International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS)*
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The biennial International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS), successor of the Mathematical Fundamentals of Database Systems (MFDBS) conference series, aims to bring together researchers working on the theoretical foundations of information and knowledge systems and to attract researchers working in mathematical fields such as discrete mathematics, combinatorics, logics and finite model theory who are interested in applying their theories to research on database and knowledge base theory.
Conference History:
14th International Symposium FoIKS 2026, 23-26 March 2026, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
(Host: Theoretical Computer Science Institute, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Leibniz University Hannover)
Conference program TBD
13th International Symposium FoIKS 2024, 8-11 April 2024, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
(Host: Verification Research Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield)
Invited Talks:
Consistency of Relations over Semirings and Monoids
Epi-Recursion and Epi-Corecursion
Hypertree Decompositions, an Ongoing Project
Engineering Ontologies requires more than Automated Reasoning
Conference Sessions:
Dependencies & Constraints
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Logics and Semantics
Answer set programming (ASP)
Panel Discussions:
How Theory Can Address the Challenges in AI
Side Events:
FoIKS Business meeting
12th International Symposium FoIKS 2022, June 20-23, 2022, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki)
Invited Talks:
Memory complexity for winning games on graphs
The Relevance of Formal Logics for Cognitive Logics, and Vice Versa
More automation to software engineering
Dependence logic: Some recent developments
Text classification using “imposter” projections method
Conference Sessions:
Action formalisms
Relational algebra and functional dependencies
Message passing
Logic programming and query answering
Non-monotonic reasoning
Graph-based reasoning
Side Events:
FoIKS Business meeting
11th International Symposium FoIKS 2020, February 17-21, 2020, Technical University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
(Host: Information Engineering Group, Faculty of Computer Science, Technical University of Dortmund; Co-organizer: Subject area Knowledge-based Systems at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Hagen)
First-order logic of information flows: expressibility, primitivity, input-output properties, and limited access patterns; Implicit coordination of mobile agents; Description Logics for Typicality and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (EurAI Talk); Computation on structures – behavioural theory, logic and complexity
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning; Distributed and Parallel Databases, Distributed Knowledge; Databases, Dependencies, and Dependence Logic; Interaction between Multiple Agents; Ontologies and Applications; Inconsistency and Complexity
Side Events:
FoIKS Steering Committee Meeting (open to everyone)
10th International Symposium FoIKS 2018, May 14-18, 2018, Budapest, Hungary
(Host: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Computational Models of Argument: A New Perspective on Persisting Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) Problems; Automated Reasoning for Systems Engineering; Old keys that open new doors; The Logical Basis of Knowledge Representation in Answer Set Programming; Revisiting the Database Constraints Theory
Conference Sessions:
9th International Symposium FoIKS 2016, March 7-11, 2016, Linz, Austria
(Host: Software Competence Centre Hagenberg; Johannes-Kepler-University Linz)
Systems and Implementations for Solving Reasoning Problems in Conditional Logics; Selected Results and Related Issues of Confidentiality-Preserving Controlled Interaction Execution; The Challenge of Optional Matching in SPARQL; Some Recent Trends in Argumentation Research; Relational Complexity and Higher Order Logics
Conference Sessions:
Reasoning about beliefs, uncertainty, incompleteness, and inconsistency; Dealing with knowledge; Querying and pattern mining; Inference and problem solving; Logics and complexity
8th International Symposium FoIKS 2014, March 3-7, 2014, Bordeaux, France
(Host: Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique)
The Equational Approach to Contrary-to-duty Obligations; Data Structures for Emergency Planing; A Survey of the Data Complexity of Consistent Query Answering Under Key Constraints
Conference Sessions:
7th International Symposium FoIKS 2012, March 5-9, 2012, Kiel, Germany
(Host: Chair of Technology for Information Systems, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel)
Extreme Large Scale Data Management Problems – Entity Resolution; Uniform Evaluation of Nonmonotonic Description Logic Programs; Logic and Automata-Based Foundations of XML: A Snapshot
Conference Sessions:
6th International Symposium FoIKS 2010, February 15-19, 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria
(Host: Institute of Mathemetics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Tools and Techniques in Qualitative Reasoning about Space; A Simple but Formal Semantics for XML Manipulation Languages; Algorithmic Definability and Completeness in Modal Logic
Conference Sessions:
5th International Symposium FoIKS 2008, February 11-15, 2008, Pisa, Italy
(Host: Networked Multimedia Information Systems Laboratory , Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione)
Coupling Design and Verification in Software Product Lines; Random Geometric Identification; Strategic Abilities of Agents
Conference Sessions:
4th International Symposium FoIKS 2006, February 14-17, 2006, Budapest, Hungary
(Host: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
The Semijoin Algebra
Conference Sessions:
Queries and Query Languages; Dependency Theory; Physical Data Organization; Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning; Data Modelling; Mathematical Foundations
3rd International Symposium FoIKS 2004, February 17-20, 2004, Vienna, Austria
(Host: Knowledge Based Systems Group, Institute of Logic and Computation, Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology)
Hypergraph Transversals: Complexity and Applications; Abstract State Machines: An Overview of the Project
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence; Queries; Database Updates; Dependency Theory
2nd International Symposium FoIKS 2002, February 20-23, 2002, Kiel, Germany
(Host: Computer Science Institute, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel)
Conference Sessions:
1st International Symposium FoIKS 2000, February 14-17, 2000, Burg, Germany
(Host: Database and Information Systems team, Institute of Informatics, Technical University of Cottbus)
Conference Sessions: