Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU)*
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Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU), formerly the College of Notre Dame of Maryland and the Notre Dame of Maryland Preparatory School and Collegiate Institute, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
College of Graduate & Professional Studies > School of Arts, Sciences & Business 1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Science in Analytics in Knowledge Management (online)** 2)
- Computer Studies Courses (24 Credits)
CST-530 Foundations of Analytics in Knowledge Management (3)
CST-531 Data Design and Management (3)
CST-532 Knowledge Tools (3)
CST-540 Data Visualization (3)
CST-550 Project Management (3)
CST-610 Critical Inquiry (3)
CST-611 Data Security (3)
CST-620 Data Mining and Warehousing (3)Mathematics Courses (6 Credits)
MAT-575 Applied Statistics (3)
MAT-576 Data and Decision Modeling (3)Economics Courses (6 Credits)
ECO-550 Managerial Economics (3)
ECO-560 Risk Analysis (3) - Master of Science in Knowledge Management** 2)
Computer Studies (8 courses):
CST-530 Foundations of Knowledge Management
CST-531 Data Design and Management
CST-532 Knowledge Tools
CST-540 Advanced Knowledge Tools and Technologies
CST-610 Critical Inquiry
CST-550 Project Management
CST-611 Data Security
CST-620 Data Mining and WarehousingMathematics (2 courses):
MAT-575 Advanced Statistics
MAT-576 Data and Decision ModelingEconomics (2 courses):
ECO-550 Managerial Economics
ECO-560 Risk Analysis