The biennial Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) aims to bring together researchers from across disciplines concerned with the acquisition, curation and use of language data in the context of data science and knowledge-based applications. The LDK conferences have been initiated by a consortium of researchers from the Insight Centre
Universidad de Zaragoza
Teaching e-Government and Knowledge Management
Abstract: The Department TIM (Telecommunication, Information and Media) aims to provide the necessary education for the most recently developed occupations. The Department is particularly interested in the introduction, application and use of Communication Technology (ICT) in various profit and non-profit organisations. The following is a presentation of the university course e-Government, and will be
Congresso Ibérico de la International Society for Knowledge Organization (Congreso ISKO-Ibérico)*
El Congreso Ibérico de la International Society for Knowledge Organization (Congreso ISKO-Ibérico o Congreso ISKO España-Portugal) , se propone como un espacio privilegiado para el diálogo y la reflexión de las nuevas necesidades y tendencias de la organización conocimiento, mostrando experiencias y soluciones viables y sostenibles, capaces de dar respuesta a los diferentes desafíos y
International Conferences and Workshops on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA)*
- Co-located: International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK)