Abstract: I’ve been thinking recently about the role of sponsorship in enabling knowledge management, and it took me back to some Change Management principles which I learned from ChangeFirst, when I was responsible for Change Management as well as Knowledge Management at Centrica.The ChangeFirst model was based on Darryl Connor’s “Managing at the speed
Blog Articles
Blog articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Chief Knowledge Officer path in a security organization?
Abstract: For the past several months I’ve waffled back-and-forth on whether I want to keep working for myself or go back to the corporate world. I like the freedom of choosing what projects and clients I support, but I dislike the overhead & solitude of being a one woman show. I know one thing
How to get a PhD in Knowledge Management?
Abstract: I received the following query: “I have a total nine years of work experience in knowledge management. I have worked in consulting, IT, and the finance sector in knowledge management, presales and social media. I have worked on several knowledge repositories, user behavior, Web 2.0 technology, search technologies and open
Does Professional Certification in Knowledge Management Exist?
Abstract: There are pockets of effort around the world to begin to develop a Knowledge Management Body of Knowledge (KMBOK) but it doesn’t yet exist. The closest we have to real codification may be the 2015 version of ISO 9001 which has clause, 7.1.6, on organizational knowledge and its management. You
Wissensmanagement-Kompetenzprofil der Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement
Abstract: Kaum ist die Phase für die öffentliche Kommentierung des Normentwurfs für Wissensmanagementsysteme, der momentan für den HR-Bereich der Internationalen Organisation für Normung (ISO) entwickelt wird, vorbei, veröffentlicht die Fachgruppe ‘GfWM Wissensmanagement Zertifikat’ der Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement e.V. (GfWM) ihrerseits den Entwurf für ein ‘Wissensmanagement-Kompetenzprofil’ und bittet auch, bis zum 2. März 2018, um