego Serious Games
    Leading the Cultural Transformation through a Knowledge Lens; Innovation: A Practical View
    Innovation: A practical view

    Lightning Talks (TED like, Pecha Kucha style):
    Culture, Process & Strategy; Technology, Impact & Leadership

    Knowledge Ready Organization (KRO) Journey by KRO Winners
    Knowledge Ready Organization (KRO) Awards Presentation & Ceremony

    Post-conference Masterclasses (Oct 13):
    How the six elements of KRO enhance organisational productivity, effectiveness and growth
    Drawing from the past to help teams learn through crisis situations
    Knowledge-driven innovation

13th KMSG 2016, 29-30 September 2016, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Conference Theme: Supporting Organisations to manage knowledge by leveraging on TECHNOLOGY by collaborating with PEOPLE, and strengthening Organisational Productivity, Innovation and Sustainability
(in conjunction with the 1st Global Learning Week, 26-30 Sep; jointly organized with the Knowledge Management Global Network)

    The Collective Responsibility for Knowledge Management in Organisations
    Collaboration as a Knowledge Management Attitude – Implications for Knowledge Management Practitioners and Knowledge Workers

    Future of Analytics: The Lure, Promise and Pitfall of Data Analytics
    Sensemaking and The Human Factor in Knowledge Management for the Future
    Increase the value of knowledge assets through matchmaking
    Measuring the Unmeasurable
    Collaboration isn’t Everything; IT’S THE MAJOR THING
    SAVA – The Co-creation Future Technology
    The Silo Problems of Giant Corporations: Is it possible for Integrated Reporting to overcome these problems?
    AI and robotics: the death knell for KM professionals, or our salvation?
    Skilling our Future Knowledge Leaders
    Cognitive Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management Methodology Tools (Club Gestion des Connaissances)
    Introduction to the NTU Knowledge Management Masters Programme

    KM Case Studies & Best Practices Sharing Sessions:

    Expert Panel Discussion (Topics and Speakers to be selected by the Audience)

    Conference Workshops:
    OpenSpace – Practitioner-led discussions
    Thematic Networking Sessions

    International Delegates Presentation & KM Global Network MOU Ceremony
    GLOBE Special Edition Launch

    Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 26):
    Content Marketing: Unlocking the Benefits of a entralized Knowledge Bank (Site Visit to Microsoft Singapore)

    Pre-conference “Sessions” (Sep 27-28):
    Introduction to Knowledge Management: Understanding how the key Concepts fit into Practice; The New Knowledge Management Portal in Office 365; Seeing Systems, Strengthening Collaborations; Enhancing Human Interaction and Operational Efficiency through the Collaboration Computer (CC); Re-valuing Technology and its Impact on Knowledge Management; 2016 State of Knowledge for Customer Service; Data Analytics and Sensemaking: Strengthening Collaborative Approaches to Knowledge Management; Design Thinking: Implications for Knowledge Management; Building an Innovative Learning Organisation; Building a Knowledge Ready Organisation – Knowledge Management Comparisons between Singapore and Russian Organisations; Organisational Creativity & Knowledge Management; Co-Creation and Knowledge Management, Strengthening Innovation

    Knowledge Ready Organization (KRO) Awards Presentation & Ceremony

12th KMSG 2015, 2-4 September 2015, Singapore

Conference Theme: Unlocking the Knowledge-Ready Advantage

    Big Data: Friend, Phantom, or Foe?
    KNOWledge SUCCESSion: Sustained performance through strategic knowledge transfer

    Applying “Agile” in Developing Knowledge Management Strategies and Implementing Frameworks
    Collaboration as Strategy: The impact of Relational Capital on organisational resilience
    Co-Cr eation: Implementing the SAVA Industrial Knowledge Management Programme

    KM Case Studies & Best Practices Sharing Sessions:
    Sharing by KRO Recipients
    Chinese Communal Knowledge Structure for Nurturing High Growth Company
    Refocusing Your Knowledge Management Strategy on Business Value
    Creating Value from knowledge to Drive Program Management Success
    Creating a Knowledge-Agile O rganisation
    Two Secrets of Learning
    21st Century Transformation Infusion of Knowledge Management for PAHO

    Conference Workshops:
    Reflection Exercise
    Thematic Networking Sessions

    Knowledge Management Community Conversations
    Expert Panel Discussion

    Pre-conference masterclasses (Sep 2):
    Putting the Action Back in Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Leadership
    Refocusing Your Knowledge Management Strategy on Business Value
    Creating Value from Knowledge to Drive Program Management Success

    GLOBE Special Edition Launch

    Knowledge Ready Organisation (KRO) Awards Presentations & Ceremony

11th KM Singapore 2014, 1-3 October 2014, Singapore

Conference Theme: Enabling Innovation through Learning & Knowledge
(in partnership with the Singapore Workforce Development Agency)

    Engaging Tacit Knowledge: Stirring Your Creative Juices
    Understanding how Learners Learn
    Knowledge Management not Control?
    Smart Cities – a brave new world for Knowledge Management

    Conference Workshops:
    Learning & Knowledge Facilitation Excercises
    Table Topic Crowdsourcing & Discussions

    Next Generation Knowledge Management: Ecosystems, Innovation & Social Computing
    Accelerating Innovation through Knowledge & Learning
    Creating Innovation Culture through Knowledge Management
    SigTel Group Espresso: Brewing an Exciting Flavour in Enterprise Social Networking
    Humanization with Innovation: The Natural Sense of Things
    Reinventing the Website & Intranet – The iKMS Renewal

    Post-conference Masterclasses (Oct 3):
    Engaging Tacit Knowledge: Assessing Your Idea Repository
    Innovation from Within, fuelled by diversity
    Cloud Computing for Innovative Knowledge Management
    Integrating Knowledge Management Concepts to Achieve Delivery Excellence and Growth
    Understanding Knowledge Management’s People, Process & Technology model and how it can be uses in the not-fpr-profit sector to create a multi stakeholder communications strategy
    Conducting Knowledge Audits
    Learning and Innovation through Corporate Universities

10th KM Singapore 2013, 2-4 October 2013, Singapore

Conference Theme: Operationalising Knowledge Management for Productivity

    Putting the Knowledge back into Strategy
    Developing Knowledge Competencies for Productivity
    Learning from Lessons Learned
    Getting Started with Social Media

    Knowledge Management, Innovation and Productivity
    The Challenge with Knowledge Management Metrics
    Leveraging on Knowledge Management for Corporate Social Responsibility
    Reflections from a Knowledge Management Practioner
    Capturing Critical Knowledge in Organisations
    Implementing Knowledge Management – The Telb Water Experience
    Nurturing a Knowledge Management Community of Practitioners

    Conference Workshops:
    Table hosted Topical Discussions

    Pre-Conference Masterclasses (Oct 2):
    Breakfast for Senior Executives (w. Presentation on Knowledge and Strategy: Implications for Productivity)
    KM Seminar: Social Media Applications (Location: NTU)
    Building Knowledge Management Strategy
    Identifying and Transferring Critical Knowledge
    Social Media Navigator
    Tetramap: Building Teamwork for Knowledge Sharing
    Learning Lessons Learnt (CANCELLED?)

9th KM Singapore 2012, 5-7 September 2012, Singapore

Conference Theme: Exploring the Frontiers of Knowledge Management

    Too Big To Know
    Have We Created Our Own Personal Hell: The Proliferation of Communities and Networks Or, Three Radical Proposals for Connected Knowledge

    Sharing is Caring on Your Intranet
    The Role of Social Media in Crisis Preparedness, Relief and Recovery
    Case Presentation on the Implementation of Yammer at GS1 Australia
    Knowledge Management Practices in Asia
    Why Senior Managers Should Care About Knowledge Management: Lessons from the SMRT Committee of Inquiry
    Big Data: Help Or Hindrance to Knowledge Management?
    Facebook and Youth’s Knowledge Sharing Behaviours
    Knowledge Management at the Health Promotion Board
    Eliciting Expert Knowledge
    Lessons Learnt 2.0 – Making Lessons Learnt Work Harder for the Business
    Leveraging the Cloud for Knowledge-Based Service Innovations
    Practical Story Techniques for Knowledge Managers
    Retaining Experience and Expertise at IE Singapore
    Making a Strategy Stick Using Stories – A Case Study
    Managing Intranet Stakeholders
    A Closer Look at the Implementation of Yammer at GS1
    Cloud Computing and Business Innovation
    Eliciting and Transferring Expert Knowledge and Experience

    Knowledge Market (or concurrent knowledge sharing activities), including…
    Sharing by winners of the KM Excellence Awards 2012

    Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 5):
    Change Management
    The Role of the Intranet in the Digital Workplace of the Future
    Graphic Facilitation

    Knowledge Management (KM) Excellence Awards Ceremony

8th KM Singapore 2011, 31 Aug – 2 September 2011, Singapore

Conference Theme: Riding the Wave of Experience

    The Future of Intranets
    The Cognitive Dimension of Knowledge Management
    Smart People, Stupid Organisation: How do organisations produce ignorance and how can we overcome this?

    Iceberg Intranet Projects: Excellent Implementation, Traumatic Adoption
    Practitioner Case – Giving a Voice to the Voiceless using Social Media at International Fund for Agricultural Development
    Practitioner Case – Review of Retention Of Critical Knowledge (ROCK) programme at Shell Global Solutions

    Case Sharings:
    Implementing IPOS’ Knowledge Management Portal
    Embracing Our New Intranet – MOMster@Home
    Fostering Cross-Campus Knowledge Sharing & Collaboration Using Second Life
    The Public Sector’s Experience in Fostering Communities of Practice
    Retaining Experience and Expertise at IE Singapore
    Addressing Information Risk Using British Council Management Services in Noida, India
    Building Confidence, Skills & Technical Knowledge for Success as a Knowledge Champion
    Deploying A Personal Learning Environment and Network at HKPolyU

    Case Clinics:
    Exploiting the Benefits of Cloud Computing for Knowledge Management
    Designing Strategic Intranets
    Social Media Implementation
    Social Media Monitoring
    Change Management
    Creating and Running a Records Management Programme

    Peer Assists:
    Enable Content and Insights Discovery in a Complex Information Environment

    Knowledge Cafes:
    The Promise of Knowledge Management – It’s About Conversations that Matter

    Pre-conference Masterclasses (Aug 31):
    Developing a Social Media Strategy

7th KM Singapore 2010, 16-17 September 2010, Singapore

Conference Theme: Knowledge & Innovation

    Conference program n.a.

    From Knowledge to Innovation
    Enterprise 2.0: Social Media, Collaboration and Innovation in Organizational Context

    Case Presentations: (12)
    Mentoring without experts: building a mentoring capability
    Knowledge Management @ Petronas
    Knowledge Management for the inaugural youth olympic games
    Attorney-General’s Chambers’s Knowledge Management Journey
    Small continuous shifts in perception make a big difference
    Return to yesterday: the shell global solutions knowledge sharing story
    Knowledge and Innovation in education: A 3D virtual experience on Second life
    Knowledge Management @ Supreme Court – Achieving accessibility, timeliness & quality of justice
    Creating an Informal & Story-Based Mentoring Program at Boral

    Knowledge Management in Hong Kong: Current trends and lessons learnt

    Conference Workshops: (4)

    Book Launch: Knowledge Management: Singapore Perspectives 2010

    Pre-conference Masterclasses (Sep 15): (1)

    Post-conference Workshops (Sep 17): (4)

    Knowledge Management (KM) Excellence Awards Ceremony

6th KM Singapore 2009: iKMS Conference, 13-14 August 2009, Singapore

Conference Theme: Knowledge Workforce – Knowledge Economy

    Communities of practice: a social discipline of learning
    How Knowledge-Based Working can be part of the solution to the current economic problem

    KM Case Study Presentations:
    (1) KM Framework and Strategy
    Managing knowledge and information through Knowledge Management Framework
    Applying Knowledge: Creative problem solving @ PB
    Knowledge Champions Programme: National Library Board
    Knowledge Management audit for measuring Knowledge Management effectiveness
    (2) KM in Education
    The Importance of Trust in Gaining Acceptance into an Existing Community of Practice
    Web 2.0 in Education: Experiences in Teaching EIR@Temasek Polytechnic
    IRAS Sharing Session (Knowledge-Sharing Culture)
    Storytelling for Knowledge Creation
    (3) Efficiency through effective KM
    Developing knowledge repositories and collaborative workspaces – The JTC Experience
    MOF Email Repository System Implementation Journey”
    A Case study in Enterprise Information Management in Department of Human Services
    e-Visitor Programme

    Debate Panels:
    This house believes that the workers of today are not ready for the challenges of tomorrow’s knowledge economy

    Book Launch: Knowledge Management: Singapore Perspectives 2009

    Pre-conference Masterclasses (Aug 12):
    Cultivating communities of practice: what are we learning?

    Post-Conference Workshops (Aug 14):
    Gurteen Knowledge Café Masterclass
    Taming your Intranet: the Critical Role of Intranet Governance
    Building Soft and Hard Infrastructure for the Knowledge Enterprise
    Assessing your organisation’s readiness for knowledge-based working

    Knowledge Management (KM) Excellence Awards Ceremony

5th KM Singapore 2008: Annual iKMS Practitioner’s Conference, 9-10 October 2008, Singapore

Conference Theme: Knowledge-Enabled Enterprises

    Joining up the dots
    The Lost Art of Thinking

    KM Case Study Café: (feat. KM Excellence Awards winners)
    Communities in the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA)
    Knowledge Champions Programme: National Library Board
    Knowledge Management Framework to facilitate strategic decision making and daily business execution – The URA Experience
    Codification of Knowledge Management initiatives to a tangible engineering standard – Yokogawa
    Leveraging Web 2.0 to influence Knowledge Management behaviour – IE Singapore
    Knowledge Management – A Police Technology Experience – Singapore Police Force
    Building Empowered & Business Focused Knowledge Management pilots – Civil Service College
    Applying the RAAAKERS™ Diagnostic to Understand Management Stress Points and Assure Project Delivery in a Large Health Organisation – Defence Health Services
    E-learning & CoPs at the National Institute of Education : challenges & successes – National Institute of
    Implementing eSILK (Enterprise System for Innovation, Learning and Knowledge) : Challenges and Success from the first year pilot of 5000 people – Singapore Armed Forced
    Knowledge Sharing Platform for Practicing Librarians: A Case Study of the National Library of Singapore (NLS)
    Knowledge Management applications in a non-profit organization: A WWF-Malaysia Case Study
    Engaging Knowledge Worker Communities to Stimulate Innovation and Build Corporate Capability – PETRONAS
    Enabling a Knowledge Creating Workplace: A research based case study in the Telecommunication Industry in Asia Pacific Region – Grant Connexions

    Panel Discussions:
    Issues, challenges, strategies and successes for Knowledge Management implementation across different industries

    Release of Knowledge Management Singapore 2008 book and IKMS Competency Framework

    Pre-conference Masterclass (Oct 8):
    Learning in Knowledge Economy

    Post-conference Workshops (Oct 10):
    Social network analysis to create knowledge-friendly work environments
    Business network analysis to manage project portfolios effectively
    Using mindmapping techniques for personal Knowledge Management and innovation
    Aligning Knowledge Management strategy to business strategy

    Knowledge Management (KM) Excellence Awards Ceremony (1st)

4th KM Singapore 2007: Annual iKMS Practitioner’s Conference, 1 November 2007, Singapore

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management Competencies and Professional Development
(in conjunction with Knowledge Management Asia (KM Asia) 2007, 29-31 Oct; KMedu relevant)

    Knowledge Management Competencies and Professional Development (Guest of Honour opening)
    How to Build Competencies in Knowledge Management (International Keynote)

    Professional Development: Taking Knowledge Management Seriously in Singapore (President’s Address)
    Country Reports on Knowledge Management activities and trends in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia
    A Knowledge Management Competency Framework for Singapore Knowledge Management Practitioners

    Panel Discussions:
    The Role of Professional Associations in Professional Development

    KM Case Study Café:
    Using social software to engage staff and keep content current at the British Council
    Building Knowledge Management Capabilities Across a University
    Hong Kong based manufacturing company: Putting the Brakes on a Knowledge Management Journey
    Singapore Public Sector Organisation: Intranet Revamp to Support Information Access
    DSTA case study
    Promoting Knowledge Management through leadership development in the SAF
    Introducing AARs and CoPs to a Hong Kong Utility company, CLP Power
    Teaching and learning about Knowledge Management using social software at Temasek Polytechnic

    Conference Workshops:
    Knowledge Management Competency Framework – validate and apply the framework as a self development tool

3rd KM Singapore 2006: Annual iKMS Practitioner’s Conference, 10 November 2006, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore

(in conjunction with Knowledge Management Asia (KM Asia) 2006, 7-9 Nov)

    Knowledge Management and Sustainability in Organisations

    Building a Knowledge Culture in the Singapore Police Force Technology Department
    Recovering Lost Knowledge: Post-Tsunami Knowledge Reconstruction in Aceh
    Evaluating the Impact of Knowledge Management: The Power of Narrative Techniques
    Corporate Amnesia, Discipline, and Knowledge Management in the Australian Defence Force
    Developing Policies to Support Knowledge Management – Knowledge, Information and Records Management: An Integrated Approach
    Intellectual Property Issues in Asia – “Imperialism” in the New Millennium? The U.S. and Copyright in Asia: an Asian Perspective

    Conference Workshops:
    Knowledge Management for Business Continuity (Forum using ignorance mapping technique)
    Getting Management Buy-in for Knowledge Management (Forum using narrative techniques)

    Pre-conference Workshop (Nov 9):
    Practical Techniques for Knowledge Sharing

2nd iKMS Conference 2005, 14 October 2005, Singapore

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in Singapore Context

    The Future of Knowledge Management in Singapore

    Aligning Knowledge Management Strategy to Business Strategy
    ‘Uniquely Singapore’: Asian culture and Knowledge Management
    Communicating a Knowledge Management strategy: CAAS’ Experience (case study)
    Knowledge Management in a Toxic Organisational Setting: Is It Possible?
    Taxonomies for Knowledge Management
    Technologies for Communities of Practice
    The British Council’s Singapore Knowledge Management intranet (case study)
    How NTUC Income turned around its Motor Insurance business: A case study on business intelligence

    Conference Workshops:
    The Needs of the Knowledge Management Community in Singapore (Open Space Interaction)
    Who Makes Better Knowledge Managers: Men or Women? (Point-Counterpoint Interaction)
    Say What (Dinner Stage Game), Do I Know You? (Dinner Table Game)
    iKMS-paedia (Dinner Table Game)

1st iKMS Practitioner’s Forum @ iKMS-ICKM, 15 December 2004, Singapore

Conference Theme: Learning from Knowledge Management
(in conjunction with the iKMS-International Conference on Knowledge Management (iCKM), 13-15 Dec

    Metadata Speaks: the third order and the value of the Unspoken

    Case Studies: The Singapore KM Experience
    Knowledge Management in an Innovative Organisation – National Library Board
    The Vanishing Line: People and Systems in Knowledge Management – Ministry of Law
    Knowledge Management and Corporate Governance – Rajah and Tann
    Using the Balanced Scorecard to make Progress in Knowledge Management Implementation – Yokogawa Engineering
    The Army’s Knowledge Journey: Building a Knowledge-centric Army – Singapore Armed Forces
    Defence Science & Technology Agency’s Knowledge Management Journey

    Conference Workshops:
    Open Space Forum: Issues & Challenges in Knowledge Mangement
    Social networks data collection exercise – Feedback

    Associated Events: (Dec 13)
    Knowledge Management Society Collaboration
    IKMS Business Meeting

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3 Replies to “ Knowledge Day Singapore (K-day Singapore)*”

  1. I am interested in watch some of the conferences of 17th KMSG 2020, 24 July – 20 November 2020, Singapore Virtual venue, Conference theme: Knowledge Management in the Next Decade. Are there videos about those conferences? or some material?
    Where can I get this information?

    Thanks a lot

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Nov 6, 2020 – Boris)

  2. I’m very interested in your conference. Would like to attend, also happy to contribute. I’ve presented and held workshops at KM Australia and KM World. I’ve also hosted a table during KM Cafe’s at those events. Although I’d also be happy just to contribute from the audience.

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on May 22, 2019 – Boris)

  3. To whom it may concern,

    I am very interested in the KM Singapore 2017 conference. May I have the details (e.g. programme rundown, venue, conference fee) for my further trip planning?


    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Aug 11, 2017 – Boris)

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