Filed in: community of practice

Knowledge Management Organizational Structure

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: We often overlook the importance of an organization’s structure in supporting the implementation of a KMS. This is a very critical consideration, because an organization will undergo significant change in the shift from a knowledge-hoarding to a knowledge sharing culture. A KMS isn’t a software package that’s easily installed and then forgotten about.

actKM – Analysing a Public Sector Knowledge Management Community of Practice

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: ActKM is a Community of Practice for people interested in public sector Knowledge Management. Having begun in 1998, the community now numbers more than 550 members and is nurtured and maintained predominantly, but not exclusively, online. Utilising the Cynefin sense-making framework (Snowden, 2002a), this chapter analyses the ActKM community and provides a practical