Learning Organizations Konferansen (LOS Konferansen)*

Learning Organizations Konferansen (LOS Konferansen)*

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The Learning Organizations Konferansen (LOS Konferansen), sometimes also known as the LOS Stevnet (LOS Convention), initially the Læringslos stevnet (Learning pilots convention), is organized by Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Norway), the Norwegian chapter of the Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC). It includes keynotes and learning cases’ presentations on topics related to the learning organization.

In 2018 the conference was held as Nordic Learning Summit. (A Nordic Learning Summit for 2015 was planned but probably not realized)

Conference History:

LOS Konferansen 2023, Oktober 17-18, 2023, Kløfta, Norge

Læring i den digitale tidsalder (Learning in the digital age)

    Keynotes: (4)
    Learning in the age of digitalisation – or Digitalisation in the age of learning?
    Leading learning in the digital age
    … n.a.

    Learning cases: (LOS Vandring)
    From a traditional carpentry company to a digital lighthouse – Human and digital transformation at Haugstad Møbel
    Mobility in society – Change journey of the Norwegian Automobile Association (NAF)
    Elverum Kommune – From a learning organization to a learning society
    Operatorship 2.0 – Digitization and innovation in the operatorship at Aneo

    Panel Discussion (w. keynote speakers and leaning case presenters)

LOS Konferansen 2022, September 21-22, 2022, Hurdal, Norge

Utvikling av Læringskultur (Development of learning culture)

    Keynotes: (5)
    A Learning Culture; learning about what?
    … n.a.

    Learning cases: (LOS Vandring) (5)
    Helseplattformen AS
    Gilje Tre
    Oslomet – storbyuniversitetet
    Statens legemiddelverk

LOS Konferansen 2021, Oktober 21-22, 2021, Kristiansand, Norge Virtual venue

    Keynotes: (4)

    Learning cases: (LOS Vandring) (4)
    Gilje Tre
    Statens legemiddelverk

LOS Konferansen 2020, Oktober 15-16, 2020, Tromsø, Norge Virtual venue

Læring i Praksis (Learning in Practice)

    Note: The conference was originally scheduled for March 11-12 March, 2020

    Keynotes: (4)
    A customer meeting, which turns into a dance none of us have danced before, is wonderfully educational

    Learning cases: (LOS Vandring)
    UIA / the zoo
    Gjesdal Municipality
    strai kitchen

    Panel debate

LOS Konferansen 2019, Oktober 17-18, 2019, Kristiansand, Norge

    Conference program n.a.

Nordic Learning Summit 2018, Oktober 18-19, 2018, Kristiansand, Norge

Beyond Budgeting, Lean and Learn og Lærende organisasjoner i Norden

    Conference program n.a.

    Financial management of the future
    Lean and learning
    Scaling agile
    Learning organizations in the Nordics
    The learning organizations of the future

LOS Stevnet (Convention) 2017, September 27-28, 2017, Trondheim, Norge

    Conference program n.a.

Los Norge Konferansen 2016, August 24-25, 2016, Hurdal, Norge

    Conference program n.a.

    Keynotes: (2)

    Learning cases: (LOS Vandring)
    Bærland School

    Parallel Sessions:
    Top leader
    Coaching Management
    From LEAN to Real Learning Organization
    Systemic learning – Systems thinking and system understanding.

Nordic Learning Summit 2015, Oktober 9, 2015, Helsinki, Finland

    Note: In co-oparation between SoL Sweden and Denmark, Team Academia Finland and Learning Organization Academy Norway (Los akademiet). This event is under planning lead by Team Academie Finland in Co-poeration wíth the other countries

    Conference program n.a.

LOS Stevnet (Convention) 2015, August 26-27, 2015, Kristiansand, Norge

Varig forbedringskultur (Sustainable culture improvement)

    Conference program TBC

    Organization in teams
    Coaching management

    Case Study Presentations & KF walk:
    Dyreparken, Finn.No, Vestre Toten, Læring i klynger

    Systems thinking: Learning systems

2nd Læringslos stevnet (Learning pilots convention) 2014, June 19-20, 2014, Åsgårdstrand, Norge

    Conference Themes:
    What is a learning organisation?
    The workplace as primary campus. Development of learning working life
    A3 problem solving and learning management
    Self-managed teams

Læringslos seminaret 2013, August 22-23, Stavern, Norge

    Seminar program n.a.
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