Global Leaders who Innovate Next Knowledge Summit (G-LINK Summit)*

Global Leaders who Innovate Next Knowledge Summit (G-LINK Summit)*

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The Global Leaders who Innovate Next Knowledge Summit (G-LINK Summit), quasi-successor of Creative Bangkok – the Asian Symposium on Creativity and Innovation Management (ASCIM) and the Creative Bangkok Workshop (CreaBKK), is organized by the Institute for Knowledge and Innovation – South-East Asia (IKI-SEA) at the Bangkok University (BU). By attending the G-LINK summit you will gain a new set of skills, new knowledge and a fresh mindset that will help your organization not just to survive, but to thrive in these disruptive times.

The Asian Symposium on Creativity and Innovation Management (ASCIM) and the Creative Bangkok Workshop (CreaBKK), resp., was an international week long innovation program enabling participants to learn from success stories and best practices from some of the most innovative companies in the world that can be reapplied to their work environment to think outside the box to leap over their challenges. In a friendly, creative and social environment, local, regional and International speakers shard their vision, experience and secrets of creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation with the participants.

Conference History:

GLINK (KM) Summit Indonesia, January 9-11, 2024, Bali, Indonesia

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management (KM) End to End
(Organizer: Australian Society for Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management Society Indonesia; Knowledge Management Society (Singapore); Institute for Knowledge and Innovation – South-East Asia (Thailand); Innovation and Knowledge Management Club (iKlub, Thailand); Supporter: School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBMITB); Knowledge Management Global Network; Collaborative Partners: Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness at SBMITB; Gamma Metrics)

    Note: Joint GLINK (Global Leaders who Innovate Next Knowledge) Summit and Knowledge Management Summit Indonesia (KM Summit Indonesia), also announced as GLINK KM Asia conference or GLINK-KM Indonesia Summit; The conference was originally scheduled for 17-19 October 2023, part of the Global Knowledge Week (Oct 16-20), aka the Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN) global learning week. The reason to postpone the conference is the “Indonesian Presidential election kick-off dates” and the opening of the registration for presidential and vice presidential candidates, resp. (The registration starts on October 19, 2023, and will be open to November 25, 2023. These dates are at least known since 8/2022.).

    Unlocking Excellence: The Significance of KM Awards for Organizational Success
    Incorporating Generative AI into Knowledge Repository
    Enhance the Business Competitiveness through Action Learning & Knowledge Creation Initiatives
    KM Platform Design and Utilization
    Lean Knowledge Management: Optimising KM for Immediate Returns
    Leading organisations with Agile and Effective project management
    The power of Stories
    KM Role in Fire Disaster Management: Case Study Australia
    Uncovering Tacit Knowledge

    Interactive Sessions:
    Understanding the Ground – “My biggest KM Barrier is…” (Interactive Poll)
    Knowledge Cafe: Barrier in KM (CANCELLED)
    Open Floor (Closing Panel)

    Panel Discussions:
    My Biggest KM Barrier is …? (incl. workshop introductions)

    Knowledge for Millenials in Building a Golden Indonesia: Knowledge Management Perspective
    KM Platform as Enabler for Human Capital Development
    How Plasticpay improves Knowledge visibility to improve sustainability
    Development of Knowledge-Based Economy in the Tourism Industry and Creative Industries
    The Big Question: Why do we tell Stories ?
    Leapfrog Knowledge Management with Generative AI: Revolutionizing Organizational Wisdom
    Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity: Unlocking the Power of Differences to facilitate smooth knowledge flow
    The Transformative Power of Knowledge Management and Innovations in Modern Advertising
    Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Knowledge Hiding: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and German Knowledge Workers
    Evolution of Data and Governance – The Key Enabler and Success Factor of AI

    2023 conference program:

    Unlocking Excellence: The Significance of KM Awards for Organizational Success
    Finding the Knowledge Value in Fire (Discovering the principles for high value KM )
    AI and KM: Getting the most out of it
    Leading organisations with Agile and Effective project management
    Knowledge Management Capability Building Case Study 2023 – Urgent capture of expert knowledge in the South Pacific 2023
    The power of Stories (Strategic Storytelling Workshop )
    Uncovering Tacit Knowledge
    Knowledge Graphs

    Interactive Sessions:
    Understanding the Ground – “My biggest KM Barrier is…” (Interactive Poll)
    Global HacKMthon 2023
    Co-Creation of Knowledge: KM of tomorrow

    Panel Discussions:
    My Biggest KM Barrier is …? (Workshop Introductions)
    Open floor (Keynote Panel w. Questions & Answers)

    The Future of Knowledge Management: How AI and Machine Learning are Changing the Game
    Knowledge Management for Talent Management: How to Attract, Develop, and Retain Top Talent
    How PlasticPay utilises knowledge visibility to improve sustainability efforts
    Leveraging Knowledge Management for Business Development and Innovation in Corporations
    The Big Question: Why do we tell Stories ?
    Starting from scratch, to establishing a team and an evolving way of “doing knowledge”
    Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity: Unlocking the Power of Differences to facilitate smooth knowledge flow
    The Transformative Power of Knowledge Management and Innovations in Modern Advertising

    KMGN Presentation
    … TBD

    Site visits:
    Bank Indonesia, Bali: How they practice KM & Sustainability

    Associated Events:
    Global Knowledge Week (Oct 16-20, aka KM Week – Global KM Festival)

G-LINK Summit, October 4-6, 2017, Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand

Conference Theme: Leading Digital and Cultural Transformation
(in conjunction with the 2nd Global Learning Week?; Co-organizer: Knowledge Management Global Network)

    Sharing & Co-Creation Circles:
    3R technique (Review, Reflect and Re-Apply what was covered during the day)
    Collaboratively develop new ideas and solutions to the specific problems that participants are facin

    Hands-on Workshops: (Knowledge Market)
    Actionable Gamification using Octalysis
    An Innovation Capabilities Model for Thailand
    Knowledge Management tactics toward becoming a Centre of Excellence
    Knowledge Management added value
    Designing Effective Lessons Learned Sessions to enable Knowledge Management ROI
    Using the Cynefin Decision Making Framework Effectively for Knowledge Management
    The learning processes involved in Business Ecosystem emergence and development
    Case Examples of Covert KnowNs (Technology)
    The Organizational Knowledge Sharing Framework from the World Bank
    Communities of Practice: Nurturing the knowledge sharing & learning environment
    Inquiry-based learning in digital and cultural transformations

    Building and Sustaining a Community of Practice
    Principles and Rules for developping Multicultural Virtual Co- Creative teams
    Can games stimulate a cultural transformation that embeds digital agility?
    The Evolving Role of Knowledge Management and the Knowledge Management Professional in the Digital Era- Industry 4.0, AI and more
    Innovating with Big Data Analytics
    The Intelligent Social Change Journey: Transformation and change in a connected world
    The TIPS Innovation Profiling Workshop
    Relearning how to learn – how to empower change and resilience in a digital economy

    Success Stories: (incl Panel Discussion)
    Knowledge Management Journey for Excellence and Sustainabiliuty @ Siriraj Hospital, Thailand)
    Knowledge Management (KM) Journey @ Hong Kong Police Force)
    The Way to Transform @ ELF Printing Company, Russia

    Can old corporates become sexy?
    Implementing Flash-Point approach as the catalyst for Co-Creation
    The Culture of Connection
    From open innovation to open organizations
    Leading the cultural transformation through a knowledge lens
    Leading teams to connect the dots for Digital and Cultural Transformation
    How to disrupt the disruptors?
    Japanese Startup & Innovation
    Digital Literacy: What’s Required to Survive the Digital Transformation
    Managing Knowledge in the Age of Digitalisation

    Lightning Talks:
    The role of Gamification in digital and cultural transformation
    Competing in a data-driven world
    Mobilized knowledge – game changers in learning experiences
    After action review: Why and whats Next
    Harnessing shop floor knowledge – The Tata Steel way
    Convergent Knowledge Nuggets
    How to right the people side of business and innovation
    Detlef Reis | Thinkergy | IKI-SEA Bangkok University | Thailand
    The key role of KM in innovation corporate internal and external learning processes
    KM ROCKs! (Ready Organisations Create Knowledge)
    Managing digital change in a financial environment

2nd Creative Bangkok – Asian Symposium on Creativity and Innovation Management (ASCIM 2016), February 21-26, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

Conference Theme: From Imitation to Innovation
Sub-title: Unleash your creative potential and its value for your organization
(Co-organizer: mosaic – Creativity & Innovation Hub, École des hautes études commerciales Montréal; Index Creative Village;…)

    The Power of Innovation (ASCIM Kick-off), Feb 21

    From Imitation to Innovation
    The Creative Century: dadaism, punks & hackers, and the relentless search for novelty
    Seeking Significance in Creativity
    PLAYBOY – Still Crazy Creative After All These Years
    Finding the Innovation Opportunities for SME and entrepreneurs
    Culture Consciousness; Colors and Senses, Material to Immaterial

    Unconference (Open space conference)
    Social Innovation Team Creative Challenge

    Become the Innovation Champion in your Organization (ASCIM Conference), Feb 22-23
    Sub-title: Strategies for Creativity & Innovation Innovation and Creative Processes

    Plenary Presentations:
    Innovation Upgrade! – Latest trends on innovation management
    The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
    Democratic design at IKEA
    Developing and nurturing Grassroots innovations throught Malaysia: Lessons learnt
    Social Innovation Team Creative Challenge: Presentation
    Disruptive innovations at NASA (keynote)
    Reverse innovation – Frugal innovation
    Creativity Behind the Scenes of Cirque du Soleil
    Designing Business Models for a New World Greg Bernarda – Founder Greg Bernarda Strategy Design – Singapore
    Making transformation happen through innovation
    Turn your inspiration to excitement
    A Sound Trip – A creative musical impression of my journey’s soundscape

    Open Innovation Roundtable Session
    Creative Marketing Sessions

    Walk the Talk (ASCIM Walkshop and Experience of the creative power of your 6 senses), Feb 24

    Tour 1: Old City Bangkok, Siam Cement Group
    Tour 2: Index Creative Village, C Asean

    Tools and Methods in Use (Workshops), Feb 25-26

    Personal Creative Empowerment
    Innovation Strategies Workshops
    People, Culture and Leadership
    Creative Tools and Methods

    Pre-conference Events:
    CreaBKK Day/Seminar, Feb 11

    Sessions: Creativity for Change; Creativity at Index Creative Village; In their shoes: Stories from the field; Round Table and Questions & Answers

Creative Bangkok Workshop (CreaBKK2016), January 24-29, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

Conference Theme: TBD
(Co-organizer: TBD)

    Conference Program TBD

Creative Bangkok Workshop (CreaBKK2014), October 12-17, 2014, Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand

Conference Theme: Traditions & Modernity
Sub-title: Enabling you to think outside the box, the leap over your challenges
(Co-organizer: mosaic – Creativity & Innovation Hub, École des hautes études commerciales Montréal; Index Creative Village;…)

    Daily Topics:
    Creativity in Services & Service Economy; Creativity in Media & Entertainment; Creativity in Arts & Design; Heritage & Tourism; Creativity in Science & Technology; Creativity and the Mind and Social Innovation

    SOS Creation! Connecting Innovators
    Creative metaphor interactions to understand the behaviour of innovation
    Design Thinking
    Thinking in pictures; a rapid visualization
    Are Your Teams Finding Creative Solutions to Complex Problems? How Action Learning helps teams develop breakthrough solutions and contributes to their leadership development
    C-K (Concept-Knowledge) Design Theory
    Creativity & Meditation
    Social Innovation Canvas
    The CREATIVE YOU: Achieving a Whole Brain State
    LEGO Serious Play — forging strategy via the power of metaphor

    Creative Team Challenges: (6)

    6Rs (Review:, Reflect, Reapply, Recreate, Relax & Refresh) sessions: (5)

    Presentations: (50 Speakers)

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