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Socialware has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- International Conference on Social Software (BlogTalk)**
The International Conference on Social Software (BlogTalk) brings together different groups of people using and advancing the Internet and its usage: technical and conceptual developers, researchers with interdisciplinary backgrounds, and practitioners alike. It is designed to initiate a dialog between users, developers, researchers and others who share, analyse and enjoy the benefits of social software. The focus is on social software as an expression of a culture that is based on the exchange of information, ideas and knowledge. Moreover, we understand social software as a new way of relating people to people and to machines, and vice versa. In the spirit of the free exchange of opinions, links and thoughts, a wide range of participants can engage in this discourse.Conference History:
- BlogTalk Galway 2010: Social Media Event, August 26-27, 2010, NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland
Learn about social media, imagine the future of social networks
(Organizer: Social Software Unit, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland Galway)-
A new kind of media literacy for a networked age
WeForest: a social network dedicated to reforesting the planet
Social media blur: blogs, networks, streams
Communications 2.0: social media, storytelling, and standing outTalks: who we are, what we do, where we are going
Open community labs, creative spaces and doocracy
Applications of Twitter data extraction for business and research
Webfinger: a portable identity for the Web
WebID: From blogging to a secure social web
The Facebook Platform
Ruairí McKiernan ( – Spinning out social media successfully for an NGO/charity
From Galway to Silicon Valley and TechCrunch 50: building and raising capital for a consumer Internet startup
A context-aware mobile social Web
Apps are bad
The impact of social media on expert finding
Who am I: social identity in enterprise social networking
Social media and LinkedIn for businessPanel discussions:
Social networks versus conversational networks
The rise of location-based media sharing and social networks - BlogTalk Asia 2009: 6th International Conference on Social Software, September 15-16, 2009, Jeju, Korea
(Organizer: Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, Seoul National University)-
Cloud Intelligence
The Future of Citizen Journalism
Real-Time Web Search
Towards Socially-Responsible Management of Personal Information in Social NetworksConference Sessions:
Social Semantic Web Session:
Linking Topics of News and Blogs with Wikipedia for Complementary Navigation
A Model for Open Semantic Hyperwikis
Generating Researcher Networks with Identified Persons on a Semantic Service PlatformSocial Web for Industry Session:
Implementing a Corporate Weblog for SAP
Social Geospatial Technologies: Trends Beyond Web 2.0 and How Free and Open Source Development is Helping Shape the Future of GIS
The Architecture of Fun: Emotion and Interaction for Massively Social GamesSocial Communications Session:
Life is Tweet: Emerging Micro-Narratives on Twitter
Semantic Twitter: Analyzing Tweets for Real-Time Event Notification
Listen and Connect: Integration Communication and Social Media (panel)Social Media Sesssion:
Poll Store Conceptual Framework for Social Media
A Study on Users’ Voting Tendency in Social News Services
Semantic Web and Contextual Information: A Semantic Network Analysis of Online Journalism on Media Law in South KoreaKorean Social Web Session:
Daum BloggerNews
Free the People: How Governments around the World Muzzle the Social Web (special talk)
Future of Social Web in Korea (panel)Social Healthcare Session:
User-Driven Innovation: A Means for Social Innovation from a Health and Female Running Community Perspective
Social Network System Based on an Ontology in the Korea Institute of Oriental MedicineSocial Knowledge Management Session:
Effect of Knowledge Management on Organizational Performance Enabling Thought Leadership and Social Capital through Technology Management - BlogTalk Cork 2008: 5th International Conference on Social Software, 3-4 March 2008, Cork, Ireland
(Organizer: Social Software Unit, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland Galway)-
Entrepreneurship and social media
Conversation tracking technologies: how to improve communication in a UGC world
Semantic social software: the Semantic Web for consumers
Let’s face it: Web 2.0 is all about advertisingTalks:
The DIY future: what happens when everyone designs social media? Practical suggestions for handling new ethical dilemmas
Neovictorian, nobitic, and narrative: ancient anticipations and the meaning of weblogs
Everyday body regimes: the construction of self in weblogs about dieting
Realising potential in the web of relationships
The further adventures of TiddlyWiki
Campus Móvil: designing a mobile Web 2.0 startup for higher education uses
Memoz: spatial webpublishing
A proposed semantic recommender network for trip planning
The long tail, and why multiple identities make it just a little bit longer
Extended identity for social networks
The impact of Politics 2.0 in Spanish social media: tracking conversations around audiovisual political wars
MindVoyager: an interactive journey through the collective thoughts of a selected target group
Building blogs and mashing them up with Windows Live Services and Popfly
Social blog: turning a blog into a decentralised social network
What is happening behind the firewall? The emerging role of social software in IBM SCOT-based tag sharing servicesPanel discussions:
Mashups, microformats and the mobile web
From blog-style commentary to conversational social media
Co-located Conferences:
WebCamp (Mar 2) - BlogTalk Reloaded Conference, October 2–3, 2006, Vienna, Austria
(Organizer: Social Software Lab)-
The significance of social software
WordPress and Jazz
Mashups – Meet EnterprisesTalks:
Blogs: from communicative to connective artefacts
Social Software: Facilitating information-, identity- and relationship management
Podcasts and Vodcasts or Insights into the world of pull media
Building a social interface onto existing corporate systems: some lessons from an 18-month project in a major legal practice
Folksonomies, Ontologies and Corporate Blogging
Social Software in Business – An adoption strategy
The Google Data API
Why Wiki? A Glimpse into our Post-Document Future
Jajah sponsor presentation
The IFCCC PatchworkPortal: the co-evolution of an emergent community and a social software platform (Paper)
SIOC Browser – Towards a Richer Blog Browsing Experience (SIOCYourBlog)
The Pleasure of the Blog: The Early Novel, the Serial, and the Narrative Archive
Weblogs in Political Campaigns – The Critical Success Factors
CAcert 5 minutes about that certification authority followed by an assurance session (bring your passport or comparable credentials)
Reflections on pedagogy: Understanding adult learners
Social News Reading from the community of interest perspective
Securing authorship with RegisteredCommons.ORG - BlogTalk Down Under Conference, May 19-22, 2005, Sydney, Australia
Emergent Conversations
(Organizer: incsub – open source for education; Center for Language and Literacy, University of Technology Sydney)-
Keynotes: (3)
Protecting the Blogosphere
technologyLog – innovating knowledge sharing
Blogs and the crisis of authorship
Media Rich versus Rich Media (or why video in a blog is not the same as a video blog)
Centred Communication: Weblogs and aggregation in the organisation
Up against reality: Blogging and the cost of content
Blogs and Politics in Australia and globally
Blogging as an Effective Tool in Teaching and Learning Software Systems Development
Mapping the U.S. Political Blogosphere: Are Conservative Bloggers More Prominent?
The eventual potential of Blogs
Weblogs as Open Constructive Learning Environments
Assessment by blog: Ethical case studies assessment for an undergraduate business management class
Portfolio Building in Chinese Language Learning Using Blogs
Blogging as pedagogic practice: artefact and ecology
Blogging in undergraduate design studios
Blogs versus discussion forums in postgraduate online continuing medical education
“Faster, neater, sharper!”: how different models of communication intersect
Fictional Blogging and the Narrative Identities of Adolescent Girls
Weblogs and Authority
What’s in the Box? Modulating vocabularies of trauma and mundanity in refugee blogs
Comments in the Margins – Life Narrative, Publishing, Credibility, and Blogs
Gerard Goggin: “Have Fun and Change the World”: Moblogging, Mobile Phone Culture and the InternetPanel discussions:
Desire Lines, Memes & the BlogospherePre-conference Workshops: (May 19)
Up close and personal with weblogs
Video and Podcasting: Rich Media into your Blog - BlogTalk 2.0: European Weblog Conference, July 5-6, 2004, Vienna, Austria
(Organizer: Center for New Media, Danube-University Krems)-
The Social Physics of New Weblog Technologies
Dialogue in slow motion – the pleasure of writing and reading across the we
Blogs, Bandwidth, and Banjos: Tightly Knit Bonds in Webloggin
Mobile Blogging: Who, Where, Why? (cancelled)
The International Weblog Award BOBTalks:
Bottom up Knowledge Management with Weblogs and SnipSnap
Zoomblox – A Universe Of Topics From Children For Children
Turn Your Radio On or Tweaking And Tuning Your Weblog
Videoblogs as ‘Collective Documentary’
The blog as an immersive space: Moblogging Jokkmokk 2004
‘Live’-writing: weblogs and the coverage of reality
Understanding blogs: a communicative perspective
Blogosphere community formation, structure and visualization
Enhancing Blogs with a Dual Interaction Design
Weblogs and Location, beyond the limits of physical and virtual space
Does blogging suck?
The German Blogosphere – some facts and figures
Applying Social Network Analysis to a small Weblog Community: Hubs, Power Laws, the Ego Effect and the Evolution of Social Networks
Blog to work? Blogging and journalism
‘Are You Serious?’ – the potential and the reality of weblogs as mass media, and why they matter
After midnight. Weblogs and jam sessions
Informal, joined up knowledge sharing using connected weblogs in pursuit of Mental Health service improvement
Distributed Knowledge Management – Improving Knowledge Workers’ Productivity and Organisational Knowledge Sharing with Weblog-based Personal Publishing
Collective blogging from the view of a context-oriented understanding of knowledge
Using Weblogs as Project Management Tools in innovative projects
Shared Conceptualizations in Weblogs
Seeding conversational learning environments: Running a course on personal Webpublishing and Weblog authoring
Blogging as a Dynamic, Transformative Medium in the Writing Classroom of an American Liberals Arts College
Weblog as an educational third-place
Revisiting the Spanish blogosphere
The State of Linking in the Czech Blogosphere - BlogTalk: European Conference On Weblogs, May 23 – 24, 2003, Vienna, Austria
Web-based publishing, communication and collaboration tools for professional and private use
(Organizer: Center for New Media, Danube-University Krems)-
Why Blogs Matter
Vom Weblog lernen… Community, Peer-toPeer und Eigenständigkeit als ein Modell für zukünftige Wissenssammlungen
Waging Peace: Using our Powers od GoodTalks:
Semantic Blogging and Bibliography Management
Weblogs and sustainable Knowledge Production: Learning from the BIPlog
The Algebra of Copyright
The Blogosphere Map
Weblogs, an lranian Perspective
Weblogs in Poland are C-logs
Do we live in a Small World? Measuring the spanish-speaking Blogosphere.
Personal Webpublishing as a Reflective Conversational Tool for Self-Organized Learning
Business Weblogs – a Pragmatic Approach to Introducing Weblogs in Medium and Large Enterprises
Discourse and Weblogs: Weblogs as a Transformational Technology for Higher Education and Academic Research
Blogging’s Unique Advertising Metrics: Passion and Hubness
Blogs: The Stickiness Factor
Toward a Converged Blogging Toolkit
Diglit – a K-log for Documenting a Project on Digital Literacy-Case Study
Just a Blog in the Machine
In and Out – Communicating the Needs of Civil Engineers
Weblogs: from Coexistence to Conviviality, a Leap into Direct Reality
We Media: What happens to Journalism and Society. when every Reader can be a Writer (Editor, Producer, etc.)
Blogging and the Ecommunication Paradigms: 10 Principles of the New Media Scenario
blogumentary (video)Panel discussions:
Birds of a Feather Panel
- BlogTalk Galway 2010: Social Media Event, August 26-27, 2010, NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland