Die Tagungen der Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement e.V. (GfWM) sind ein unregelmäßig stattfindendes Veranstaltungsformat mit Partnern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politikf, an dem sich die GfWM beteiligt. Historie der Tagungen: Netzwerktagung KI-Zeitalter 2024, 17. Oktober 2024, München, Deutschland Thema: Führung & Unternehmensstrategie im KI-Zeitalter – Ansätze für Unternehmen
Library and information science, knowledge management, curriculum
Abstract: Knowledge Management has a multidisciplinary nature. This feature has ensured its influence on a wide range of fields of professional endeavour. The broad interdisciplinary nature of the subject; as well the appearance of multiple perspectives toward it; with the presence of a rang of strategies within various KM environments have brought multiple approaches
Information and knowledge management research of post-graduates in South African LIS schools
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight salient patterns of post-graduate research in information and knowledge management (I&KM) in LIS (Library and Information Science/Studies) schools in South Africa. The data was extracted from two SABINET (South African Bibliographic and Information Network)-hosted databases, namely the Current and Completed Research (C&CR) and the Union Catalogue
Knowledge Management programs and degrees at universities and colleges
In the KM Jobs LinkedIn Group Ramin A. asks: What universities and colleges, besides Kent State and Columbia, offer specific Knowledge Management programs and degrees? Join the discussion » Ramin A.: What universities and colleges, besides Kent State and Columbia, offer specific Knowledge Management programs
KMA’s Knowledge Management education resource site
On the website of the Knowledge Management Association (KMA) you can find short lists with links to universities and certification providers offering Knowledge Management education and training (s. Degrees and Certifications). You can submit additional “Universities and Degrees” and “Certifications” at