Abstract: Let me introduce myself. I head the knowledge management activities in Defence Aerospace Engineering – part of the business that strives to deliver innovative solutions that meet customer requirements at ever reducing costs – a ripe ground for KM and knowledge sharing. I have been leading the KM activities here in Bristol for
community of practice
Kedge Business School
The Kedge Business School1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Management Training (APQC Resource Collection)
Abstract: This collection offers guidance on training employees to participate in, leverage, and promote knowledge management. The best practices focus on four segments of the workforce: Learners who access, absorb, and use organizational knowledge Contributors who submit tips and lessons, answer questions, and otherwise share know-how
Symposium du Knowledge Communities Observatory (Symposium KCO)*
Le Symposium du Knowledge Communities Observatory (Symposium KCO) et le Séminaire de l’Observatoire des communautés de connaissance : Communautés et Innovation sont organisés par le Knowledge Communities Observatory (KCO; French: Observatoire des communautés de connaissance (OCC)) hébergé par le chaire de la recherche “Business as unusual : pratiques innovantes et nouveaux modèles d’entreprise” (Kedge Business
Diffusion of Knowledge Management Education in LIS Schools
Abstract: This paper aims to identify the current state of knowledge management (KM) diffusion in LIS schools. In terms of content, we have identified two principal approaches to the perception of KM in the LIS community: an active approach, seeing KM as an opportunity for the LIS community to change; and a passive approach,