International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS)*

International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS)*

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The International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS), initiated by the School of Knowledge Science of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, is the annual meeting of the International Society for Knowledge and Systems Sciences (ISKSS), formally established at the fourth KSS in 2003. The KSS symposium aims to promote the exchange and interaction of knowledge across disciplines and borders to explore new territories and frontiers in knowledge and systems science.

KSS is the successor of the workshop/conference on Systems Methodology: Possibilities for Cross-Cultural Learning and Integration (1995-1997) and other activities organized by the Cross-cultural Learning and Integration Systems Project which was established by systems researchers from China, Japan and the UK in 1995.

Conference History:

23rd KSS2024 Symposium, 16-17 November 2024, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia

Symposium Theme: Knowledge and Systems Sciences with Responsible AI
(Host: School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Tasmania)

    Conference program TBD

    Affective engineering / Kansei engineering
    Agent-based social systems sciences
    Big data analytics
    Big data, culture and tourism
    Big data and education
    Big data and healthcare
    Big data and Internet finance
    Big data, social perception & societal management
    Collective intelligence
    Complex system modeling, complex networks and complexity science
    Data mining and text mining
    Decision analysis and decision support systems
    Disaster and emergency management
    Ecosystem, energy and market
    Information fusion and Information quality
    Interactive design for exploratory analytics
    IoT for open innovation
    Knowledge creation, creativity support and awareness support
    Knowledge management and knowledge systems engineering
    Machine learning and pattern recognition
    Model-based systems engineering
    Natural language processing
    Meta-synthesis and advanced modeling
    On-line social networks
    Opinion dynamics and opinion mining
    Problem structuring methods and systems methodologies toward wicked problems
    Recommendation systems
    Security analytics for big data management
    Semantic computing
    Service systems science
    Social dynamic network modeling and simulation
    Social media oriented knowledge discovery
    Urban computing and smart city
    Visual analytics

22nd KSS2023 Symposium, December 2-3, 2023, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Symposium Theme: Knowledge and Systems Science in the Age of Generative AI & 20th anniversary of ISKSS
(Host: School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology; Cooperation: Systems Engineering Society of China)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Data Mining, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
    Complex Systems Modeling, Decision Analysis and Knowledge Management
    Opinion Dynamics and Opinion Mining
    Knowledge Graph and Social Media
    Knowledge Management and Blockchain
    Complex Systems Modeling and Knowledge Management
    Opinion Mining and Knowledge Technologies
    On-line Media and Knowledge Technologies

    Chinese Industrial Forum on Generative AI and Knowledge Management

    Analysis, Visualization and Improvement of Human Collaboration Dynamics Using Computational Methods
    Responsible AI and Data Science for Social Good
    Forecasting Inflation Rates: A Large Panel of Micro-Level Data Approach
    Encouraging the Development of Knowledge Systems

    ISKSS Council meeting

21st KSS2022 Symposium, June 11-12, 2022, Bejing, China / Virtual venue

Symposium Theme: Systems Thinking to the Impact of Pandemic and Knowledge Support
(Host: School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University)

    Note: The conference was supposed to take place in Zhuhai, China. Host: School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

    Symposium Sessions:
    Data Mining and Machine Learning; Complex Systems Modeling and Knowledge Technologies; Data mining and text mining

    Meta-synthesis decision methodology of complex system management in big data era: a new complementary panoramic decision framework
    Integrating Machine Learning and Evidential Reasoning for User Profiling and Recommendation
    Beyond COVID: Reframing the Global Problematique with STiP (systems thinking in practice)
    Cognitive Digital Twins
    Knowledge Technology and Systems – Definition and Challenges

20th KSS2019 Symposium, November 29-December 1, 2019, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam

Symposium Theme: Knowledge Science in the Age of Big Data
(Host: School of Computer Science, Duy Tan University)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Complex System Modeling and Analysis; Social Network; Knowledge Management; On-line Social Network; Decision Analysis; On-line Media Processing; Emergency Management; Big Data and Knowledge Technologies

    Understanding Science by Network analysis
    Structured Learning for Biomedical Domain
    Emergent Constructive Approach to Language
    Malik Ecopolicy and Sensitivity Model

19th KSS2018 Symposium, November 25-27, 2018, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Knowledge Acquisition from Structured and Unstructured Data for Effective Social Implementation
(Host: Faculty of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Decision Analysis andDecision Support Systems; Special Session; Knowledge and Risk Management for Electricity Trading Market; Modeling for Social Implementation; Knowledge Discovery in Business Applications; Knowldege Management in Health Field; Knowledge in Online Systems; Societal and Emergency Management; Knowledge Management in Services; Data Mining in Business Applications

    Text Mining from Public Hearing Databases and Automatic Profile Generation from Online Resources
    Model-based Policy Making: Urban dynamics, Collaborative Learning and Family Strategy
    Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Data-driven Methods for Typical Diagnosis and Treatment Pattern Mining
    Toward Cyber Physical Innovation: Probabilistic Modeling for Real Field AI Applications

18th KSS2017 Symposium, November 17–19, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand

Symposium Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems for Knowledge, Technology and Service Management
(Host: Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Complex System Modeling; Social Media Processing; Multi-agent Simulation; Information Science; Healthcare and Big Data; Knowledge Science and Engineering; Data Mining and Text Mining; Knowledge Management and Innovation

    Symposium Workshops:
    Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (AI2OT)

    From the Age of Emperors to the Age of Empathy
    Quality-of-Life (QOL) Based Urban Transport Planning Utilising ICT
    An Evolution-Theoretical Approach to the Analysis of Social Systems
    Multi-agent Solutions for Supply-Demand Management in Smart Grid Markets

17th KSS2016 Symposium, November 4-6, 2016, Konan University, Kobe, Japan

Symposium Theme: Systems Approaches to Knowledge, Technology and Service Management
(Host: Faculty of Intelligence and Informatics, Konan University)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Service System; Innovation and Simulation; Knowledge Network; Application of Network Analysis; Knowledge Team; Text Mining; Data Mining and Opinion Analysis; Algorithm and Methodology

    Invited/Plenary Talks:
    Production as a Service
    Semiotic Analysis of Behavioral Knowledge and Skills for Cyber-Physical Co-Coaching
    Crowd Decision-making and Consensus Support System based on Agent and AI Technologies

    10 Big Advances in Systems Engineering and Systems Science
    Models and Principles of Knowledge Synthesis and Justification

16th KSS2015 Symposium, September 24-26, 2015, Xidian University, Xi’an, China

Symposium Theme: Knowledge Creation Towards Internet+ Inspired Economy
(Host: School of Economics & Management, Xidian University)

    Conference themes:
    Silk Road Economic Belt; Knowledge Systems Sciences; Wuli-Shili-Renli Systems Approach (1995-2015)

    Symposium Sessions:
    n.a.; Wuli-Shili-Renli Systems

    Invited talks:
    Nomology: A Meta-System for Synthesizing Eastern and Western Systems Science
    Knowledge Sharing for Mobile Workers: The Basis of Thriving in the Internet+ Economy
    The blind men and a hippopotamus: Celebrating diversity in knowledge acquisition and application in working with wicked problems
    Healthcare in Transition

15th KSS2014 Symposium, November 1-2, 2014, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan

Symposium Theme: Systems Approaches to Knowledge, Technology and Service Management
(Host: Faculty of Science, University of Hokkaido)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Knowledge Management; Service Systems; Decision Analysis; Data Management; Information/Knowledge Strategy; Socio-Technical Systems; Knowledge Science; Service Science

    Pre-/Post-Symposium Events (by invitation only):
    Knowledge Synthesis and Justification Symposium, Oct 31
    International Workshop on Meta-synthesis and Complex Systems, Nov 3

    Knowledge Management in Economic Forecasting
    Computational Semantics in Knowledge Engineering
    Service Ecosystems Innovation in Multi-level Adaptive Cycles Model Perspective

14th KSS2013 Symposium, October 25-27, 2013, Zhejiang University, Ningbo, China

Symposium Theme: Knowledge Creation toward Emergency Management
(Host: Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University)

    Symposium Sessions:

    KSS School: (Oct 26)
    Knowledge Creation Systems for Regional Revitalization; Wuli-Shili-Renli Systems Approach and Queuing Problem in Shanghai World Expo; Knowledge Management Driven By Problems; Developments of Ambient Information Technologies and OR Approaches for Ambient-Aware Information Environments; A Concept and The Practice of The Network Orchestration

    Invites/Plenary Talks:
    Cynefin, Decision Analysis and Emergency Management
    Value Co-Creation Process and Value Orchestration Platform in Service Systems Science Perspective
    Performance of New Product Development and Sources of Idea Generation in China

    Co-located Events:
    Data Science Forum, Oct 25-26

13th KSS2012 Symposium, November 19-20, 2012, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, Japan

Symposium Theme: —
(Host: School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    Symposium Sessions:

    Tutorial Lectures:
    Orientation of Knowledge Science; Knowledge Management with Systems Thinking; Complex Adaptive Systems Analysis; Target-Oriented Decision Analysis

    Knowledge and Systems Science
    Knowledge Science and Service Systems
    Serendipity and Co-creation in Open Innovation
    Theory of Belief Functions: Basic Principles and Applications

12th KSS2011 Symposium, July 17, 2011, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom

Symposium Theme: All Together now – Working Across Disciplines: People, Principles and Practice
(jointly with the 55th Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences, Jul 17-22; Host: Business School, University of Hull)

    Symposium Sessions:

    Integrating WSR into a Generative Meta-Model for Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Science – Modeling the Knowledge Creation Process
    WSR Approach to Queuing Problem in Expo2010

11th KSS2010 Symposium, September 16-18, 2010, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

Symposium Theme: —
(jointly with the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (KMAP2010); Host: School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University)

    Symposium Sessions:
    n.a.; Innovators Market Game (special session)

    Knowledge Integration of Collaborative Innovation: Case Study of Innovation System for City Dalian
    Tsugology: Structuring of Intentions and Constraints for Innovative Communication
    From D-I-K-W-M to Phronesis
    What is Knowledge Science

10th KSS2009 Symposium, December 3-4, 2009, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Symposium Theme: Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations
(jointly with The 6th International Symposium on Knowledge Management (ICKM2009); Host: Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong)

    Symposium Sessions:

    Service Innovation in Systems Sciences Perspective
    Exploration on the Management of Knowledge Organization

9th KSS2008 Symposium, December 11-12, 2008, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Symposium Theme:
(jointly with at the 4th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Knowledge Management (KMAP2008); Host: School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology)

    Symposium Sessions:

    Keynotes: (3)

8th KSS2007 Symposium, November 5-7, 2007, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, Japan

Symposium Theme: —
(jointly with the 2nd International Symposium on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS); branded as IJCKS 2007 – International Joint Symposium on Knowledge Science; Host: School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Knowledge Management in Academy; Intelligent Knowledge Management Systems; Intelligent Computing; Knowledge Representation; Knowledge Coordination; Ontology; Organizational Knowledge; Prediction and Planning; Knowledge Science; Management of Technology (MOT)

    Plenary Talks:
    Triple Helix of Innovation: Case Study of City Dalian and DUT
    Knowledge Integration and Creation for Solving Complex Problems
    Toward Integration of Knowledge Creation Theories by Primitives Synthesis
    Systems Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine
    Exploring the robustness of Rapid Deployment Collaboration Tools –
    Experiences from several KM technology workshops
    Models and Algorithms for Event Mining
    The Application of Wavelet Transform in Stock Market
    The JAIST School: Continuity and Future
    Suppliers’ Roles and Their Impact on Knowledge Transfer in Auto Manufacturing Supply Chain

7th KSS2006 Symposium, September 22-25, 2006, Beijing, China

Symposium Theme: Towards Knowledge Synthesis and Creation
(Host: Research Group of Meta-Synthesis and Knowledge Science, Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

    Symposium Sessions:

    A Meta System for Understanding International Conflict
    About Knoware
    Systems theory – a worldview and/or a methodology
    Chance Discovery
    The Ways of Knowing
    A New model of Knowledge Creation Processes

    Co-located Workshops:
    International Workshop on Meta-Synthesis and Complex Systems (MCS)

6th KSS2005 Symposium, August 29-31, 2005, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

Workshop/Symposium Theme: Knowledge Creation and Integration for Solving Complex Problems
(jointly with the 19th International Workshop on Complex Systems Modeling (CSM); branded as CSM/KSS’2005 Workshop)

    Program n.a.

    Co-located conferences:
    International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society (DSTIS), Sep 1-3

5th KSS2004 Symposium, November 10-11, 2004, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Tatsunokuchi, Japan

Symposium Theme:
(Host: School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Creation; Management of Technology (MOT); Data Mining; Agent; Agent and Behavioral Science; Information System; Decision Making; Applied Systems Analysis

    Plenary Talks:
    Technology Creation Based on Knowledge Science
    Knowledge Management for Scientific Research Lab. in University
    How to Synthesize Experts Opinions-building Consensus from Different Perspectives
    Exploring Computerized Support for Group Argumentation for Idea Generation
    Contingent Framework for Supporting Participatory Decision-making
    Crude Oil Price Forecasting with TEI@I Methodology
    Modeling Web for Knowledge Integration and Creation
    An Approach to Performance Analysis and Optimization of Communication Networks
    Knowledge Management in China’s Enterprises
    Knowledge Transfer in Supply Chain — Hold Suppliers’ Complementary Knowledge
    Discussions on the Distance of Information-state Transition
    Perspective on Scientific Data Mining
    Solving the Mystery of Rough Sets –Links between Topologies and Rough Sets
    Flow Graphs – a New Paradigm for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

    Co-located Conferences:
    JAIST Forum on ‘Technology Creation Based on Knowledge Science: Theory and Practice’

4th KSS2003 Symposium, November 29-30, 2003, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Symposium Theme: Towards Meta-Synthetic Support for Decision Making
(Host: School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology)

    Symposium Sessions: (KSS & MCS)
    Knowledge Science; Knowledge Engineering and Business Intelligence; Meta-Synthesis and Advanced Modeling; System Thinking and Methodologies; Knowledge Management; Systems Sciences and System Analysis; Complexity Research

    Plenary Talks:

    Co-located Workshops:
    International Workshop on Meta-Synthesis and Complex Systems (MCS)

3rd KSS2002 Symposium, August 7-8, 2002, Shanghai University for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Symposium Theme:
(Host: School of Business, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology)

    Symposium Sessions:
    Knowledge Science and Management; Knowledge Engineering; Systems Science; Meta-Synthesis

    Plenary Talks:
    Knowledge Engineering
    Context-Dependent Modeling for Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Portal for the Strategic Analysis Support
    Knowledge Management: Learning from Diverse Styles
    Linear Programming-based Data Mining Techniques and Credit Card Knowledge Management
    Some Trends in the Studies on Meta-synthesis

    Post-Symposium Round Table Discussions: (full day/Aug 8)
    Knowledge Systems Methodology (Invited Only); Knowledge Science and Management; Knowledge Engineering; Systems Science; Meta-Synthesis

    Co-located Workshops:
    International Workshop on Meta-Synthesis and Complex Systems (MCS)

2nd KSS 2001 Symposium, November 25-27, 2001, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

Symposium Theme:
(Host: Knowledge Science and Technology Research Center, Department of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology)

    Symposiumm Sessions:
    Knowledge Science and Management; Knowledge Engineering; Systems Science

    Plenary Talks:
    Toward Establishing Knowledge Science and Technology
    Metasynthesis, WSR and Consensus
    Multidisciplinary View of Knowledge Technology
    What Is to Be Managed: Knowledge, Knowing, or Knower, and Does It Matter?
    Trainable Artificial Brain
    A Study of the Relations Between Soft Systems Methodology and Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory
    All-Win: A System Thinking in the Era of Knowledge Economy
    Model Integration in A Dynamic Model Space Based on Qualitative Reasoning Methods
    Knowledge Comprehension,Integration and Metasynthetic Reconstruction Analysis

    Post-Symposium Round Table Discussions (full day/Sep 27):
    Knowledge Systems Methodology (Invited Only); Knowledge Science and Management; Knowledge Engineering; Systems Science

1st KSS2000 Symposium, September 25–27, 2000, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Tatsunokuchi, Japan

Symposium Theme: Knowledge and Systems Sciences – Challenges to Complexity
(in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the foundation of JAIST, Host: School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

    Symposium Forums:
    Knowledge Science; Systems Science; Science of Complexity

    Symposium Sessions:
    Knowledge Science and Creation; Western and Eastern Systems Methodologies; Complex Systems Analysis and Applications

    Panel Discussions:
    Western and Eastern Systems Methodologies

    Plenary Talks:
    Complexity Science and Systems Engineering
    Combining systems approach to deal with complexity
    Habitual Domains: Human software that determines our lives
    Mathematical General Systems Theory and information systems
    Megatrends of Information society and the emergence of Knowledge science
    Giving requisite variety to strategic and implementation processes: Theory and Practice1
    Knowledge integration in model-based decision support
    Knowledge management system toward sustainable society

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  1. Hi there ,

    How we can register to participate in this conference

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Sep 26, 2017 – Boris)

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