Filed in: India (IND)

Workshop on Knowledge Management for Smart Cities

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The National Conference / Workshop on Knowledge Management for Smart Cities is organized by the World Bank to launch the Smart Cities Knowledge Portal developed for the “India – ICT Enabled Integration for Green Growth” project to support the Government of India’s Smart City Mission and to deliberate on the knowledge requirements of smart city

Knowledge Management Competencies and Education for LIS Professionals

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: …Although LIS professionals play the role of information managers in handling organization’s documents and explicit knowledge, to establish a strong position in a KM environment they need to extend their roles by managing employee’s tacti knowledge on the basis of their distinctive knowledge-handling skills (Al-Hawamdeh, 2005). However, to help LIS professionals be involved

International Conference on Knowledge Organisation, Library & Information Management (ICKOIM)

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Conference on Knowledge Organisation, Library & Information Management (ICKOIM), is intended to be an intellectual tribute for Dr. Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan’s fundamental contribution to Library & Information Science on the celebration of his 125th birthday. The conference ist jointly organized by the Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, the Indian

Conference on Smart Knowledge Habitats

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Conference on Smart Knowledge Habitats aims to merge the concepts of ‘Knowledge Cities’ and ‘Smart Cities’ , i.e. the knowledge based and technology based development of cities, into the concept of smart knowledge habitats. It offers a platform to bring forth the ideas, visions and proposition of researchers, professionals, academicians and participants from different