Abstract: In this paper, we discussed the educational practices of the Knowledge Organization in Iran. This paper is a historical review. In order to analyze the educational practices of Knowledge Organization related researches are reviewed. Also, curriculums of The Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) are analyzed to identify courses related to
Miscellany Articles
Miscellany articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Knowledge Management as part of the IS undergraduate curriculum
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is an area that has captured the attention of many organisations that are concerned with the ways knowledge is managed more effectively. KM offers systematic methods in leveraging and managing organisational knowledge through KM processes of creation, storing, sharing, and application of knowledge. Due to the importance of KM, the
Teaching Knowledge Technology in Grammar Schools
Abstract: In this paper we are presenting the aims and the way in which the teaching knowledge management project is run in Slovene grammar schools. The contents and the suggested methods of working with students are described. With them we want the students to get to know as much about technology to be able
Knowledge Management Education and Training in Kenya
Abstract: Knowledge management has emerged as a discipline in the recent past. In spite of its growing popularity, confusion still exists on what the discipline is really about and whether it is actually distinct. This confusion extends to the nature and scope of competencies knowledge management practitioners are expected to have. The lack of
Knowledge Management Training to Improve Employee Performance
Abstract: This study aims to reveals the influence of Knowledge Management training on the performance of PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The hypothesis proposed is (1) there are differences in employee performance after training between the experimental group and the control group, (2) there are differences in employee performance in the experimental group between