(Columbia SPS, Oct 23, 2023) The School of Professional Studies (SPS) at Columbia University invites applications for a full-time position at the level of Associate Professor of Professional Practice or Professor of Professional Practice to teach in the MS Program in Information & Knowledge Strategy (IKNS). This position will begin on July 1, 2024. This
Corporate Articles
Corporate Articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
UK Knowledge and Information Management Salary Surveys
Since 2015 Sue Hill Recruitment (SHR) and TFPL have published four Knowledge and Information Management salary surveys for the entire UK library, archive, knowledge, information and records management industry. The 2017 salary survey was published in association with the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS), the 2019 salary survey in association with IRMS and the
US Army Knowledge Management Officer Necessary?
Abstract: The project examined the necessity, and value in assigning knowledge management officers to Army tactical units. Ancillary, supporting research, focused on decision-making, battle command and Army knowledge management. A qualitative methodology, with quantitative aspects was used to analyze, combine and reconcile data obtained through interviews. There were three sample groups with the senior
CILIP library and information careers: Knowledge Manager et al
Abstract: Knowledge managers work for a wide variety of employers and could be based in a government, health, law or a commercial setting. Key responsibilities will include the development and management of complex information systems. Knowledge managers often have other management responsibilities which could including staff and budgets, the implementation of a KM policy
Does Professional Certification in Knowledge Management Exist?
Abstract: There are pockets of effort around the world to begin to develop a Knowledge Management Body of Knowledge (KMBOK) but it doesn’t yet exist. The closest we have to real codification may be the 2015 version of ISO 9001 which has clause, 7.1.6, on organizational knowledge and its management. You