The USA-based KM Chicago, formerly the Chicago Chapter of the Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro), 1) has built connections between knowledge managers and the communities in which they practice. It has presented timely Knowledge Management issues, trends and systems. Interactive, open discussion of value and trends was encouraged. Anyone involved with knowledge application or with
Offers from Communities
Educational and training opportunities in Knowledge Management offered by societies, associations, and other communities
European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA)*
Founded in 1999 by the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management & Business Administration (EDAMBA) which is managed by the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), the European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA) was an European Consortium of Universities1) to promote research programmes and doctoral training on Knowledge and Management. The
Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF)*
The Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training