Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU)*
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The Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU), formerly the Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation (UCTI) and the Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Computing and Technology
Undergraduate Degrees/Programs
- BSc (Hons) in Computing (Specialisation: Knowledge Management)**1)
Level 1 Modules:
Introduction to Software Development
Hardware & Software Systems & Networks
Systems Analysis & Design
Maths & Statistics for Computing
Object Oriented & Event Driven Programming
Introduction to Visual Basic .Net
Introduction to C Programming
Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceLevel 2 Modules:
Professional & Enterprise Development
Database & Web Database Systems
Systems Development Methods
Questionnaire & Data Analysis
AI Methods
IT Systems for Business
Human Computer Interaction & Usability
Probability & Statistical ModellingLevel 3 Modules:
Cognitive Science
Advance Database Systems
Ubiquitous Computing
Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
Project Management
Project (equivalent to 3 modules) :
-Research Planning
-Analysis & Design
-Implementation & Testing