Il Incontro del Capitolo Italiano dell’International Society for Knowledge Organization (Incontro ISKO Italia) è l’incontro biennale del capitolo italiano dell’ISKO. I soci del capitolo italiano dell’ISKO si incontrano con collaboratori e altri interessati per scambiarsi notizie e idee sulle loro attività nell’organizzazione della conoscenza. L’ingresso è libero. Mentre le
KM Conferences
Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or conference theme
Corporate Learning Forum**
Das Corporate Learning Forum, der Quasi-Nachfolger der Personal- bzw. Fachkonferenz “70:20:10 – Evolution des betrieblichen Lernens” (2015-2016), beschäftigt sich mit der digitalen Transformation der betrieblichen Weiterbildung. Auf der Fach- bzw. Personalkonferenz ’70:20:10 – Evolution des betrieblichen Lernens’ (70:20:10 Konferenz) erfahren Sie, wie es mit dem 70:20:10-Lernmodell gelingt, durch eine
International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI)*
- Co-located: International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM); International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (LTLE)
North American Social Networks (NASN) Conference**
The North American Social Networks (NASN) Conference is a regional conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). The conference provides an interdisciplinary venue for social scientists, mathematicians, computer scientists, ethnologists, epidemiologists, organizational theorists, public health experts, and others to present current work in the area of social networks. NASA
World Knowledge Forum (WKF)*
The World Knowledge Forum (WKF; Korean: 세계지식포럼) is a fete of knowledge, the biggest in Asia. It is also known as Asia’s Davos Forum (World Economic Forum). Established in October 2000, the World Knowledge Forum gathers more than 200 business and opinion leaders from around the world ranging from environmental and international organizations to world’s