Tallinn University (TLU)
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The Tallinn University (TLU; Estonian: Tallinna Ülikool (TLÜ)), successor of the Tallinn Teachers’ Seminar,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Digital Technologies 2)
Tallinn Summer School (TSS)*
- 2014-2021: Course on Information and Knowledge Management in Digital Environment
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences > Institute of Informatics*2)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Science in Engineering (Interactive Media and Knowledge Environments (IMKE), Major: KE – Knowledge Environments)** // 2006-2013
- 2008 KE Major Compulsory subjects:
IFI7101 Introduction and theoretical foundations of new media
IFI7104 History and visions of interactive media
IFI7103 Interface and interaction design
IFI7105 Open source management
IFI7100 Media project management*
IFI7143 / EMIM04 Project Management*
*(either subject IFI7100 or IFI7143/EMIM04 is required)IFI7010 Media project
IFI7117 Master seminar
IFI7118 Master seminar2008 KE Major Electives:
IFI7112 Game interactions
IFI7109 Interactive information visualization
IFI7115 Security and privacy matters
IFI7111 Generative content creation
IFI7108 Digital interactive audio
IFI7113 Interactive television
IFI7114 Experimental input and output
IFI7110 Mobile interactions
IFI7116 Locative technologies
IFI7106 Ecology of Narratives
* subjects of Module 2 (Interactive Media major) can also be taken as electives
Tallinn Summer School (TSS)
- 2014-2015: Course on Information and Knowledge Management in Digital Environment 3)
Faculty of Social Sciences > Institute/Department of Information Studies* 2)
Course Material
Learning Objects > “Digital Library Learning” (DILL) Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Course
- Information and Knowledge Management Module 2/2023: still available online)
- Spring 2014:
Theoretical Models of Information and Knowledge Management
Learning and Learning Organization
Strategic and Planning Issues of Knowledge Management
The Issues of Social Networking Tools
Key Concepts in Information and Knowledge ManagementSpring 2012:
Information Culture
Knowledge Management Infrastructure
Knowledge Capture Systems
Knowledge Sharing SystemsSpring 2011:
Framework for Knowledge Management Tools and Projects
Information Culture: finding, evaluating and selecting material
Technologies for Information and Knowledge Management
The Issues of Social Networking ToolsSpring 2010:
Development of Information and Knowledge Management
Integration of digital libraries in e-learning
Knowledge Management and Learning: finding, evaluating and selecting materialsSpring 2009:
Concept of Information-related Competencies