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Knowledge managers losing jobs right now?

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Pavel K. asks: It is painful to observe, that in the Corona crisis a large international company has fired the whole Knowledge Management Crew. We at SKMF have seen a similar case in 2015. But within 12 months the

Knowledge Management guardian, steward or…?

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Peter B. asks: Dear all, I’m involved in setting up KMS & culture in It has been proposed to call the members of the small KM core team “KM guardians”, remembering our past km4dev experience, I’d like

Knowledge Managers in Private Organizations?

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the discussion group of Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) Paul D. asks: Hello, This post is not for a great question but for a small concern that progressively rises with me this summer. I noticed that several great Institutions do have function(s) named “knowledge manager” while I do not know