Benchmarking Partnerships*
This is no official page!
No warranty for correctness & completeness!
This site will be updated with no ads and linked to its KMedu opportunities
as soon as the provider subscribes to this service!
(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)
Monthly Featured

Benchmarking Partnerships offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Site Visits
Knowledge Management Study Tours 1)
- 1st KM Study Tour: Knowledge Management – Made in Germany: Visit & Meet the Knowledge Management Champions in Germany, April 26 – 30, 2009, Bremen | Nienburg | Hildesheim | Frankfurt/Main, Germany 2)
- 2nd KM Study Tour 2010 to Asia (planned)
Knowledge Management Champions Webinar Series
- 2011 (tbc): Knowledge Managementfor Small Businesses
- 2010 (tbc): Expertise Transfer; Web 2.0 for Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management for New Product Development; Knowledge Management for Mergers & Acquisitions; Knowledge Management in projects for development; Intellectual Capital Statements
- 2009: Knowledge Management: from Web-Admin to KM Services – Experiences from 10 Years Knowledge Management at Schaeffler Group
Web Channels