Abstract: The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first is to present the structure of a course entitled ‘Strategic Knowledge Management’ taught at the MBA level at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada. The second goal is to report on the survey of 43 course alumni and offer insights for other
Inderscience Enterprises Limited
Teaching knowledge management with TANGO
Abstract: An explosion of interest in the area of intellectual capital (IC) and knowledge management (KM) has recently arisen as evidenced by the increase in managerial publications, academic studies, dedicated conferences, corporate initiatives, internet sites and learning tools. Coinciding with this developing interest, the Tango simulation provides an environment where participants learn to
Teaching Knowledge Management to secondary education teachers through an action research model
Abstract: This paper presents a model of teaching KM to teachers of public secondary education. The model proposed is anthropocentric, grounded mainly on the socioconstructivistic approach. It is based on three basic building blocks: action-research, praxeology, and accompanying mentoring. This paper presented the application of the model in 12 public secondary education schools in
Dimensions of Knowledge Management: they know not its called knowledge… but they can manage it!
Abstract: This paper takes a social perspective on the discipline of Knowledge Management (KM) within the processual, conceptual, and contextual dimensions of teaching this subject in a management education setting. We explore how for our students the concept of knowledge is a fascinating one as most of them wonder what is encompassed within ‘knowledge
Designing and managing intervention methods to promote Self-Regulated Learning
Abstract: Many students in higher education do not effectively manage large class projects and term papers to complete the assigned work on time, while meeting quality and completeness requirements. One of the serious consequences of this is missing a significant portion of learning associated with the assigned work. We propose and investigate intervention methods