European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN)*
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The European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN) also known as the European Social Networks Conference, will host sessions representing many fields of social network analysis. Workshops will be offered in theory, data collection, methods of analysis and visualization of social networks. As a regional conference EUSN is endorsed by the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).
EUSN is the result of a merger between the annual United Kingdom Social Networks Conference (UKSN), organized by the United Kingdom Social Networks Association (UKSNA), and the Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA), hosted and mainly organized by the University of Zurich.
Conference History:
7th EUSN 2023, 4-8 September 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia
(Host: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Centre for Methodology and Informatics)
- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Sep 4, 5 & 8)
REM beyond dyads: relational hyperevent modeling with eventnet (advanced)Introduction to UCINET
manynet: an R package for multimodal network analysis and more
Egocentric network analysis with R
Advanced RSiena workshop
Social Network Analysis Workshop: How do I develop and answer my research question?
The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using RSIENA
Tidy Networks: the tidyverse and tidygraph for social network analysis in R
Analyzing negative and signed networks
Mixed Methods Research into Social Networks
The goldfish package in R
Empirically calibrated network simulations
Social Network Analysis in Stata (CANCELLED)
Introduction to UCINET
Organised Sessions:
Negative Ties and Signed Graphs
Interpersonal networks and the COVID-19 pandemic
Networks, Culture, Interaction
Agent-based models of social networks
Gender and social networks Modeling Social Influence
Networks and knowledge production
The Future of Teaching SNA
Networks and crime
Political networks
Family networks and personal networks through the life-course
Social media, online networks
Spatial networks Modeling Network Dynamics
Organizational networks
Egocentric networks
Social networks and health
Networks in history and archaeology
Networks, practices, and beliefs: relational and neo-structural approaches to institutional processes
Networks of inter-ethnic relations and integration
REDES panel: promoting collaboration and new studies in the community
Blockmodeling, community detection and network partitioning
Multilevel networks
Sustainability and Social Network Analysis
Networks, employment and the labour market
Multimethod approach / mixed method approach
Hypergraphs for complex systems: methods and applications
Multilayer and feature-rich networks
Poster Session
Keynotes: (2)
Social Network Analysis and Analytical Sociology
Title n.a.
6th EUSN 2022, 12-16 September 2022, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom / Virtual venue
(Host: University of Greenwich, Networks and Urban Systems Centre)
- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Sep 12 & 16)
Estimating Exponential Random Graph Models using R (CANCELLED)
Handling Missing Network Data – Theory and Practice
Discourse Network Analyzer 3.0
Introduction to Network Analysis tools in R
The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using RSIENA
The goldfish package in R
In-person and remote social network interviewing with Network Canvas
REM beyond dyads: relational hyperevent modeling with eventnet
Using igraph for SNA: advanced topics (CANCELLED)
migraph: multimodal network analysis
Generalized blockmodeling in R using blockmodeling package blockmodeling
Introduction to UCINET
Moving beyond descriptives: basic hypothesis testing with R/Statnet
Advanced RSiena workshop
Using patent data for collaboration network analysis. An application with USTPO data in PatentsView
Egocentric network analysis with R
Analysis of multiplex social networks (hands on with R)
Tidy Networks: the tidyverse and tidygraph for social network analysis in R
Introduction to visone
Organised Sessions:
Advanced Methods for Multilayer and Feature-Rich Networks and Their Applications
Collaboration Networks
Ecosystem of Entrepreneurs
Family Networks and Personal Networks Through the Life-course
Methodological and Software Advancements in Social Network Analysis
Modeling Network Dynamics
Multiplex Networks and Individual Outcomes in School
Network Analysis and Bibliometrics
Network Analysis and Sports
Networking Historical Past
Networks and Crime
Organizational Networks
Political Networks
Population-scale Social Network Analysis
Public Policy and Discourse Networks
Social Cybersecurity: Convergence of Social Network Analysis in Cyber
Social Influence
Social Network Analysis and International Business
Social Network Analysis and System Science for Social Change
Social Networks and Personal Communities in Migration and Migrant Incorporation
Social Support and Health
Sustainability and Social Network Analysis
Teaching Social Network Analysis
Keynotes: (2)
5th EUSN 2021, September 6-10 2021, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy Virtual venue
(Host: University of Naples Federico II, Department of Political Sciences)
- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (Sep 6/10)
Analysing multilevel network dynamics using RSiena; Bash scripting for big data (CANCELLED); Generalized blockmodeling in R using blockmodeling package; Using Matlab for social networks analysis; Analysis of longitudinal social network data using RSiena; Analysis of multiplex social networks (hands on with R); Network visualizations in R using ggraph and graphlayouts; Bayesian ERGMs with the Bergm package for R (Sep 13); Handling missing network data; The goldfish package in R; Analyzing the dynamics of networks and continuous behavior with RSiena
Conference Sessions:
Statistical analysis of populations of networks; Political networks: (1) Legal Networks, (2) Environmental Governance Networks, (3) Online Political Networks, (4) International Relations Networks; Qualitative network research; Networks, social resources and subjective well-being; REDES panel: promoting collaboration and new studies in the community; Poster Session
Does the pandemic help us to understand social networks and social capital? A probing; Networks in the digital organization; Did we close the gap? Networks, social capital, and new opportunities for answering old research questions (CANCELLED); An Edge is and Edge is an Edge. Is it?
4th EUSN 2019, 9-12 September 2019, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Host: ETH Zurich, Social Networks Lab)
- Post-conference Workshops (Sep 12):
Estimating Exponential Random Graph Models using R; Mixed Methods Research in Social Networks; Introduction to Dynamic Social Network Analysis with Stochastic Actor-oriented Models; Social Network Analysis Workshop: How do I answer my research question?; Discourse Network Analysis with DNA and rDNA; Introduction to Python’s graph-tool; Using R and igraph for Social Network Analysis; Introduction to Qualitative Structural Analysis (QSA); Analyzing the Dynamics of Networks and Continuous Behaviour with ; Introduction Network Regression Models using the ghypernet-package in R; Studying the Micro-Macro Link with Stochastic Actor-based Models and Rsiena; Goldfish: Estimating Network Event Models; Introduction to Modeling Temporal (dynamic) ERGMs using statnet; Tidy Networks: the tidyverse and tidygraph for Social Network Analysis in R; Introduction to Egocentric Network Data Analysis with ERGMs and TERGMs using statnet; Relational Event Modeling with eventnet; Goldfish: Advanced Practical Session for Researchers with own Data; Analysing Multilevel Network Dynamics using Rsiena
Conference Sessions:
Methods; Movie Networks; Inference and Generalisability in Modelling Samples of Networks and Multi-Level Network Data; Studying intertwined social-ecological systems as networks: Methodological and conceptual advances, and new substantive insights; Social Capital; Migration, Transnationalism and Social Networks; Communication Networks; Collaboration Networks. Methods and Applications; Political Networks; Modeling Network Dynamics; Network Ecology: Tie Formation in Context(s); Personal Networks and the Life Course; Criminal Network Analysis; Qualitative Perspectives in Social Network Analysis; Mobility flows in education system; Gender and social networks; Agent-based models: Linking complex social phenomena to social network dynamics; Organizational Networks; Polarization in Social and Political Networks; Modelling; Networks and the Study of the Human Past; Gender and social networks; Networks for Learning; Social Influence; Health Behaviour Networks; Complex Social Networks; Intergroup Relations in Social Networks; Challenges and opportunities for studying evolving stakeholder networks; Ego and Personal Networks; Poster Session
Truth, Democracy, and the Social Network; Applied Statistics in Social Network Analysis
3rd EUSN 2017, September 26-29, 2017, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany
(Host: Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Research Center of Social and Cultural Studies Mainz)
- Post-conference Workshops (Sep 26):
ERGM Short Course (introduction to Workshop); Introduction to Modeling Temporal (Dynamic) ERGMs Using statnet; Networks in Python: Introducing the NetworkX-package; Introduction to Qualitative Structural Analysis (QSA); Simplifying ego-centered network analysis in R with egonetR; Using R and igraph for Social Network Analysis; Social Network Analysis for the Analysis of Multiple Groups; Analysing network dynamics and peer influence processes with Rsiena; Introduction to NetLogo and agent-based models of networks; Relational Events: Estimating Dynamic Network Actor (DyNAM) Models with the Goldfish Software; Exponential Family Random Graph Modeling (ERGMS) Using statnet; Visualizing Social Networks. How to Create Meaningful and Compelling Network Drawings; Vizualisation of social networks with NodeXL; The Positional Approach to Social Network Analysis; Advanced RSiena users’ workshop
Conference Sessions:
Networks in Archaeology and History; Social Networks and Inequalities in Health; Network Analysis of Political Power; Climate change networks; Socio-semantic networks; Social Networks and Social Support; Methodological Advances in the Study of Corporate Networks Fracturing and Concentration; Social Networks in Healthcare; Theory and Methods of Multiplex Network Analysis; Psychological perspectives on social network analysis; Social Networks and Regional Economic Development; Networks and the Labour Market; Corporate Networks around the Globe; Analysis of longitudinal personal and small social network analysis; Social Networks and Intergroup Relations: New Questions and Challenges; Political Networks; Networks for Learning; The role of social networks to explain political behaviour and attitudes; Social Networks and Spatial Embedding; Negative Ties and Signed Graphs; Sport and Networks; Multilevel Network Perspectives in and around Organizations: Theory, Structure and Dynamics; Varieties of Qualitative Perspectives in Social Network Analysis; The relevance of space, distance and mobility for egocentric networks; Modeling Network Dynamics; Social Influence; Network Science & Law; Contemporary Research in Social Network Analysis
Panel Discussions:
Simmel’s Importance for Network Research (Moderated Panel Discussion on the Occasion of the 99th Anniversary of Georg Simmel’s Passing); Social Media Data for Analyzing Networks
Networks and institution building: A neo-structural approach
2nd EUSN 2016, June 14-17, 2016, SciencesPo, Paris, France
(Host: SciencesPo, Department of Sociology, Center for Sociology of Organizations)
- Post-conference Workshops (Jun 14):
Introduction to ego-network analysis with R; Using R and igraph for Social Network Analysis; Introduction to NetLogo and agent-based models of networks; The Positional Approach to Network Analysis; Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) using Statnet; Temporal Exponential Random Graph Model (TERGM); Using Net-Map for co-producing SNA knowledge and co-designing networks; Simplifying ego-centered network analysis in R with egonetR; Network visualization based on JSON and D3.js; Mining (together with a bit of web scraping) of large social networks from Twitter using Python (and Ruby); Extracting Social Networks from Literary Text; The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using RSIENA; Advanced RSiena users’ workshop; Mixed Methods Research in Social Networks
Conference Sessions:
Social Networks of Entrepreneurs: Causes; Typologies of personal networks; From international to global networks? Investigating social dynamics of globalization; Changes in Personal Networks: Causes, Differences, and Consequences; Multilevel Network Perspectives in and around Organizations: Theory, Structure and Dynamics; Social Networks from Interaction Events; Egocentric networks and social integration processes; Political Networks; Network Science and Agent-Based Models: what cooperation?; Doing qualitative network analysis; The Inequality–Social Network Nexus; Historical and Archaeological Network Research; Personal networks and the development of individual vulnerability or strength in the life course; The role of social networks in the transition towards sustainable food systems; Network Analysis in Humanities; Social influence; Modeling Network Dynamics; Social networks, globalization and economic geography; Large networks; Health; Migration; Science networks; Modelling networks; Business networks; Social support; Cultural networks; Social media; Covert networks; Intra organizational networks; Policy networks; Geography and networks; Personal networks
Ethnography and multilevel networks in the study of migration and transnationalism (keynote); Challenges in Social Network Visualization: Bigger, Dynamic, Multivariate (plenary session); Multilevel network analysis for the social sciences: Theory, methods and applications (Authors meet critique)
1st EUSN 2014, July 1-4, 2014, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
(Host: Autonomous University of Barcelona, Faculty of Arts, Social and Cultural Anthropology Department, Fundamental and Oriented Anthropology Research Group, EgoLab – Research Group on Personal Networks and Communities)
- Post-conference Workshops (Jul 1-2):
Introduction to Social Network Analysis; Theory and Methods for Social Network Analysis; Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) using statnet; Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models (TERGMs) for dynamic network modeling in statnet; Extracting Data from Online Social Networks; Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using RSiena; Introduction to Social Network Analysis with R; Personal Network Analysis with R; Tulip – where Social Network Analysis meets with Visual Analytics; Analysis of Multiple Networks with algebra and `multiplex´; Analysis of Large TwoMode Networks using Pajek; Mixed Methods Research in Social Networks Visual Network Research: Using Net-Map and Vennmaker; Visualización con Pajek (in Spanish); EgoNet – Data: Collection, Visualization and Analysis in Personal Networks Research; visone Part I: General Introduction; visone Part II: Network Ensembles
Conference Sessions:
Multilevel networks; Knowledge Networks in Scientific; Network Perspectives and Applications in Criminology; Qualitative and Mixed Methods Studies; Interlocking Directorates and Elite; Networks and Meaning; Computational Statistical Advances in SNA; Historical Network Research; Migration, Mobility and Transnational Networks; Networking the Environment; Algorithms; Online Social Networks; Networks and the Labour Market; Ethnography and Social Network Research; Political Networks: (1) General, (2) Leadership and Political Capital, (3) Environmental Policy and Governance; Entrepreneurs and their Networks; Network Functionality Models; Ego-centered Networks; Intra-organisational Networks; Longitudinal Network Modelling; Social Influence; University Networks: (1) Micro-level, (2) Macro-level; Communication Networks; Business, Market, Customers; Social Networks, Social Support and Health Care; Adolescent Networks; Network Perspectives in Measurement and Analysis of Social Support; Mixed Methods for studying Network Dynamics; Methods; Social Networks and Local Development; Centrality; Power and Networks; Kinship Networks; Longitudinal Modelling of Adolescent Networks; Social Networks and Collective Action; Poster Session; Mesa Hispana: The Development of Social Network Analysis in Latin America (Special Session, in Spanish, Jul 1)
Open discussions:
Ethics in Social Network Analysis
The Positional Turn in Social Network Analysis
Conference History:
9th UK Social Networks Conference 2013, 27-29 June 2013, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
(Host: Business School, University of Greenwich)
- Conference Sessions:
Methods; Collaboration; Business; Social Influence; Policy Networks; Social Movements; Group Formation
Keynotes: (2)
A hierarchy of exponential random graph models for the analysis of social networks
Pre-conference Sessions: (Jun 27)
Poster Session, Doctoral Consortium
Post-conference Workshops: (Jun 29?)
Associated Events:
Greenwich Summer School in Social Network Analysis (Jun 17-25)
Introductory courses:
Doing Research with SNA: Tools, Theories, and Applications
Network Analysis of Organization: Statistical and Simulation ApproachesAdvanced courses:
Longitudinal Models for Social Network Analysis
Panel Data with Stochastic Actor-Oriented (SIENA) Models and Relational Events Models
8th UK Social Network Analysis Conference (UKSNA 2012), 28-30 June 2012, University of West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
(Host: Department of Politics, University of West of England)
- Conference Sessions:
Adolescent Networks; Social Media I & II; Online Networks; Political Networks; Multilevel Analysis; Mixed Methods; Geography & Social Relations; Migration; Teams & Leadership; Business Networks; Collaboration & Network Formation; Communication Networks; Diffusion of Innovations; Health Policy
Accelerating the diffusion of innovations via social network analysis
Measuring networks: reliability and validity
Pre-conference Workshops: (Jun 27)
Introduction to social network analysis
Organisational network analysis with UCINET / Pajek
From data to discovery: NodeXL for social network capture, analysis and visualisation (CANCELLED)
An introduction to exponential random graph models (ERGM)
An introduction to actor-oriented models using RSiena
7th UK Social Networks Conference 2011, 7-9 July 2011, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
(Host: Business School, University of Greenwich)
- Conference Sessions:
Keynotes: (3)
Comparing Social Networks
Network Social Capital in Organizational Teams
Relations, Attributes, and Contexts: Insights from Collective Action Fields
Pre-conference Workshops: (Jul 5-6)
Introduction to SNA
Organisational Network nalysis with UCINET/Pajek
From data to discovery: NodeXL for social network capture, analysis and visualisation
6th UK Social Networks Conference 2010, 14-16 April 2010, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
(Host: School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester)
- Conference Sessions:
The history of SNA and the Manchester group (an outsider’s view)
Mixing methods in social network research
Environments, network and network evolution
Pre-conference Workshops: (Apr 12–13)
Introduction to Social Network Analysis with UCINET
SIENA with R
Analysis of egonetworks using EgoNet
Special Events:
Launch of the Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis
Special INSNA awards
5th UK Social Networks Conference 2009, 3-5 July 2009, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
(Host: Business School, University of Greenwich)
- Conference Sessions:
Spatial Dimensions of Networks; Methods; Interorganisational Networks; Psychological Dimensions; Agent Models; Diffusion; Director Interlocks; Network Dynamics; Epistemic Communities; Social Capital; Political Networks; Innovation; Communication Networks; Poster Session
Keynotes: (3)
Pre-/Post-conference Short Courses: (Jul 2/6)
Introduction to Social Network Analysis with UCINET and NodeXL
SIENA with R
Organisational Network Analysis with Pajek
4th UK Social Networks Conference 2008, 18–20 July 2008, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
(Host: Business School, University of Greenwich)
- Conference Sessions:
Finding the Balance between Brokerage and Closure
Let’s Get Negative (on Social Network Data)
Models for analyzing dynamics of valued networks
Pre-/Post-conference Short Courses: (Jul 17/21)
Introduction to Social Network Analysis with UCINET
Social Network Analysis with Pajek
3rd UK Social Networks Conference 2007, 13-14 July 2007, University of London, London, United Kingdom
(Host: School of Business and Management, Queen Mary College, University of London)
- Conference Program n.a.
Keynotes: (4)
2nd Social Network Analysis Forum 2006, 30 June – 1 July 2006, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
- Conference Program n.a.
1st Social Network Analysis Forum 2005, 16-17 July 2005, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Social Network Analysis: Advances and Empirical Applications
(Host: Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law, Oxford University)
- Conference Sessions:
Simulations; Policy Networks; Networks and Politics; Knowledge Networks; Business Networks; Crime Networks; Business and Social Networks
Keynotes: (2)
Associatzed Events:
Social Network Analysis course @ Essex Summer School in Quantitative Analysis (Jul 11-22)
Conference History:
10th ASNA 2013, 27-30 August 2013, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Host: Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau – University of Zurich)
- Pre-conference Workshops: (Aug 27-28)
Social Network Analysis for Newbies, Advanced Applications of Social Network Analysis, visone – Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks, The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data, ERGMs for Social Networks, Discourse Network Analysis
Conference Sessions:
Big Data and Big Experiments with Millions of People
9th ASNA 2012, 4-7 September 2012, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Host: Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau and Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development – University of Zurich)
- Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 4-5)
Social Network Analysis for Newbies, Advanced Applications of Social Network Analysis, The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data, ERGMs for Social Networks, visone – Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks, Pajek XXL, Discourse Network Analysis
Conference Sessions:
FuturICT – Global Participatory Computing for Our Complex World; Diversity, Integration, and Networks – Attraction vs Repulsion as Drivers of Interethnic and Intergroup Relations
8th ASNA 2011, 13-16 September 2011, University of Zurich/ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Organizer: Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, the Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (Centre for Democracy Aarau), and the Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development – University of Zurich; Institute for Environmental Decision – ETH Zurich)
- Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 13-14)
Exponential Random Graph Models for Social Networks, The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using (R)SIENA, visone – Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks, Introduction to Social Network Analysis – SNA for Newbies, Applications of Social Network Analysis, 5. Internationaler Workshop „Historische Netzwerkforschung“
Conference Tracks:
Political Networks; Communication Networks; Peer Networks in Adolescence; Historical Network Analysis
Conference Sessions:
Social settings and social networks: Models and ideas; A hierarchy of exponential random graph models for the analysis of social networks
7th ASNA 2010, 15-17 September 2010, University of Zurich/ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference Theme: Dynamics of Social Networks
(Organizer: Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research and Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (Centre for Democracy Aarau) – University of Zurich; Institute for Environmental Decision – ETH Zurich)
- Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 15)
visone – Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks, The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using SIENA, Social Network Approaches for Behavioral Change
Conference Sessions:
Media Networks (News and Elections); Organizational Networks; Scientific Networks; Online Networks; Environmental Policy; Methods and Measures; Elite Networks; Finance & Patent Networks; Homophily and Heterogeneity; Policy Networks; Mobile, Student & Friendship Networks; Marriage, Sex and other useful applications of SNA; Network Governance or Governance of Networks (ECPR Special Session/Panel)
Social Network Interventions: Progress and Prospects for Promoting Change; Interest networks for strategic intervention: Illustrated in the domain of sustainability
6th ASNA 2009, 27-28 August 2009, University of Zurich/ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference Theme: Expanding networks: New reality or new perspective?
(Organizer: Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research and Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (Centre for Democracy Aarau) – University of Zurich; Institute for Environmental Decision – ETH Zurich)
- Pre-conference Workshops: (Aug 26)
Introduction to the Analysis of Network Data via UCINET and NetDraw
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge; Politics; Longitudinal Analysis; Complex Networks; Environmental Networks; Dynamics in Organizations; Methods; Innovation; Natural Resources; Economic and Political Networks
Regular Equivalence Beyond the Social Science Boundary
5th ASNA 2008, 13-15 September 2008, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Organizer: Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (Centre for Democracy Aarau) – University of Zurich; Institute for Environmental Decision – ETH Zurich)
- Conference Sessions:
Knowledge; Data Collection; Network Dynamics; Industries and Markets; Firms and Management; Online Communities; Market Uncertainties; Politics; Migrarion; Citations and Co-Authorship
Evolving social networks: The influence of costs benefits, and preference; VR technologies for applications of social network analysis
Co-located Events:
ASNA2008-Asia, 12 September 2008, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
4th ASNA 2007, 13-15 September 2007, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference Theme: Why Context Matters
(Organizer: Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research – University of Zurich)
- Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 13)
SIENA Workshop
Conference Sessions:
1 Keynote
3rd ASNA 2006, 5-6 October 2006, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Organizer: Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research – University of Zurich)
- Conference Sessions:
Political Networks; Social Capital; Conflict; Computer Mediated Communication; Network Society; Workgroups and Collaboration; Information Flow; Friendship; Students and Academics; Business Networks; ;
Social Network Analysis – Problems and Prospects
2nd ASNA 2005, 20-21 October 2005, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Organizer: Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) – a joint research institution of the University of Zurich and the ETH Zürich)
- Conference Sessions:
Software demos:
Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks; Social Physics, Social Networks, and Network Dynamics: Studying Corporate Networks
1st CIS-Tagung ASNA 2004, 14-15 October 2004, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Organizer: Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) – a joint research institution of the University of Zurich and the ETH Zürich)
- Conference Sessions:
9/11 Tickermeldungen – eine Netzwerkanalyse
Dear Organizer,
Our research group is interested to participate in your lovely conference. Could you kindly inform us about scope and important dates of the conference so we can contribute to it.
Wish you a happy new year.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Milan Dordevic
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Dec 31, 2018 – Boris)