Global Development Network (GDN)*
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)
The Global Development Network (GDN)1), a spin-off of the World Bank Group, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Roundtable Discussions
- Jul 2017: The Role of Knowledge Systems for Development (Nairobi, Kenya)
(GDN – Department for International Development – African Economic Research Consortium – Roundtable Discussion)
- Global Development Conference (GDN)*
The Global Development Conference (GDN) aims to gather the world’s most influential researchers, corporate leaders and political figures on a common platform where they can interact with each other and discuss the most pressing challenges in social and economic development.“Knowledge” relevant conferences:
- 2019: Knowledge for Sustainable Development: the Research-Policy Nexus
- 2001: Blending Local and Global Knowledge
- 1999: Bridging Knowledge and Policy
GDnet (GDN Knowledge Services program, 2001-2014)
- Community of practice for knowledge managers
- Conference on Knowledge Management as an Enabler of Change and Innovation in Africa: A Conference for Policymakers and Practitioners, June 11-13, 2007, Cairo, Egypt
(GDNet in partnership with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and the World Bank Institute)- The Conference on Knowledge Management as an Enabler of Change and Innovation in Africa is designed to build on prior learning, share lessons with a larger audience, examine more thoroughly the impact of Knowledge Management across organizations in Africa and how Knowledge Management is being used in specific sectors and, most importantly, make clear the connection between Knowledge Management, change and innovation.
Concurrent Sessions:
Innovation; Knowledge Networks; Indigenous Knowledge and the Role of Culture; Universities and Large Research Institutes; Non-Governmental Organizations; Private Sector; Agriculture; Health; Information and Communications Technology (ICT)Plenary Sessions:
Knowledge Management: GDN’s work, international development, knowledge-based societies (opening plenary)
Knowledge Management and Reforming the Public Sector (panel discussion)
Applying Knowledge to Development Practice
Cross Regional Perspectives (panel discussion)
- Jul 2010: Training on Monitoring, Evaluating and Managing Knowledge on Policy Influence (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Knowledge Management Training and Capacity Building Program: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Program
- Linking Research Communication to Policy Impact through Knowledge Management: Buenos Aires Workshop, February 19-20, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(in partnership with Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento and The World Bank Institute)- Workshop Sessions:
What do we know? Research Perspective
What do we know? Practice Perspective
How should we reflect on what we know?
How can we prioritize what we know?
Capacity building: could we address the identified needs?
Brief presentation of tools and approaches
Presentation of “Democratic platform”
Envisioning the Program
Reporting Back from Group Discussions
Defining the Program
How can we move beyond wishful thinking?
Way forwardNote: There supposed to be three events in the three years to follow
Knowledge Sharing for Development: South Asia Regional Program
- Knowledge Management for Organizational Capacity South Asia Region (SAR): Brainstorming Session on Workshop Design and Content, December 5-7, 2007, New Delhi, India
(in cooperation with the World Bank Institute)- Program n.a.
Knowledge Sharing for Development: Africa Regional Program
- Knowledge Management Capacity for African Research Institutes and Networks: Western Africa Workshop, April 11-13, 2007, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
(in cooperation with the Centre d’analyse des Politiques Economiques et Sociales)- Program n.a.
- Knowledge Management Capacity for African Research Institutes and Networks: Southern Africa Workshop, November 29 – December 1, 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa
(in cooperation with the Development Bank of Southern Africa and the World Bank Institute)- Program n.a.
- Knowledge Management Capacity for African Research Institutes and Networks: East Africa Workshop, June 5-7, 2006, Kampala, Uganda
(in cooperation with World Bank Institute, Busoga Rural Open Source and Development Initiative & African Capacity Building Foundation)- Workshop Sessions:
Why are we here? — Knowledge Management for KIs
Knowledge Management Quick Survey
What do you see as the key Knowledge Management challenges for your organization? (table discussions)
The Knowledge Cycle (case studies)
Putting People First Part 1: Staff Competence (world cafe discussions)
Putting People First Part 2: Networks and Communities of Practice – Network Problem-solving: (cases, peer assists)
People – to people Knowledge Management (tools & table discussions)
“Paper”-to-People Knowledge Management (tools & table discussions)
People-to-“Paper” Knowledge Management (tools & table discussions)
From Business Needs to Results
Choose a Priority Business Problem to Address with Knowledge Management (table discussion)
Measuring Results (table discussion)
Action Plan Preparation & Presentations
After-Action Review - Knowledge Sharing for Development: Africa Regional Program Workshop, February 27-28, 2005, Cairo, Egypt
(in cooperation with Institute of Development Studies, Bellanet, and World Bank Institute)- Workshop Sessions: Research Communication (day 1), Knowledge Sharing approaches (day 2)
Mapping of Experience, Challenges and Priorities
Focus on Audiences: Who are they, what do we know about them and why are they important?
Focus on Communication Approaches: Exploring the what, why and how of our communications
Brief Overview of Knowledge Sharing and its Approaches
Applying Peer Assists to Address Common Challenges
After Action Review – A Tool for Reflection and Learning
Regional and International Networks: How they work
Developing and Sharing Individual Action Plans
After Action Review