International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym)**
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The International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym), formerly WikiSym – International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration and International Symposium on Wikis, resp., is an annual conference series dedicated to open collaboration research and practice. It is the premier conference on open collaboration and related technologies for researchers, industry, entrepreneurs and practitioners worldwide.
A conference with research, community, Doctoral Symposium, and Open Space track as well as workshops and tutorials.
Fiscal sponsor is The John Ernest Foundation. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) with its SIGSOFT (Special Interest Group on Software Engineering) and SIGWEB (Special Interest Group on Hypertext and Web) is an OpenSym sponsor and supporter.
Conference History:
18th OpenSym 2022, 6-10 September 2022, Madrid, Spain
Conference Theme: Openness in Emergency Situations
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Departamento de Sistemas Telemáticos y Computación; In conjunction with the International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS) branded as OSS 2022 + OpenSym 2022)
Pre-conference Workshops: (6 Sep)
Doctoral Symposium (by invitation)
Conference Sessions: (7-9 Sep) OpenSym & OSS
Open Source Communities
Open Science and Wikipedia
Open Hardware
Open Data
Post-Conference Cultural visit (10 Sep)
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS)
17th OpenSym 2021, 15-17 September 2020, Madrid, Spain Virtual venue
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Departamento de Sistemas Telemáticos y Computación)
Research Paper Sessions: (4 x 5 min. Presentations w. 30 min. Question & Answers)
Pedagogy, open data, IoT and more; Open innovation, Open science and Open source; Wikipedia I: Quality, participation and users; Wikipedia II: Bias and quality
Towards Open Worlds (from how to connect with digital games to build 3D build cities… and the whole world!); From academia to industry: 10 years of OSS software development Analytics by Bitergia
Pre-conference Events:
23 April 2021: OpenSym Outreach Asia Happy Hour
16th OpenSym 2020, 26-27 August 2020, Madrid, Spain Virtual venue
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Departamento de Sistemas Telemáticos y Computación (GSyC))
Note: The conference was scheduled for 25–27 August 2020
Doctoral Consortium (originally it was scheduled for Aug 24)
New Ideas and Emerging Research (NIER) track (CANCELLED); Journal-First track (CANCELLED); Research Track
Research Paper Sessions (each with Roundtable):
Open Research; Writing Wikipedia; Open Source; Editing Wikipedia; Open Organizations; Diversity and Bias
Rishab A. Ghosh – journalist, computer scientist, Open-source software advocate and software entrepreneur
15th OpenSym 2019, August 20-22, 2019, University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: University of Skövde, School of Informatics)
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 19):
Doctoral Consortium
Research Track; Industry & Community Track; Open session / Research Hackathon / Posters
Healthy open collaboration in and beyond the software domain; Designing a licence for open collaboration: insights from development and use of the CERN Open Hardware Licence; Open data in research on humans – promises and challenges
Co-located events:
“Sustainable digitization: Opportunities and obstacles” Conference, Aug 19 (CANCELLED)
14th OpenSym 2018, 22-24 August, 2018, Télécom SudParis, Paris, France
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: Télécom SudParis, Computer Science Department (INF), Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT))
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 21):
Doctoral Symposium
Research Track; Industry & Community Track; Open session / Research Hackathon / Posters
Research Paper Sessions:
The technical challenges of studying socio-technical systems; Sustainability; Open Source and Open Collaboration at Work; Measuring Open projects’ Value; User Dynamics in FLOSS/Wikipedia; Participation in Open Communities; Open Collaboration for Science and Education; Managing and Coordinating Open knowledge Collaboration Projects;
Challenges and opportunities for open collaboration; Qualitative and quantitative studies and Wikipedia: A discussion; Collaboration and Security: solving hard problems users and organizations face
13th OpenSym 2017, 23-25 August, 2017, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: National University of Ireland, Computer Science and Information Systems Department and Lero – the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software)
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 22):
Doctoral Symposium (invitation only)
Open Space
Research Track; Industry & Community Track; Poster Session
Crowdsourcing and Galaxy Zoo; Open: What? So What? Now What?; Inner Source at Paypal; Crowdfunding: He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune; Creating Employee Networks that Deliver Open Innovation
12th OpenSym 2016, 17-19 August, 2016, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS))
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 16):
Doctoral Symposium (invitation only)
Open Space; Health & Play – Addressing Together the Challenges of Creating Open Source Standards
Research Track; Industry & Community Track
Research Paper Sessions:
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS); Open Innovation; Open Collaboration; Open Data; Community Track; Wikipedia; Open Education; Posters and Demos
Truly Open OER: What the Open Education Movement Can Learn from Open Source’s Success; GNU Health: A Free/Libre Community-based Health Information System; Good Citizenship is Good Business: Open Source, Sustainable Development and the Corporate Bottom Line; Politics of Cooption in Free and Open Communities; Urban Data Platforms
11th OpenSym 2015, 19-21 August, 2015, San Francisco, USA
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Business)
Open Space; Doctoral Symposium (invitation only)
Research Track; Industry & Community Track
Research Paper Sessions:
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS); IT-driven Open Innovation; Wikis and Open Collaboration; Open Data; Open Educational Resources (Community Track); Wikipedia; Posters and Demos
Artificial Sentiment: Using Machines to Manage Public Sentiment on Social Media; Barriers and Pathways to Successful Collaboration; Applying Machine Learning to Programs; Collaborative Authoring, Evolution, and Personalization for a “Transdisciplinary” Textbook
Site Visits:
Wiki Education Foundation
10th OpenSym 2014, 27-29 August, 2014, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany
Title: International Symposium on Open Collaboration
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and SIGWEB; Host: Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS))
Note: The symposium is announced as OpenSym (WikiSym) 2014, the 10th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, and WikiSym 2014, the 10th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
Open Space; World Cafe
Wagn: co-creating advanced web systems
Research Track; Community Track
Research Paper Sessions:
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS); Open Data; Open Educational Resources; IT-driven Open Innovation; Wikis and Open Collaboration; Wikipedia; Community Track; Posters and Demos
Let’s build the road network of civic tech”; How you run a meeting says a lot about your values: Participatory Practices for Open Communities; Wikidata: How we brought structured data to Wikipedia”; Inner Source: Coming to a Company Near You Soon!
9th WikiSym + OpenSym 2013, 5–7 August, 2013, Hong Kong
Title: Joint International Symposium on Open Collaboration
(In-cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT (OpenSym) and SIGWEB (WikiSym); Host: Hong Kong SAR Government, Invest Hong Kong Department)
Note: The symposium is announced as OpenSym 2013, the 9th International Symposium on Open Collaboration; WikiSym 2013, the 9th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 4):
Doctoral Consortium
Open Space
Industry Tutorials:
Making Agile Estimation Work; Continuous Delivery; Refactoring Dojo; Architecture with Agility; Testing, TDD, Pair Programming and Other Things You Should Know; Patterns in Practice; Specification by Example; Agile Planning and Estimation; Architecture with Agility
Community Tutorials:
Video Co-creation in Collaborative Online Communities
Research Program; Community Program; Industry Tutorial Program
Research Paper Sessions:
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS); Open Access, Open Data, and Open Government; Wikipedia; Community Track (Research-in-progress; Experience Reports); Open Collaboration (Wikis, Social Media, etc.); Posters and Demos
Sepecial Sessions:
Open Collaboration–An attractive Concept for Business and Entrepreneurs? (Business Afternoon); GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) Day
The Era of Open; Let’s raise kids up! (Open Education); Descending Mount Everest: Steps towards applied Wikipedia research; Implementing open licensing in government open data initiatives: a survey of Australian government practice
Co-located Conferences:
Wikimania, Aug 7-11
8th WikiSym 2012, 27–29 August, 2012, Linz, Austria
Title: International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
(Host: Ars Electronica)
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 26):
Doctoral Consortium
Open Space
Research Paper Sessions:
Emergent; Know Thy Editor; Wikipedia Articles Gone Wild; Wiki-chanics; Beyond Wikipedia; Under the Collaborative Covers; Language / Culture; Posters and Demos
What aren’t we measuring?: Methods for quantifying wiki-work
Wikipedia: The next 5 to 10 years – challenges and opportunities; Mining and Applying Diverse Perspectives in User-Generated Content
Co-located Conferences:
Ars Electronica
7th WikiSym 2011, 3–5 October, 2011, Mountain View, California, USA
Title: International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
(Host: Microsoft)
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 2):
Doctoral Consortium
Open Space; Using Wikipedia in Education Workshop; Wikipedia Research Literature Workshop
Paper Sessions:
Understanding Wikipedia; Collaboration in Diverse Contexts; Designing for Open Collaboration; Wiki Tools and Interfaces; Wikipedia as a Global Phenomenon; Wikis in the Workplace; Sustaining Open Collaboration; Posters and Demos
Learning in a WikiWorld: How new media and open collaboration are changing what we know and how we know it; Apples to Oranges?: Comparing across studies of open collaboration/peer production
Creative Commons (CC); Scaling out, opening up, and telling it straight: challenges for data visualization; Model-Driven Research in Social Computing
6th WikiSym 2010, 7–9 July, 2010, Gdansk, Poland
Title: International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
(In cooperation with ACM SIGWEB; Host: City of Gdansk)
Post-conference Workshops (Jul 10):
Doctoral Consortium
Open Space; Teaching with Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation wikis
Demos; Posters; Industry Track; Wiki Track; Open Collaboration Track
Reviewing and challenging socio-political approaches in the analysis of open collaboration and collective action online; Engaging with Open Education; Industry and open collaboration (Industry Track Discussion)
The Machine in the Ghost: a Socio-Technical Systems Approach to User-Generated Content Research; Understanding the Users of Wikimedia Commons (Lightning Talk); Wikipedia Former Contributors Study (Lightning Talk)
Co-located Conferences:
Wikimania (Jul 9-11)
5th WikiSym 2009, 25–27 October, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA
Title: International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
(In cooperation with ACM SIGWEB and ACM SIGPLAN; Host: University of Central Florida)
Open Space; Doctoral Symposium (Oct 26); Wikis for Software Engineering; Why Wikis Work; The Value of Corporate Wikis?
Measuring Wikipedia; Wiki Entrepreneurship? (Industry Tutorial); Wikis for Software Engineering
Research Track, Industry Track
Research Paper Sessions:
Learning and Social Context; Visualization; Understanding Wikipedia; Formal/Open Posters; Formal/Open Demos; Programming and Analysis Tools; Interface Tools; Quality and Credibility
Special Sessions:
Visualizing the Inner Lives of Texts; Community Performance Optimization: Making Your People Run as Smoothly as Your Site; 2008 Turing Award Lecture (Reprise); The Future of Work
Co-located Conferences:
ACM OOPSLA Conference (Oct 25-29),…
4th WikiSym 2008, 8–10 September, 2008, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Title: International Symposium on Wikis
(In cooperation with ACM SIGWEB; Host: University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC))
Pre-conference Workshops:
Doctoral Space; Open Space; WIRW – Interdisciplinary Research on Wikipedia and Wiki Communities; Babel Wiki ’08 – Cross-Lingual Collaboration; Wikis4SE – Wikis For Software Engineering
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Getting started with XWiki; Wikis for Publishing; TikiWiki CMS/Groupware: when a Wiki is not enough; TiddlyWiki; How to effectively deploy an application wiki at work
Open Space
Research Track
Research Paper Sessions:
Innovative Wikis; Wiki and Language; Wiki Writers; Knowledge Representation and Learning; Models, Architecture, and Other Vexations; Wiki Analysis, Growth, and Trust; Posters
Sepecial Sessions:
End-User Programming with Application Wikis
When a Wiki is not a Wiki: Twenty Years of the Victorian Web; The Lively Kernel: A Wiki of Active Objects; Application Wikis to Mashup Makers to Next Generation Mashups
3rd WikiSym 2007, 21–23 October, 2007, Montreal, Canada
Title: International Symposium on Wikis
Conference Theme: Wikis at Work in the World: Open, Organic, Participatory Media for the 21st Century
(In cooperation with ACM SIGWEB; Host: Carleton University, School of Computer Science, and National Research Council of Canada)
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 21):
Open Space; Wiki Creole; Wikis for Software Engineering
Wikis in the Workplace
Open Space
Wiki Technology; Wiki in Education; Wiki Communities; Collaborative Technologies; Posters and Demos
Wiki Patterns: What Works and What Doesn’t; Political Wikis
Living Without Parental Controls; Agile Trust, Wiki Nature, and Business Logic Futures
Co-located Conferences:
ACM OOPSLA Conference (Oct 21-25),…
2nd WikiSym 2006, 21–23 August, 2006, Odense, Denmark
Title: International Symposium on Wikis
(Sponsored by ACM SIGWEB; Host: University of Southern Denmark)
Open Space; Wikipedia Research; Wiki Markup Standard; Information Management in Education with Collaborative Storyboards; Wiki-based Knowledge Engineering
Technical Papers; Practitioner Reports; Demos
Wiki Uses in Learning and Teaching; The Future of Wikis
How and Why Wikipedia Works; The Augmented Wiki; Intimate Information: Organic Hypertext Structure and Incremental Formalization for Everyone’s Everyday Tasks; Design Principles of Wiki: How Can so Little do so Much?
Co-located Conferences:
ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Aug 22-25)
1st WikiSym 2005, 14–16 October, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Title: International Symposium on Wikis
(In cooperation with ACM SIGWEB; Host: )
Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
WikiSpam; Wiki-based Software Documentation; Open-Source Software Development with Wikis; Interwiki Workshop
Post-conference Tutorials:
Getting Started with Wikis; Using Wikis in Software Development
Paper Presentations; Speed Demos
The Future of Wikis; Wikis in the ‘Consumer Enterprise’
The Crucible of Cooperation; Wikipedia in the Free Culture Revolution; Creativity
Co-located Conferences:
ACM OOPSLA Conference (Oct 16-20)