Does the Israeli Knowledge Managers Forum manage knowledge?

Perry, M. (2016). Does a Knowledge Management Community Manage Knowledge?. In S. Buckley, G. Majewski, & A. Giannakopoulos (Eds.), Organizational Knowledge Facilitation through Communities of Practice in Emerging Markets (pp. 165-175). IGI Global.

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Related Resources:

  • Milly Perry: Does a Knowledge Management Community Manage Knowledge? Paper presented in the “KM in Education” Track of “Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations”, the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2009) jointly held with the 10th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS 2009), December 3-4, 2009, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
  • Milly Perry: Knowledge Management in a Chief Knowledge Officers’ Community of Practice. In: Ettore Bolisani; Enrico Scarso (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Vicenza, Italy, 3-4 September 2009. Academic Publishing Limited, 2009: 65
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