Global Forum of Intellectual Capital (GFIC)*

Global Forum of Intellectual Capital (GFIC)*

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The Global Forum of Intellectual Capital (GFIC; Portugese: Fórum Global de Capital Intelectual) aims to bring together academics and experts in knowledge management and intellectual capital with public decision-makers and entrepreneurs to generate discussion and sharing of knowledge on how the management of these assets may generate greater competitiveness and greater economic development of companies, cities, regions and countries.

Conference History:

3rd GFIC 2025, 27-28 November 2025, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal

Conference Theme: Shaping the Future of Data, Knowledge, and Innovation with AI for Global Sustainable Change
(In conjunction with ciKi – Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação, and ICKM – International Conference on Knowledge Management; Host: Centre for the Study of Socioeconomic Change and the Territory, Business School, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon; Partners: International Concil on Knowledge Management; Intellectual Capital Association; Departamento de Engenharia do Conhecimento, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)

    Conference program TBD

2nd GFIC 2019, 20-21 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

Conference Theme: Conhecimento, Inovação e Sustentabilidade (Knowledge, Innovation and Sustainability)
(Co-organizer: DINÂMIA’CET – IUL, Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário Lisboa)

    Note: The 2nd CFIC was originally planned in Lisbon for October 2017 in conjunction with ciKi – Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação.

    Pre-conference Workshops: (May 20)
    Oficina do Conhecimento

    Academic Conference: (May 20)
    Theme: Knowledge, People and Digital Transformation Approaches for a Sustainable Future

    Unseen Wealth: Risks, Options, Leadership

    Conference Papers:

    Book Launch:
    Intellectual Capital Management as a Driver of Sustainability: Perspectives for Organizations and Society

    Knowledge Coffee

    Business Conference: (May 21)
    Theme: Conhecimento, Inovação e Sustentabilidade – Portugal 20-30: Desafios do Futuro

    STIP Compass: A Look at STI Policies for Sustainability
    Unseen Wealth: Risks, Options, Leadership
    Quantifying the future value of the Intellectual Capital created by SMEs
    Knowledge Economy and Digital Era: The role of Development Banks

    Conhecimento, Inovação e Sustentabilidade: Os Desafios Europeus
    Transferência de Conhecimento como Acelerador para a Sustentabilidade: O Papel das Instituições de Ensino e Investigação
    Gestão de Intangíveis e Sustentabilidade Empresarial: O Papel da Gestão

    IC Scoring
    Portugal 20-30: Desafios Futuros e Oportunidades
    Dar Mundos ao Mundo: A Missão de Portugal (Cancelado)
    ICMS Award

1st GFIC 2015, 20 November 2015, Lisbon, Portugal

Conference Theme: Competitiveness and Sustainability (Competitividade e Sustentabilidade)
(Host: Microsoft)

    Innovation and knowledge: the challenges of the Portuguese economy
    Why are knowledge management and intellectual capital management important to business success in the context of creative economy?
    Diagnosing nations’ wealth creation potential in the knowledge economy context – reflections on the case of Spain and Portugal
    Intellectual capital of regions – challenges to adjust to a technological revolution
    ICAA projects: present and future
    Intellectual capital management as driver of development of science and innovation

    Round Table with Companies:
    Intellectual capital management and Portuguese companies: reflections on the present and the future

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