C-SYNC offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Hungary (H)
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities in Hungary
BOBCATSSS Association
The BOBCATSSS Association, formerly the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID),1)2) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group Conference (EKSIG Conference)*
The biennial Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group Conference (EKSIG Conference), organized by the Design Research Society’s Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, initially the International Conference on Experiential Knowledge (EKC), organized by members of the Experiential Knowledge Project of the University of Hertfordshire, Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries, aims to provide a forum for
Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS)*
- Co-located: International Conference e-Learning and Digital Learning (ELDL); Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence (BigDaCI) + 8 other conferences
Society for Organizational Learning Hungary (SoL Hungary)
The Society for Organizational Learning Hungary (SoL Hungary), officially the Learning Organizations for Sustainability, SoL Hu Foundation (Hungarian: Tanuló szervezetek a fenntarthatóságért, SoL Mo alapítvány), with its SoL Institute for Learning Organizations (Hungarian: SoL Intézet a tanuló szervezetekért) and the SoL Hungary Civil Society (Hungarian: SoL Hungary Civil társaság) offers the following Knowledge Management education