1105 Media*
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

1105 Media, successor of 101communications,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
1105 Government Information Group* (currently (3/23): 360 Public Sector)
E-Gov Institute Knowledge Management Awards (2004-2007; in conjunction with the Exhibition at the Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition)
- 2007 Winners:
- KM Initiative Delivering High Value to Citizens:
U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (DisabilityInfo.gov Web site) & U.S. Agency for International Development (Knowledge-Driven Microenterprise Development Project) - …n.a.
- KM Initiative Delivering High Value to Citizens:
- 2006 Winners:
- Innovative Use of Technology in a KM Solution:
United States Postal Service, Accounting Center Support (Accounting Services Knowledgebase and Online Help for Accounting Services (Self-Service)) - KM Initiative Delivering High Value to a Broad User Community / Supporting Agency Mission:
U.S. Air Force Materiel Command, Capabilities Integration and Transformation Directorate (Air Force Knowledge Now); U.S. Army (Battle Command Knowledge System LOGNet) - KM Initiative Delivering High Value to Citizens:
Suffolk County, Clerk’s Office (Land Records program) - Initiative or Organization Successfully Using Innovative KM Practices:
U.S. Army Combined Arms Center Battle Command Knowledge System)
- Innovative Use of Technology in a KM Solution:
- 2005 Winners:
- Innovative Use of Technology in a KM Solution:
U.S. Joint Forces Command, Joint Futures Laboratory (Collaborative Information Environment) - KM Initiative Delivering High Value to a Broad User Community / Supporting Agency Mission:
Defense Acquisition University (DoD Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Knowledge Sharing Systems) - Initiative or Organization Successfully Using Innovative KM Practices:
State of Illinois, Bureau of Strategic Sourcing and Procurement (Central Management Services, Knowledge Management Division)
- Innovative Use of Technology in a KM Solution:
- 2004 Winners:
- Innovative Use of Technology in a KM Solution:
Internal Revenue Service (IRS Electronic Tax Administration Tools) - KM Initiative Serving a Broad User Community:
American Association of State Highway Officials (Transportation Asset Management Today Community of Practice) - Successful Use of Innovative KM Practices:
U.S. Army, Team C4ISR (Project Exodus) - KM Initiative Supporting Agency Mission:
U.S. Army (Battle Command Knowledge System)
- Innovative Use of Technology in a KM Solution:
Knowledge Management Conference & Exposition (KM)**
The Knowledge Management Conference & Exposition (KM), formerly Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition and the Knowledge Management Conference (incl. a one-day Tools and Solutions Exhibition), is designed for senior government Knowledge Management professionals to review Knowledge Management in the public sector, evaluate the latest tools and services, tap the expertise of Knowledge Management visionaries, benefit from proven best practices, and to network with their Knowledge Management peers.
Conference History:
Knowledge Management educational track, November 28-29, 2012, Washington, DC, USA
(in conjunction with the Government Information and Analytics Summit, Nov 28-29; Organizer: 1105 Media’s Government Information Group)
Note: “The Government Information and Analytics Summit (GIAS) is the next generation of 1105’s Annual Knowledge Management Conference.” The GIAS announced for 2013 wasn’t realized.
Practical Knowledge Management Strategies: Case Studies from DoD Successes
The Humanity of IT – The People Factor in Knowledge Management
Successful Knowledge Management in Lean Times – Lessons Learned
Approaches to Organizing, Managing, and Innovating Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Metrics – A Best Practice in Measuring Knowledge Management Success
Mission Success as Measured by Knowledge Management and Analytics
12th Knowledge Management Conference & Exposition, May 2-4, 2011, McLean, Virginia, USA
Conference Theme: —
(in conjunction with the InfoShare Summit; Organizer: 1105 Media’s Government Information Group: FOSE (Federal Office Systems Exposition) Institute)
- Pre-Conference Tutorials:
Knowledge Management 101 – Essentials for Government Practitioners; Keeping Knowledge in Mind – Decision-Making in a Complex Environment
Conference Workshops:
The Knowledge Management Solutions Cafe; Interactive Discussions; DoD Roundtable
Professional Education Program:
n.a.; Cloud Computing Program
Post-Conference Workshops:
Knowledge Management: The Future is Yours- Building Knowledge Centric Systems; Storytellers: Harnessing the Power of Narrative to Establish Common Purpose; Social Media Is Here. Now Where Do I Start?; Knowledge Management 404: Advanced Knowledge Management Principles & Techniques for Viral Organizational Transformation; Knowledge Management Lessons Learned: Implementation of a Successful Program
Conference Tracks:
Innovative and New Knowledge Management; Government Knowledge Management Programs: What’s Happening; Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Management in Government; Cloud Computing @ Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in the Department of Defense (DOD); Interactive Discussions
OPM’s Open Government Flagship Initiative; Trusted Leadership Across Hierarchies; Closing Keynote Luncheon; Wednesday Morning Keynote
Co-located Conferences:
InfoShare Summit
11th Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition, May 3-5, 2010, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management: The Road to Government Transparency, Collaboration and Change
(in conjunction with the Cloud Computing Summit and the Open Government & Innovations Conference; Organizer: 1105 Media’s Government Information Group; Co-producer: Barquin International)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Knowledge Management 101 – Fundamentals for Government Professionals; Storytellers: Harnessing the Power of Narrative to Establish Common Purpose
Professional Education Program:
The Three C’s of Enterprise Content Management: Compliance, Collaboration, and Control
Conference Workshops:
The Knowledge Management Solutions Cafe (TBC); DoD Roundtable
Conference Tracks:
Foundations of Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in a Collaborative and Transparent Government; Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques; Knowledge Management in the Department of Defense (DOD)
Open and Agile: Accelerating Change and Institutional Incompetence; Open Up: How Knowledge Management is Key to Increased Openness, Transparency and Collaboration in Government
Co-located Conferences:
Cloud Computing Summit, May 3-4
Open Government & Innovations Conference, May 4-5
KMedu relevant:
KM Curricula: Instruction and Research at Leading Universities
10th Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition, April 28-29, 2009, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Transforming Government Operations With a Decade of Knowledge Management
(in conjunction with the Cloud Computing Summit; Organizer: 1105 Media’s Government Information Group)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Using Knowledge Management as a Business Strategy: An Agency Experience; Knowledge Management 101 – Fundamentals for Government Professionals
Post-conference Professional Education Program: (jointly with Cloud Computing)
Beyond the Checkbox – Transform Continuous Learning Programs into a Powerful Online Environment; Document Management 2.0 – Web-Based Collaboration and the Road to Compliance; Toward a Government Cloud; Enterprise Cloud Computing for the Federal Government; ICES Search and Discovery; Moving to Cloud Computing Step-by-Step
Conference Tracks:
Integrating Knowledge Management Into Your Work Environment; Creating Information-Driven Organizations with Knowledge Management; Evolving Defense Operations with Knowledge Management
Information-Sharing and Warfighting–Leveraging the Power of Knowledge Management
Co-located Education Events:
Cloud Computing Summit, Apr 29
Side Events:
Federal Knowledge Management Working Group (KMWG) Annual Meeting, Apr 29
KMedu relevant:
Federal Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Perspectives
9th Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition, April 28-29, 2008, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Actionable Strategies and Innovative Approaches
(Organizer: 1105 Media’s Government Information Group: eGov Institute)
- Professional Education Program:
Beyond Checked Box Training Technology Assisted Learning Before, During, After and Beyond; Improving Content Collaboration in the Enterprise with Web 2.0 and SaaS (Software as a Service); The Electronic File: Unlocking Implicit Knowledge; Knowledge Management Working Group Meeting; The Right Information — But What is the Right Time?; The Paradigm Shift in Information Access: Building Relevancy Models that Work
Conference Workshops:
Storytelling Workshop: Using Narrative to Win (or Strengthen) Support for Knowledge Management
Conference Tracks:
Getting Started with Knowledge Management in Government Organizations; Solving Business Problems by Using Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management Tools and Strategies Over the Horizon
Capturing Tacit Knowledge of an Aging Workforce — Strategies for Addressing a National Challenge; Web 2.0 and Social Networking – Is it Hype or Reinventing the Business Landscape?
Community Meetings:
KM Working Group Meeting
8th Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition, April 3-5, 2007, Washington DC, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge-Centric Transformation for Tomorrow’s Government Workforce
(Organizer: 1105 Media’s Government Information Group: eGov Institute)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Knowledge Management 101: Getting Started with Knowledge Management for Government Organizations; How to Use Knowledge Management Practices to Create Virtual Work Environments; Low-Cost Strategies and Technologies that Support Stealth Knowledge Management
Professional Education Program:
Putting the Pieces Together Leveraging the FEA, HRLOB and Talent Management to Supporting Knowledge Management Capability in the Federal Government; Knowledge Stewardship: Safeguarding the Nation’s Knowledge Assets; How Will E-discovery Impact the Federal Knowledge Manager?; Lotus Software Strategy & Overview
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Management in Practice: Government Implementation Strategies; Using Knowledge Management and E-Learning for Workforce Development; Technology Applications for Successful Knowledge Management Programs
Telling Truth to Power: Conversational Strategies for Moving Undistorted Knowledge up the Chain; Exhibition Keynote; Wiki Knowledge Management: What Are We Thinking?
KMedu relevant:
How Will E-discovery Impact the Federal Knowledge Manager?
7th Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition, April 19-21, 2006, Washington DC, USA
Conference Theme: Integration, Action, and Results
(Organizer: 101communications’s eGov Institute)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Building a Defensible Knowledge Management Enterprise Environment; Keys to Successful Communities of Practice: The Secret Handshake; Using Knowledge Management to Prepare for Emergency Response
Conference Tracks:
Moving Towards Knowledge-Based Operations; Improving Workforce Development with Knowledge Management Tools and Tactics; Integrated Information Delivery and Collaboration Strategies
The Cognitive Dimension of Knowledge Management; Facing National Emergencies: A U.S. Coast Guard Perspective on Lessons Learned; Why Information Sharing is Difficult for Organizations, and Why it is Essential
Co-located Events:
E-Learning Solutions Seminar, Apr 20
6th Knowledge Management Conference & Exhibition, April 20-22, 2005, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Enabling Transformation and Delivering Results
(Organizer: 101communications’s eGov Institute)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Fitting Knowledge Management into Enterprise Architectures; Knowledge Retention: Capturing Critical Knowledge for Workforce Transformation; A Workbench for Knowledge Exploration
Conference Workshops:
Data Warehousing “How To” Workshop; Who Caught John Blade? A Unique Executive Forum About Information Sharing
Professional Education Program: The Knowledge Management Ecosystem: Defined, Dissected and Applied; Executing Strategy with Scorecarding (An Introduction)
Conference Tracks:
Strategies for Thriving Knowledge Management Programs; Managing Knowledge Environments; Using Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies; (Who Caught John Blade? A Unique Executive Forum About Information Sharing, CANCELLED)
Leveraging Knowledge and Experience for High Performance; How Knowledge Management Can Serve Government Enterprises: Today and Tomorrow; Five Principles of Homeland Security (CANCELLED); Keynote TBD
Community Meetings:
How to be an Intelligent, Complex, Adaptive Professional
5th Knowledge Management Conference, April 12-14, 2004, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: What’s New in Knowledge Management: Innovative Tools and Strategies for Government Practitioners
(Organizer: 101communications’s eGov Institute)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Transforming an Enterprise Portal into a Critical Knowledge Management Tool; Building Knowledge Management from the Ground Up – A Case Study Approach; The Knowledge Organization of the Future: Strategies and Challenges
Professional Education Program:
Knowledge Sharing at a Distance – A Case Study Approach; Building a Performance Measurement System: A Case Study at U.S. Navy Public Works Center; Enabling Collaboration and Communications; Extracting Vital Intelligence from Unstructured Information to Ensure Homeland Security
Conference Tracks:
Current Technologies and Strategies for Knowledge Management; Issues for Knowledge Management Practitioners; The Knowledge Management User Experience
Partnerships for Knowledge Management Results: The DHS Perspective; What’s New in Knowledge Management?; Putting Knowledge Management to Work for the U.S. Army; Getting Measurable Results with Knowledge Management
Community Meetings:
Sharing Valuable Knowledge through Stories; Federal KM Network and federalconnection.org
One-Day Tools and Solutions Exhibition
KMedu relevant:
Knowledge Management Education Programs: An Overview
4th Knowledge Management Conference, April 14-16, 2003, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Employing Proven Tools for Results
(Organizer: 101communications’s eGov Events)
- Tutorials:
Making Knowledge Management Happen – Building Robust Knowledge Environment; Organizational Storytelling: Lessons from the Public and Private Sectors; Content Management: Organizing the Chaos; How to Build and Sustain Viable Communities of Practice; Building The Business Case for Knowledge Management – Practical First Steps; Building Enterprise Information Portals for Knowledge Management Lifecycle Operations
Professional Education Program:
Army Knowledge Online — The U.S. Army Strategic Knowledge Management Enabler; Effective Recruitment Strategies for Government; Portals With A Purpose; Using Knowledge Management to Design and Deploy Efficient Processes
Conference Tracks:
Applying Technology: Tools for Integrated Knowledge Management Operations; Operating Knowledge Management Environments; Developing Knowledge Management Enterprises
Managing Global Knowledge for Effective National Outcomes; Narrative — Beyond the Tyranny of Writing Things Down; Harnessing Knowledge in Operational Naval Forces; USAF Enterprise Applies Knowledge
One-Day Tools and Solutions Exhibition
3rd Knowledge Management Conference, April 22-25, 2002, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management: When Collaboration is Essential
(Organizer: 101communications’s eGov Events)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Knowledge Management Fundamentals and Methodology; The Theories and Technologies Behind Knowledge Management; XML A Standard in Exchanging Knowledge and Data; Strategic Guide to Developing Enterprise Knowledge Management Systems; Content Structuring Tools and Techniques
Professional Education Program:
Knowledge Management Introduction: Strategies, People, and Processes: Three Strategic Approaches to Developing a Knowledge Management System; Integration of Document Management, Business Intelligencee, and Knowledge Management; Managing the Information Lifecycle: A Practical Approach to Knowledge Management
Conference Tracks:
Leading Knowledge Management; Organizing for Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies
Securing and Sharing What We Know; E-Government and Knowledge Management: Complementary Practices; Knowledge Management in the Intelligence Sector; Managing Knowledge in the Beltway Bureaucracy; Knowledge Management – UK Style 1; Knowledge Management – UK Style 2; Knowledge: The Raw Material of Government
KM Community Meetings
One-Day Tools and Solutions Exhibition
2nd Knowledge Management Conference, April 9-12, 2001, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management: The Catalyst for Electronic Government
(Organizer: 101communications’s eGov Events)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Knowledge Management Fundamentals and Methodology; Portals 101: Design, Implementation, and the Army Knowledge Online Experience; Measuring the Return on your Knowledge Management Investment; Customer Relationship Management for Public Sector Enterprises; Storytelling: How People Really Share Knowledge; Introduction to XML as a Knowledge Management Tool; Change Management
Post-conference Professional Education Program:
Knowledge Management in the Public Sector Today; Knowledge Management Certification; Dynamic Communities of Interest and AI Solutions; Measuring Performance — Business vs. Knowledge Management-Specific Measures; How to Integrate Storytelling into Your Knowledge Management Program; CRM: Know Thy Customer; Knowledge Management – The Next Generation Today; Using Business Intelligence to Improve the Knowledge Management Process
Conference Tracks:
Leading Knowledge Management; Building Knowledge Management Environments; Tools and Solutions for Knowledge Management in Government; Case Studies in Knowledge Management
Attention Must Be Paid; Knowledge Management Challenges: Managerial and Social, Not Technical; Navigating the Knowledge Dimension; Mobilizing Support for Knowledge Management: The Role of Storytelling; Knowledge Management — Part of a National E-Government Strategy; Knowledge Management to Connect the People and Information
One-Day Tools and Solutions Exhibition
1st Knowledge Management Conference, April 10-13, 2000, Alexandria, VA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management: The Foundation for Electronic Government
(Organizer: I.T. Direct’s eGov Events)
- Pre-Conference Tutorials:
An Introduction to Knowledge Management; Designing and Implementing Enterprise Information Portals; A Case Study in Knowledge Management; The State of Knowledge Management in the Public Sector (Pt. 1&2); Building the Case for Knowledge Management in the Public Sector; Managing Knowledge about your Customer: CRM in the Public Sector
Conference Tracks:
Leading Knowledge Management; Building Knowledge Management Environments; The Knowledge Management Tool Set and Applications
From Bits and Bytes to Wisdom: A Proposed Ascending Scale; Knowledge as Value: The Promise of Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management: Empowering the Knowledge Worker; Transforming Information into Intelligent E-business; Why Knowledge Management?; Building the Knowledge Enterprise
KMedu relevant:
Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) – Are You Ready?
One-Day Tools and Solutions Exhibition