BOBCATSSS Association
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The BOBCATSSS Association, formerly the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID),1)2) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- BOBCATSSS Symposium*
- The BOBCATSSS Symposium, formerly the International BOBCATSSS Symposium, International Budapest Symposium, and initially the “The Role of Libraries…” Hungarian-Dutch Symposium, is an international conference for students, professors, employees and professionals in the field of library and information science accompanied by numerous opportunities for networking, personal exchanges, discussions, and learning. It is organized by students from at least two European universities as part of their education. BOBCATSSS is the acronym for Budapest, Oslo, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Tampere, Sheffield, Stuttgart and Szombathely.2)
Conference Themes:
2025: Artificial Intelligence In Library And Information Science: Exploring The Intersection
2024: Information Profession and Sustainable Development
2023: A New Era: Exploring the Possibilities and Expanding the Boundaries
2022: Data and Information Science
2021: Digital transformation
2020: Information management, fake news and disinformation
2019: Information and technology transforming lives: connection, interaction, innovation
2018: The power of reading
2017: Life quality through information
2016: Information • Libraries • Democracy
2015: Design• Innovation • Participation
2014: Library (r)evolution: Promoting sustainable information practices
2013: From Collections to Connections: Turning Libraries “Inside-Out”
2012: Information in E-Motion
2011: Finding new ways
2010: Bridging the digital divide: libraries providing access for all?
2009: Challenges for the New Information Professional
2008: Providing access to information for everyone
2007: Marketing of Information Services
2006: Information, Innovation, Responsibility: Information professional in the Network Society
2005: Librarianship in the information age
2004: Library and Information in Multicultural Societies
2003: Information Policy and the European Union
2002: Hum@n Beings and Information Specialists. Future Skills, Qualifications, Positioning
2001: Knowledge, Information and Democracy in the Open Society: the Role of Library and Information Sector
2000: Intellectual property vs. the right to knowledge
1999: Learning Society – Learning Organisation – Lifelong Learning (LLL)
1998: Shaping the Knowledge Society
1997: New Book Economy
1996: Quality of Information Services
1995: Marketing and Development of New Information Products and Services in Europe
1994: The Future of Librarianship
1993: The Role of Libraries Today, Tomorrow and Beyond