Knowledge Translation and Transfer Symposium (KTT Symposium)*
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The Knowledge Translation and Transfer Symposium (KTT Symposium), formerly the OMAFRA-U of G or Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Knowledge Exchange Day/Event, is organized by the Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Research Program (formerly aka Agri-Food and Rural Link…) of the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, formerly known as the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs – Univerity of Guelph Partnership (OMAFRA-UofG Partnership). It aims to present and discuss knowledge translation and transfer research and innovation that contributes to the success of the province’s agri-food sector and promotes rural economic development.
Conference History:
KTT Symposium 2024, April 30, 2024, Guelph, ON, Canada / Virtual venue
Theme: Building Skills for the Future of KTT in Agri-food
Unlocking AI’s Potential in KTT for the Agri-food Sector
AI Skill Building Workshop for KTT Professionals
Effective and innovative KTT: Highlights from the Alliance KTT Funding Program
KTT Symposium 2023, April 25, 2023, Guelph, ON, Canada / Virtual venue
Theme: Growing Knowledge Mobilization in Ontario
KTT in Action
International Keynote Speaker
Presentation Sessions:
Profiling Knowledge Mobilization (4)
KTT@Guelph (3)
Panel Discussions:
Hearing from the Industry
KTT Knowledge Exchange Event/Symposium 2021, November 22, 2021, Virtual venue
Theme: Mobilizing Knowledge in Ontario’s Agri-Food Sector and Rural Communities
Ensuring Knowledge Transfer is both Effective & Engaging (Keynote)
Alliance-funded KTT Research Projects: Introduction
Profile of Mobilization Initiative Projects:
Rural Response to COVID-19: KTT Activities
Improving knowledge in identifying high-risk male calves
Educational Beekeeping Videos and Online Outreach
Profile of KTT-Mobilization Projects:
Improving the reach of integrated pest management for vegetable crops in Ontario
Delivering training to dairy producers for disbudding pain control, and improving our understanding of barriers to adoption
Facilitating the Agricultural and Local Food Sector in Northern Ontario: Profiling the Toolkit to Municipalities, OMAFRA, Farmers and Communities
KTT Knowledge Exchange Event 2020, October 28, 2020, Virtual venue
Theme: Advancing the Science of KTT in Agri-Food
Recent Trends Influencing Agricultural Innovation Systems: Implications for the Science of KTT in Agri-Food (Keynote)
Alliance-funded KTT Research Projects: Introduction
Alliance-funded KTT Research Projects:
FARMER-LED RESEARCH: Evaluating a KTT Best Practice for Driving Environmental BMP Adoption
Communication Strategies to Influence Antibiotic Use Decisions by Dairy Veterinarians
Improving the Effectiveness of Advisory Services for Facilitating Information Sharing, Accessibility, and Adoption of Sustainable Farm Management
KTT Knowledge Exchange Event 2019, April 17, 2019, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: Growing Agri-Food KTT in Ontario: Best Practices for Mobilizing Knowledge
Using visuals to enhance research impact
The next generation of KTT: A discussion of best practices in agri-food KTT
Presentation Sessions:
Knowing your audience: The who, the how and the what (4)
Knowledge mobilization innovation: Recent advancements from the Alliance KTT program (6)
Research to Action: Student infographic posters (18)
KTT Dairy Research & Innovation Day 2018, November 21, 2018, Guelph, ON, Canada
KTT Knowledge Exchange Day 2017, October 19, 2017, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: OMAFRA Climate Change Research
KTT Day 2016, March 21, 2016, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: Product and Value Chains Research
Rural Research KTT Day 2015, May 8, 2015, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: Rural Development Research
4th KTT Knowledge Exchange Day 2014, April 15, 2014, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: The Knowledge Share Fair (Symposium) & Celebrating 5 years of KTT at OMAF MRA—UofG!
Plenary Session:
Celebrating Knowledge Translation and Transfer: Ideas to Impact (welcoming remarks)
Why Bother with KTT? Fostering innovation and impact in the agri-food and rural sectors
Canadian Water Network Program Evaluation: Assessing Outputs, outcomes and value to end users
Social Media Performance Measures: Inspiring Insights
Panel Sessions:
Great KTT Starts and Ends with Data Management (4)
Presentation Sessions:
Linking knowledge mobilization and capacity building (2)
What’s new and what’s working in agri-food and rural KTT (4)
The power of video to move reseach into action (3)
Innovations in Evaluations (1)
KTT and community engaged scholarship (1)
Translating Graduate Student Research (17 Poster Pitches) Competition
Speed Networking – Knowledge Mobilization Best Practices
Associated Events:
KTT Event 2014, November 24, 2014, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: Environmental Sustainability in Agriculture – Research to action: healthy soil and water
Rural Research KTT Day 2014, April 29, 2014, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: Rural Networking-Research into Action
3rd KTT Knowledge Exchange Day 2013, April 5, 2013, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: Building our knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) toolkit
Program n.a.
2nd KTT Knowledge Exchange Day 2012, February 1, 2012, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: Knowledge Translation & Transfer (KTT) in action
Program n.a.
New Market, New Models: Asian and Afro-Caribbean Vegetables
Enhancing Sustainability in a Dairy Processing Facility using KTT Tools
Developing High Skills Programs and Highly Qualified Professionals
Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Agri-Food Public Health
KTT Through Multi-Media Technology Success Stories: OMAFRA
Equine Guelph: Delivering what the Industry is looking for
Evolving Communication Tools: Joining the Conversation
Using Social Media to connect and share beyond the academy
Farmers adopting mobile technology to im-prove their business
Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP): Supporting the Agri-Food and Rural Leaders of Tomorrow: HQP Coordinator
Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP): Supporting the Agri-Food and Rural Leaders of Tomorrow: Student Experience
Lessons Learned from Knowledge Mobilization (with thanks to a Prince and a Cat)
Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Success Stories: KTT through Innovation and Collaboration (8)
1st KTT Knowledge Exchange Day 2011, February 4, 2011, Guelph, ON, Canada
Theme: Knowledge Translation & Transfer (KTT) in action
Program n.a.
Enhancing the Sustainability of Food Processors Through Efficient Use of Resources Using Learning Alliances
Why Don’t Ontarians Eat Enough Vegetables?
Strengthening Collaborations between Researchers and OMAFRA Staff
Development and Assessment of Quality Milk Courses for Ontario Dairy Sheep and Dairy Goat Producers
Undergraduate Product Development Course
Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Scholarship Program Update
KTT in Action: Overview of several Knowledge Translation and Transfer projects (9)