Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has been embraced by the industry as furthering the competitive advantage of organisations with knowledge being seen as a commodity in the knowledge economy. KM is multidisciplinary in nature and as such KM graduates hail from various disciplines. KM professionals perform various KM roles with specific KM skills and competencies
South Africa
International Perspectives on Knowledge Management Education – Library Trends 2023, Special Issue
Table of Contents: Introduction: International Perspectives on Knowledge Management Education, 177-186 Albright, Kendra, Albina Krymskaya, and Frank Cervone The Emergence of New Disciplines and the Transformation of the Library and Information Science Profession, pp. 187-204 Hawamdeh, Suliman,
Job functions and requirements for knowledge managers in South Africa
Abstract: The study explored the job functions and requirements for knowledge management practitioners through the analysis of job advertisements appearing on 12 major jobsites in South Africa. It aimed to provide vital information that can assist in re-examining knowledge management education in library and information science (LIS) schools in South Africa. A total of
Information and knowledge management teaching and research in South Africa
Abstract: Information management and knowledge management mean the same thing to some and different things to others. Ultimately, handling or studying information and knowledge management as the same thing or as two different things still raises a lot of debate and confusion. An example of this would be the distinction between data management (DM)