Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK)*
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The biennial Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) aims to bring together researchers from across disciplines concerned with the acquisition, curation and use of language data in the context of data science and knowledge-based applications.
The LDK conferences have been initiated by a consortium of researchers from the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, InfAI (University Leipzig) and Wolfgang Goethe University and a Scientific Committee of leading researchers in Natural Language Processing, Linked Data and Semantic Web, Language Resources and Digital Humanities.
It is endorsed by several international organisations: DBpedia, ACL SIGANN (Special Interest Group on Linguistic Annotation, Association for Computational Linguistics), Global Wordnet Association, CLARIN and Big Data Value Association (BDVA).
Conference History:
5th LDK 2025, 9-12 September 2025, Naples, Italy
(Host: Department of Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies, University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
- Conference program TBD
Language Data
Knowledge Graphs
Methods and Applications for Language, Data and Knowledge
Use Cases in Language, Data and Knowledge
Fifth Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (LT-EDI-2025)
Fifth OntoLex Workshop
TermTrends25: Bridging the Gap between Terminological Resources and Large Language Models
Modelling Viewpoints Using the MULTI Ontology
4th LDK 2023, 12-15 September 2023, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
(Host: Centre for Translation Studies, University of Vienna)
- Pre-conference Tutorials: (Sep 12-13)
LODification of lexical data using Wikibase
Perspectivized Multimodal Datasets: a FrameNet approach to image-text correlations
The DBpedia Knowledge Graph Tutorial
Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 12-13)
Deep Learning, Relation Extraction and Linguistic Data with a Case Study on BATS
Discourse studies and linguistic data science: Addressing challenges in interoperability, multilinguality and linguistic data processing – DiSLiDaS 2023
International Workshop on Disinformation and Toxic Content Analysis
Linking Lexicographic and Language Learning Resources (4LR 2023)
PROfiling LINGuistic KNOWledgE gRaphs (ProLingKNOWER)
Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Linked Data (SALLD-3)
TermTrends2023: Terminology in the Era of Linguistic Data Science
Conference Sessions:
Lexicons in Language, Data and Knowledge
Digital Humanities and Under-Resourced Languages
Sentiment and Natural Language Inference
Pre-Trained Language Models and Knowledge Probing (was: Transformer-Generated Programs and Pre-Trained Language Models)
Corpora and annotation
Human-Machine Annotation and Question Answering in Linked Data
Language Data – Use Cases and Applications
Poster Session
Invited Talks:
Towards an Early Warning System for Online and Offline Violence
Austrian Identity Politics – Past and Present: A Discourse-historical Analysis
Delivering trusted data via Solid pods
Co-located Events:
W3C Language Technology Community Groups Day (Feat. the 4th OntoLex Face-to-Face meeting), Sep 12
LDK Research & Industry Meetup: Language meets Knowledge Graphs, Sep 12 (Orga: Vienna Business Agency; Semantic Web Company)
3rd LDK 2021, 1-4 September 2021, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain / Virtual venue
(Host: Distributed Information Systems research group, Aragon Institute of Engineering Research, Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, University of Zaragoza)
- Pre-conference Tutorials: (Sep 1)
LiLa: Linking Latin project Tutorial
DBpedia Tutorial
Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 1)
1st Workshop on Sentiment Analysis & Linguistic Linked Data
4th Translation Inference Across Dictionaries Workshop / Shared Task (TIAD 2021)
2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Historical Image and Visual Cultural Artefacts Enrichment (AI4HI-2021)
Multisensory Data & Knowledge Workshop
Conference Sessions:
Language Data – Corpus Annotations and Mining
Use Cases and Applications in Language, Data and Knowledge
Knowledge Graphs – Generation and Bias
Crazy New Ideas
Multilingual Information Extraction and Language Learning
Language Data and Applications – Semantic Enrichment and Discourse Analysis
Under-Resourced Languages and Enriching Lexical Data
Poster Session
Collecting and inferring common sense knowledge: the JeuxDeMots project
Free/open-source machine translation for the low-resource languages of Spain
A Smell is Worth a Thousand Words: Olfactory Information Extraction and Semantic Processing in a Multilingual Perspective
Knowledge Graphs, Word Embeddings and Natural Language Generation
Co-located Events: (Sep 4)
Post-conference W3C Day (W3C Community Groups meetings: W3C LD4LT Community Group; W3C OntoLex Community Group)
2nd LDK 2019, 20-23 May 2019, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
(Host: Research Group Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web & Knowledge Integration and Linked Data Technologies Group, University of Leipzig)
- Pre-conference Tutorials: (May 20)
Historical Text Reuse Tutorial (TRACER)
Pre-conference Workshops: (May 20)
2nd Translation Inference Across Dictionaries Workshop / Shared Task (TIAD 2019)
(CANCELLED) 3rd Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic web (WHiSe III)
Conference Sessions: (proceedings)
Foundations: Web Technologies and Vocabularies
Language and Data: Human Language Technology
Data and Knowledge: Entities and Relations
Language and Knowledge: Lexical Data
Applications in the Language Sciences
Poster Session
Mapping the Lexicons of Signs and Words
The Sorbian languages
Schema.org Annotations and Web Tables: Underexploited Semantic Nuggets on the Web?
Co-located & Associated Events:
13th DBpedia Community Meeting, May 23
W3C OntoLex Community Group Meeting, May 20
3rd Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD-19), May 12-17, @ Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics, Wadern, Germany
1st LDK 2017, 19-20 June 2017, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
(Host: Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway)
- Pre-conference Tutorials: (Jun 18)
Doing text analytics for Digital Humanitites and Social Sciences with CLARIN
Pre-conference Workshops: (Jun 18)
Translation Inference Across Dictionaries Workshop/Shared Task (TIAD-2017)
1st Workshop on the OntoLex Model (OntoLex-2017)
Challenges for Wordnets
Conference Sessions:
Linked (open) data
Knowledge graphs
Ontologies and linguistic models
Entity recognition
Short talks
Poster Session
Processing text as socio-economic and cultural data
Even the changes are changing: A new age of cognitive computing
Data Science and the Analysis of Language: From Fact to Fiction
Some features of the grammars of Irish and Welsh
Co-located Events:
9th DBpedia Community Meeting, Jun 21