Canadian Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Community of Practice (KTECOP)

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Canadian Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Community of Practice (KTECOP)Custom logo

The Canadian Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Community of Practice (KTECOP), formerly the Ontario Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Community of Practice,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


  • Regional Chapters in Ottawa* (Institute for Knowledge Mobilization)2), British Columbia (BCKTCoP)* and Toronto (parent)


Knowledge Translation (KT) Connects webinar series (recorded)

    Mar 2024: Open conversations about open science

    Sep 2023; Citizen Science: An approach to engage the public and co-develop novel research questions
    Jun 2023: Co-creating a KT intervention with families: insights and challenges
    May 2023: Do I tweet, post or dance? The role of social media in the meaningful mobilization of health research
    Apr 2023: Integrated knowledge translation with children and families: from innovation to sustainable implementation
    Mar 2023: Engage my brain, not my eye: the non-negotiables in visual communication of data and concepts – a graphic design workshop
    Feb 2023: Understanding Indigenous knowledge: an insider’s theory
    Jan 2023: Implementation Science 101: What works in theory & practice for clinical interventions

    Oct 2022: Co-designing research methods with community partners: benefits and challenges
    Aug 2022: Studying the implementation of virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic with patient partners and stakeholders
    Jul 2022: Walking with the Arthritis community on the path forward towards Truth and Reconciliation
    Jun 2022: Knowledge democracy in action: Opening space for diverse ways of knowing (+ post-webinar trainee session)
    Apr 2022: The 17-year gap (between research discovery and implementation): origin, evolution and relevancy; Using consensus to build clinical practice and clinical research capacity
    Feb 2022: Promoting inclusive Knowledge Translation (KT): Physical activity practices for children and youth with diverse abilities (w. post-webinar trainee session)
    Jan 2022: Knowledge Translation and Communications: What’s the Difference?

    Nov 2021: Building careers in knowledge translation practice
    Oct 2021: Studying Knowledge Translation (KT): Career paths for researchers and trainees
    Jul 2021: Knowledge translation and public engagement: Using theory to build practice during the COVID-19 crisis
    Jun 2021: Overcoming five anxieties in population health Knowledge Translation (KT) literature
    Apr 2021: #DebunkingDesire: Sexual science, social media, and strategy in the pursuit of knowledge dissemination
    Mar 2021: Decolonizing research: Collecting Two-Spirit data in culturally affirming ways
    Feb 2021: Engaging knowledge users in basic science — tips, tricks, and lessons learned
    Jan 2021: Moving from stakeholders to partners in knowledge translation and exchange

    Oct 2020: Beyond engagement: Towards community-based and community-driven knowledge exchange in Indigenous health research
    Sep 2020: Co-creating dissemination materials with patients
    Aug 2020: Close the gap: Using Knowledge Translation science to move physical activity research into practice
    Jul 2020: Engage with policy makers through media: a 101 for researchers during a time of pandemics
    Jun 2020: Knowledge Translation and Behaviour Science Change: Building Communities in a pre- and post-pandemic world
    May 2020: How to do knowledge translation in a pandemic
    Mar 2020: Measuring the quality of patient engagement as partners on research projects
    Feb 2020: Shining a light on the implementation to scale-up continuum – How does it apply to health promoting innovations?
    Jan 2020: Fostering an organizational culture of knowledge exchange-insights into the journey for beginners

    2019 —

    Nov 2018: Rising the tide: Practicing the art and developing the science of integrated knowledge translation
    Oct 2018: Patient engagement for beginners
    Jun 2018: Technology-enabled knowledge translation for digital health: principles and practice
    Apr 2018: Community-based sexual health research with marginalized and HIV-affected communities: Strategies for translating research to policy and practice
    Feb 2018: Knowledge translation to advance clinical care: A frontline health care perspective
    Jan 2018: Blogging as a vessel for knowledge translation: Turning numbers into narrative

    Nov 2017: Sparking conversations about suicide prevention in the Bezeichnung für Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Quee (LGBTQ) community with photovoice
    Oct 2017: Arts-based approaches to KnowledgeTranslation (KT) in health policy development
    Sep 2017: It’s about us, too: Approaches to partnering with clinicians in KnowledgeTranslation (KT) and implementation research
    May 2017: Economic evaluation and knowledge translation: Some thoughts on building a two-way street
    Apr 2017: Citizen as a KnowledgeTranslation (KT) agent: Keeping the government informed about research
    Mar 2017: Patients’ experiences of engaging in health research: Partners in the dance
    Feb 2017: Commitment issues: How to get my community organization to say yes to an integrated KnowledgeTranslation (KT) project
    Jan 2017: Patient-oriented research: The intersection of patient engagement and KnowledgeTranslation (KT)

    Dec 2016: How to write a KnowledgeTranslation (KT) grant
    Nov 2016: How does a knowledge broker “fit” in the world of KnowledgeTranslation (KT)?
    Oct 2016: Adventures in KnowledgeTranslation (KT): Travel tips for researchers and trainees


Toronto Chapter meetings

    Nov 2021: Using the arts for knowledge translation and mobilization (hands-on workshop)
    Apr 2021: Show, don’t tell: Breaking the bottleneck between evidence and impact

    Mar 2020: Are we making a difference? Robust approaches to planning, monitoring and achieving outcomes”

    Sep 2019: Prioritizing stakeholder mapping and engagement: Essential for institutionalizing KT practice
    Mar 2019: Creating an ecosystem in which impact can thrive
    Jan 2019: The Visual Communication Toolkit (f2f & webinar)

    Nov 2018: Making KT happen: How to pick a framework that works for you
    Jun 2018: A new KTE approach for moving best evidence into best practice (f2f & webinar)
    May 2018: To explore the use of ethical frameworks in the design of knowledge translation (KT) projects
    Mar 2018: Planning for sustainability of evidence-based programs and practices (f2f & webinar)
    Feb 2018: Modeling implementation and knowledge translation strategies using discrete choice conjoint experiments (f2f & webinar)
    Jan 2018: Exploring organizational-level factors that facilitate knowledge translation

    Aug 2017: Finding common approaches in a diverse practice domain: A Q-study of knowledge mobilization practitioners and researchers
    Jun 2017: Collaboration, Implementation and KT in Practice
    Apr 2017: Tailoring Programs to the Implementation Context
    Mar 2017: Challenges and Opportunities: International Perspectives on KT

    Dec 2016: Knowledge Mobilization, Research Impact, and the Changing Nature of Academic Work (webinar)
    Nov 2016: Assessing Empirical Evidence for KTE Readiness
    Jun 2016: What kind of knowledge mobiliser are you? (and other questions for knowledge brokers)
    May 2016: Connecting the Dots Through Knowledge Translation and Outreach
    Apr 2016: Mobilizing Inuit Cultural Heritage – a multi-media/multi-platform re-engagement of voice in visual art and performance
    Jan2016: Measuring Health Research Funding Impact in Ontario: The Health System Research Fund Impact Assessment Framework

    Dec 2015: Knowledge Exchange and Communications: Finding a Common Ground
    Oct 2015: The Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research: An Ontario Network Promoting the Use of Research in Education
    Sep 2015: Evidence to Care – Supporting Knowledge Translation at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
    May 2015: Research Use Among Occupational Health and Safety Stakeholders
    Jan 2015: Behind Bars: Knowledge Generation and Mobilisation in Tricky Settings

    Nov 2014: The KT Game
    Jun 2014: Changing the Game of Research in the UK: The Quest for Non-academic Impact; Connecting the Dots Through the Ontario Neuroscience Asset Map

    Dec 2013: Strategies for Knowledge Mobilization in Community NGOs Working with Youth at Risk
    Sep 2013: Evidencing the Impact of Knowledge Services in the NHS in Scotland
    Apr 2013: The Canadian Homeless Research Network: Making Research Matter
    Mar 2013: Communities of Practice in Tobacco Control

    Dec 2012: Shifting the Culture: Developing Knowledge Translation, Exchange and Implementation Strategies for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
    Nov 2012: Whose Research is it anyway? Community University Partnerships as Agents of Change
    Jul 2012: The Scottish Model for Translating Research into Practice
    May 2012: The Practice and Science of Implementation in Human Services
    Apr 2012: Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research; Masterclass: Assessing the Impact of Your Research
    Mar 2012: Mentorship
    Feb 2012: Becoming a KTE Friendly Organization – Dinner and Panel Discussion
    Jan 2012: The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools: Facilitating Access to Knowledge Translation Resources for Public Health

    Dec 2011: Discussion: Redevelopment of the KTECOP Website and Linkage to Other KT CoPs (BC, Sask, Ottawa) — A meeting to discuss how to redevelop our site for better functionality and utility
    Sep 2011: Using Social Media to Transfer Research Knowledge
    Oct 2011: Are We Using the Right KT Strategies?
    June 2011: What Really Makes an Impact? Understanding Research Use in Different Contexts; Assessing the Impact of Research and Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Activities: What, Why, When and How?
    Feb 2011: A CoP Valentine’s Dinner and some exchange of knowledge about knowledge exchange.
    Jan 2011: Using Social Network Analysis to Evaluate Communities of Practice: A Methodological Journey

    Nov 2010 :Systematic Review of Tools to Apply in the Assessment of KTE; Research to Policy
    July 2010: Barbeque pot luck and summer social
    June 2010: Bring a Friend to the COP: Presentations and Networking (Results of the KT Professionals Survey: Building a Competency Framework and Professional Certification Program; Knowledge Translation in Healthcare: A CIHR Perspective)
    Feb 2010: Exploring the Applicability of Research to the Practice of Knowledge Translation

    Oct 2009: KTE 2.0:What’s the Point of 2.0? (A half-day workshop exploring the impact of social media (wikis, blogs, twitter, RSS, etc.) on knowledge transfer and exchange
    Sep 2009: Developing a Professional Certification in KT at the University of Toronto
    Jun 2009: Our Favourite Knowledge-Transfer Projects

    Nov 2008: From the Chairs: A Discussion of Knowledge Translation Research
    Sep 2008: Developing a Community of Practice Model for Cancer and Chronic Desease Prevention
    Jun 2008: Evaluation and KTE: A Facilitated Discussion of members’ Experiences
    Apr 2008: Communities of Practice
    Jan 2008: Knowledge Mobilization Innovations

    Nov 2007: Structure and process for KTE: Growing Canada’s Capacity for Embedded Research

    Jun 2006: Seniors Health Research Transfer Network: Linking Caregivers, Researchers and Policy Makers

Ottawa Chapter meetings

    Jun 2022: Mobilization Morning: KMb work being conducted by the various KMb organizations in Ottawa (in conjunction with the Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum)

    Jul 2020: Lessons Learned for Virtual Meetings – Virtual CoP Tips & Tricks Sessions: How are KMb workers managing in a virtual world?

    Oct 2019: 10th year kick-of of the Ottawa KMb CoP meet ups!

    May 2019: What I wish I knew when I started KMb? Open discussion on an intro to KMb
    Apr 2019: Can we improve KMb project outcomes? Key questions. Starting up. The impact journey. Shaping strong initiatives.
    Mar 2019: KMb & Twitter: How Twitter can be leveraged for KT and professional networking
    Feb 2019: KMb & Policy: Modern workplace learning & learning experience design

    Dec 2018: KMb & Visual Communication
    Nov 2018: Review of CoP Evaluation & Planning (Ottawa KMb CoP)

    Apr 2017: ?
    Mar 2017: ?
    Feb 2017: ?
    Jan 2017: ?

    Dec 2016: ?
    Nov 2016: ?
    Oct 2016: Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA)’s knowledge mobilization activities in international development
    Sep 2016:

    Nov 2015: Meeting

    Sep 2014: Get to know your Ottawa KTE colleagues – Informal Meet n’ Greet

    Nov 2013: Problematising Knowledge-for-Development with Dr. Lata Narayanaswamy
    Jan 2013: Presentation by David Phipps: Executive Director, York University Research

    Dec 2012: Creating a Knowledge Mobilization Institute
    Nov 2012: Meeting with Diploma in Program Evaluation people at Carleton University
    Sep 2012: Measuring the effectiveness/impact of our Knowledge Transfer and Exchange efforts

    Nov 2011: The Slippery Ice Cube: Understanding and Promoting Knowledge Exchange
    Oct 2011: The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools: Facilitating access to knowledge translation resources for public health
    Sep 2011: Senior Health Research Transfer Network (SHRTN): Knowledge Tranfer and Exchange in Action
    Jun 2011: CANCELLED?
    May 2011: The unintended effects of an assessment of the current practice of knowledge translation (KT) undertaken by a federal health agency in Canada: a case study & Delivering KTE services or how to make a living as a consultant
    Apr 2011: 1st meeting

British Columbia Chapter (in-person & online) meetings

    Oct 2015: Perspectives on Engaging Community Service Groups in the KT Process
    Jun 2015: Strategies, tools, and resources to get evidence into practice
    Apr 2015: Monitoring the progress from research to impacts (In-person only)
    Jan 2015: InspireNet: Mobilizing Knowledge to Improve Health Services – Tech-enabled KT Close to Care (In-person only)

    Oct 2014: Community partnership and partner engagement
    May 2014: BC Networking Meeting

    Dec 2013: Can Quality Indicators Help Move Evidence Into Practice?
    Jun 2013: Data visualization & KT challenges
    Mar 2013: Facilitated Discussion of KT Terms
    Jan 2013: KT work at the Urban Health Research Initiative

    May 2012: Identifying members who are willing to take on a defined role and approving the group’s charter

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