Linkage, also known as Linkage International, a SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) company,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Chief Learning Officer Summit (CLO Summit)**
The Chief Learning Officer Summit, formerly the Chief Learning Officer Conference, will unite industry experts, thought leaders and corporate practitioners in a unique community of learning to share with each other key strategies for capitalizing on corporate “know-how” and to build action plans for deploying knowledge and learning practices.Conference History:
7th CLO Summit 2002, November 4-6, 2002, Miami, FL
6th CLO Summit 2001, November 12-15, 2001, Boston, MA, USA
Building and Implementing Tools and Technologies to Maximize Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning- Pre-Summit Workshops: (Nov 12)
Winning Marketing Practices for Corporate Training & Education
New Paradigms for Coaching & Leadership Development
Corporate Executives, Are You Ready for KM?
Using Action Learning to Create Business ResultsConference Tracks:
Building and Sustaining Organizational Learning Track
Tools, Technologies, and Techniques for Knowledge Management Track
Trends, Issues, and Innovations in KM & OL Track
Best Practices in the Field of KM & OL Track
KM&OL Poster BoardsCLO/CKO Summit: Developing Human Capital Interactive Dialogue Sessions for Advanced Practitioners
A Day in the Life of CLOs and CKOs: Defining the Core Competencies
Leadership and Cultural Architecture: Cultivating a Knowledge Environment
If You Build It, Will They Come?
Immediate Return. Lasting Results. The Dollars and Sense of Developing Leadership CapitalBest Practice On-Site Field Trip:
Massachusetts General HospitalTraining:
Eliminating Barriers to Human Capital Development: Enhancing Emotional Intelligence Skills
Web-based Training: An Introduction to Its Strategic Planning, Development and DeliveryAssociation of Knowledgework (AOK) Meeting of the Future
The LearningStore
5th CLO Conference 2000, September 27-29, 2000, Chicago, IL, USA
Building and Implementing Tools and Technologies to Maximize Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning- Post-conference Workshops: (Sep 29)
Building Learning Capability: An Integrated Approach
Building and Sustaining Enterprise-Wide Learning (EWL) through the Application of Systems Thinking
E-Learning: KM in a Virtual Work Place
How to Build Change Navigation Tools: Helping Employees Navigate Through Change
Using Action Coaching to Create Business LearningKeynotes:
Twin Towers of Knowledge Management: The Learning Organization and Intellectual Capital
The Role of Knowledge and Learning in E-Business
The CLO Challenge: Changing Executive Behavior
Overcoming the Barriers to Knowledge Exchange
Linking Learning to Business Strategy
Intellectual Capital: Identifying Intangible AssetsLearning Tracks:
The Role of the CLO: Building and Developing Human Capital
Tools and Technologies for Knowledge Management Systems
Practical Steps for Building and Sustaining a Learning Organization
Best Practices in the Field of KM&OL
Advanced Practitioner TrackVision Awards 2000 Ceremony (Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning)
4th CLO Conference 1999, 25–28 October, 1999, Boston, MA, USA
Building & Leveraging Your Organizations Intellectual Capital- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Oct 25/28)
Developing Your Organization’s Social Capital
Customer Inspired Innovation: Achieving Breakthrough Innovation Through a Learning Relationship with Customers
Building Competency Based Learning Systems
Using Action Coaching to Create Business Learning Systems
Running the Knowledge-based Business: Creating Organizational Value Through Knowledge
Managing Organizational Learning To Increase Your ROI, Mary Lou Hukezalie
Tools and Techniques for Developing Organizational Learning Capability and CultureKeynotes:
Developing an Effective Knowledge Strategy
Leading Your Organization’s Success in the Knowledge-Based Economy
Building Intellectual Capital at Motorola
Structuring Your Organization to Accelerate Knowledge Management, Learning, and Innovation
Where’s the Knowledge in ‘Knowledge Management’Keynote Panel:
The Role of the Knowledge/ Learning Champion: Perspectives From Real PractitionersTracks:
Learning Team Roundtables (Track 2-4)3rd CLO Conference 1998, September 17-19, 1998, Boston, MA, USA
Building & Leveraging Your Organizations Intellectual Capital- Conference program n.a.
Keynotes: (7)
n.a.Learning Tracks:
Leadership and Strategy
Culture and Human Issues
Organizational Learning Process
Best Practices2nd CLO Conference 1997, November 20-21, 1997, Orlando, FL, USA
Building and Leveraging your Organization’s Intellectual Capital- Keynotes:
Leveraging Learning and Knowledge Management as Strategy Realization Tools
Knowledge Capital: The Steps to a Systemic Implantation
Building Knowledge at All Levels for Enhance Innovation and Customer Satisfaction
Why Knowledge Can’t Be Managed
CEO Perspective: Building a Global Knowledge Enterprise for Customer Value
Agile Enterprise: Linking Knowledge, Learning and Performance
Leading Change Through Learning
Intellectual Capital: The Business Case for Learning and Knowledge Transfer
How to Build Organizational Capabilities for Leveraging Collective IntelligenceLearning Team Roundtables (facilitated lunch discussion groups)
Knowledge-Based Leadership: Maximizing Intellectual & Human Capital, October 17, 1996, Boston, MA, USA
- Conference program n.a.
- Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning Conference (KM&OL)**
The Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning Conference (KM&OL) will bring together over 300 experts, thought leaders and corporate practitioners in a unique community of practice that will help professionals implement the critical factors needed for building organisational learning and knowledge management. Participants will come away with the knowledge, tools and contacts needed to lead their organisations’ knowledge and learning strategy.Conference History:
4th KM&OL 2002, 10-13 June 2002, London, United Kingdom
3rd KM&OL 2001, 12-15 March, 2001, London, United Kingdom
Building and Leveraging Your Organisation’s Human Capital- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Mar 12/15)
The Advantaged Organisation: Critical Steps to Promote Strategic Learning
Building and Sustaining Enterprise-Wide Learning through the Application of Systems Thinking
Indentifying Intellectual Capital to Maximise Knowledge Management Strategies
Latest KM Initiative: What Works and What Doesn’t
Defining Your e-Learning Strategy
The Metrics of People as Assets
Masterclass: Corporate Story TellingKeynotes:
Knowledge Focussed Strategies and How to Implement Them
Organising For Learning
Knowledge Creation and Innovation – Meeting the Tacit Knowledge Challenge
How to Care for Your Intellectual Capital
Attention Must Be Paid!
Beyond the Learning Organisation: Complex Learning EcologiesConcurrent Learning Tracks:
The Role of the Learning Champion: Building and Developing Human Capital
Best Practices in the Field of KM&OL – In Pursuit of Excellence
Knowledge Management People Practices
Tools and Techniques for Leveraging KM&OL Capabilities
Communities of Practice
The Advanced Practitioner2nd KM&OL 2000, 28 February – 2 March, 2000, London, United Kingdom
Building and Leveraging Your Organisation’s Human Capital- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Feb 28/Mar 2)
Leadership in the Knowledge Era
Measuring, Managing and Valuing Intellectual Capital
Knowledge Management and Business Excellence
Strategic Learning: Building the Corporate University
Building Competency-Based Learning Systems
Tools and Techniques for Developing Organisational Learning Capability
Capturing and Harnessing Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning through Coaching and Mentoring
Building Learning Capability in Teams and Organisations: An Integrated ApproachKeynotes:
Leading your Organisation’s Success in the Knowledge-Based Economy
Attention – The Next Information and Knowledge Frontier
Twin Towers of Knowledge Management: The Learning Organisation and Intellectual Capital
Developing an Effective Knowledge Management Strategy
E-Knowledge: Learning Faster than the Speed of Change
Knowledge Creation and Sharing in Complex Organisations: The Dispersion and Differentiation Challenge
Empowering Knowledge Workers in the Digital AgeConference Tracks:
Leadership and Strategy
Knowledge Management People Practises
Tools and Techniques for Building Organisational Learning Capability
Bridging the Gap – The Relationship between Information Technology and People
Driving Customer Value and Innovation through KM & OL1st KM&OL 1999, 19-22 April 1999, London, United Kingdom
- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Apr 19/22)
Best Practises in Knowledge Creation & Exchange: What’s Working, What’s Not
Mastering KM and Adding Value to Your Business
A Story of Value Mapping
Building Compentecy Based Learning Systems
Understanding the Role of Technology in KM ProgrammesKeynotes:
Where’s the Knowledge in “Knowledge Management”
The Case Against Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
Building Effective Customer Relationships Through Knowledge
Developing Intellectual Capital at Skandia
Turning KM Strategy into Practise and Results
The Role of the Chief Knowledge Officer
Accelerating the Pathways to Knowledge: Strategic People DevelopmentConcurrent Learning Tracks:
Leadership & Strategy
Organisational Learning
Cultural & Human Issues
Benchmarking Against the Best
- Jun 1998: Knowledge Management Best Practice Forum (2 days @ 3rd Leadership Development Conference, San Francisco, USA