Filed in: knowledge manager accreditation

RealKM Series on “Education and professional accreditation for knowledge managers”

Article series on professional accreditation for knowledge managers published in RealKM: …; CILIP announces the first Chartered Knowledge Manager!; Congratulations to Elena Costello, who has become the first person to be awarded the new chartered status MCLIP Chartered Knowledge Manager; CILIP KM Chartership takes shape!; CILIP professional registration, including Knowledge Management (KM) Chartership, is the ‘keystone’ in a professional career.; CILIP’s Chartered Knowledge Manager: a timely and much needed accreditation? ; Recent efforts by CILIP to create a globally accepted Chartered Knowledge Manager accreditation are timely and tap into a latent demand; The case for professional accreditation of KM ; It is critical that we continue the conversation on accreditation, and work to create momentum; What’s more important for knowledge managers: education, or skills and experience? ; A large proportion of top knowledge managers appear to have reached this level through