Global Learning Summit (GLS)**

Global Learning Summit (GLS)**

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The Global Learning Summit (GLS) in Singapore and the Global Learning Academy (GLA) in South Africa (2010-2013) are two two day conferences with an exhibition and a pre-summit workshop day organized by Salvo Global. The summit and academy are an event for learning and development and human resources professionals to discuss, debate and discover the key cutting-edge industry trends and practices in producing efficient and effective learning programs.

Conference History:

9th Global Learning Summit 2016, 7-9 March 2016, Singapore

Summit Theme: Re-imagining Learning: Meeting Future Skills Challenges and New Growth Opportunities

    Conference program n.a.

    Pre-Conference Workshops: (Mar 7)
    Running Learning Like a Business: Talent Development Reporting Principles

8th Global Learning Summit 2015, 15-17 April 2015, Singapore

Summit Theme: Future-proofing your Omni-channel L&D Strategy in our VUCA and Talent Hungry 21st Century

    Conference program n.a.

    Pre-Conference Workshops: (Apr 15)
    The End of the Talent War
    The Dawn of the Corporate Talent System

7th Global Learning Summit 2014, 3-5 March 2014, Singapore

Summit Theme: Unlocking the Potential of L&D to Create Strategic Value, Drive Innovation & Improve Productivity

    Conference program n.a.

    Pre-Conference Workshops: (Mar 3)
    Talent Economics – How to make your development strategy core to business strategy
    Harnessing the Power of Organizational Storytelling

    Conference Streams: (Mar 4-5)
    Developing Transformational Leaders; Driving Creativity & Learning Innovations; Learning Across Generations; Building An Adaptive & Sustainable; Organzational Learning Culture

    Session Highlights:
    Keynote Address: Unlocking the Potential of L&D in Asia
    DFS Group Case Study – Leading the Pack: Developing talent that excels at the service experience
    Encouraging Self-Directed Learning
    Transiting from a Change Manager to a Change Leader
    Going Beyond Traditional Metrics: An Integrated Approach to Measuring ROI
    Creating Strategic Value through Corporate Universities
    Juggling Cultures, Bridging Differences
    Team-Based Learning

4th Global Learning Academy 2013, 10-12 June 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: Leveraging on innovative L&D; tools & strategies to drive business value, engage employees & develop leaders for long-term sustainability

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Highlights:
    Transcending from Individual Competencies to Organizational Capabilities
    Long-term Capability Planning & Talent Management
    Growing & Fostering your Leadership Pipeline
    Capturing the links between L&D; and Performance Management
    Global & Local L&D; Standards and Best Practices: Building a world-class learning function)
    Implementing Innovative Employee Development & Leadership Programmes
    Adapting Learning Methods to the Changing Workforce – What is the right mix?
    Reaping Value on Investment – Learning as a Strategic Partner

6th Global Learning Summit 2013, 4-6 March 2013, Singapore

Summit Theme: Harnessing your talents through enriched learning and development strategies that foster growth and innovation

    Conference program n.a.

    Pre-Conference Workshops?: (Mar 4)

    Implementing a successful Asian-centric learning and development strategy that will lead to organisation excellence in the region

    Plenary Presentations:
    Supercharge your learning and development strategies across the enterprise
    Globalisation and the changing nature of businesses
    Reshaping your strategies to attract the right employees to front your globalized operations
    What is the future of L&D when the business climate remains volatile?

    Panel Discussions:
    CLO Power Panel: This session will see leading global and regional CLO’s going face to face to tackle some of the most pressing issues in L & D that organisations are facing

    Parallel Stream: Innovation & Technology in Learning
    How to integrate social media into the organisation’s business strategy
    Unlocking the promise of Innovation in Learning

    Parallel Stream: Maximising & Measuring ROI of Learning & Development programs
    Aligning training and learning initiatives to organisation’s business needs
    Evaluating Learning Development and measuring it’s business value – the Kirkpatrick® way

    Parallel Stream: Employee Engagement & Talent Retention through Learning Strategies
    Explore how organisations are engaging in diversity and inclusion as a key to L & D
    Motivating and Developing your Human Capital to improve performance & drive growth

    Parallel Stream: Collaborative Learning
    We-Learning – Which is the right form of learning for me?
    Empowering employees through e-Learning

    Parallel Stream: From Learning to Performing
    Strategies to capitalize on your employees’ learning experience
    Coaching and Mentoring Employees through Learning Designs

    Parallel Stream: Learning Challenges
    Creating a greater value and impact through Learning
    Is L & D an expense or investment in today’s climate?

    Parallel Stream: Leadership to Drive Learning Strategies
    Case Study “You are going to FAIL!”
    How to engage leaders as Learning Partners?

    Parallel Stream: Learning Organisations
    Case Study The rise of the corporate academy
    Building a Regional Learning Organisation

    Themed Open Mind Sessions:
    Innovative Employee Development & Leadership Programs
    Communicating Change across products, departments, cultures and borders
    Harnessing new technology tools for L&D growth
    Innovative learning & development methodologies that are working regionally
    Transforming the workforce through value added L & D programs
    Change Management – Engaging for Success
    A fresh look at L&D in Asia
    Meaningful learning metrics: When, how and what to look out for?

    3rd Global Learning Academy 2012, 19-21 September 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Conference Theme: Create real business value through Learning & Development by translating your business strategy into a learning strategy

      Conference program n.a.

      Conference Topics:
      Translating business strategy into learning strategy
      Molding tomorrow’s high-potential leaders
      How is L&D adapting to changing workforce?
      Increasing use of technology in learning
      How Companies Use mLearning to Create Competitive Advantage?

    8th Global Learning Summit 2012, 23-25 April 2012, Dubai, UAE

    Summit Theme: Maximizing the latest learning strategies and successful integration of innovative technologies onto your learning and development practices; taking your business to the next level

      Note: The conference was probably announced as 8th edition because the previous editions of the “Summit” and “Academy” have been counted together. There is no evidence that there was a series of summit events in Dubai before 2012. The conference was probably cancelled because afterwards the “Summit” in Singapore and “Academy” in South Africa continued its numbering without counting in this Dubai summit.

      Conference program TBD (CANCELLED?)

      Learning Objectives:
      Integrating learning and development into mainstream HR processes
      Exploring a series of next generation technologies and solutions that will enable to maintain a competitive edge
      Driving national employee engagement to increase commitment and retention
      Implementing realistic strategies to enhance the sustainability of nationalization within your organisation
      Addressing the dilemma of generational differences between the leaders
      Moving corporate learning from a training to a learning and performing paradigm.

    5th Global Learning Summit 2012, 22-24 February 2012, Singapore

    Summit Theme: L&D – Where it Stands Today & Where it’s Headed for Tomorrow

    Conference program n.a.

    Pre-Conference Workshops: (Feb 22)

    Conference Highlights:
    Creating and leading an innovative learning culture.
    Integrating learning and development into mainstream HR processes.
    Developing & delivering a transformational leadership development experience.
    Delivering learning & development with reduced time and budgets.
    Excavating and reaping the benefits of Social learning into business processes.
    Moving corporate learning from a training to a learning and performing paradigm.
    Thought-leaders perspectives on future of learning and development.
    Find out how to tackle 2 major strategic issues in L&D- Global Complexity and Innovation/Change.
    Exploring a series of next generation technologies and solutions that will enable to maintain a competitive edge.
    Network and find answers to your queries during interactive panel discussion, workshops and networking breaks.

2nd Global Learning Academy 2011, 14-16 September 2011, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: Create real business value through Learning & Development by translating your business strategy into a learning strategy

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 14)
    Strategic Planning essentials for Senior Leadership Teams
    Sustaining and Growing a Corporate University

    Role of Learning and Development Today
    Case Study: Standard Bank’s Learning and Development Strategy

4th Global Learning Summit 2011, 23-24 February 2011, Singapore

Summit Theme: Captivate on latest learning strategies and successful integration of innovation & technology onto your learning and development practices; to increase overall business performance

    Pre-Conference Workshops: (Feb 23)
    Overcoming the Barriers of Innovation

    Emerging Talent Trends and What They Mean for Learning

    Plenary Presentations:
    Case Study: Google’s Learning and Development Strategy
    Enganing Language Learners Through User-Centered Design, Rich Media and Diverse Content
    Creating Cost-Effective and Efficient Learning
    Facilitating and Dealing with Change/Transformation through Learning
    Future of Organisational L&D

    Panel Discussions:
    Learning Demands od Recovering Economy

    Interactive Sessions:
    A Unique and Exciting Form of Team Building

    Parallel Stream: Talent & Competency Management
    Linking Talent Management and Business Results
    Developing Future Leaders

    Parallel Stream: Re-engaging Employees
    Analysing Drivers of Employee Engagement
    Managing & Motivating Multi-Generational Employees

    Parallel Stream: Leadership Development
    Building Sustainable Leadership
    Level 3 Measurement Tool for Leadership and Management Programs

    Parallel Stream: Future of L&D Technologies
    Technology in Training – Are We Ready for What’s Next?
    Mobile Learning in Today’s Environment

    Parallel Stream: Learning Strategies
    Learning Transfer: From Learning Event to Work Application
    World-Class Learning Strategy – Why OD is a Boardroom Discussion
    Mapping Cross-Cultural/Multi-Generational Workforce

    Parallel Stream: Social Learning
    Effective Use of Social Learning Services for Training Employees
    Accelerating Collaboration and Innovation through Social Learning at LG Electrics
    Best Practices in Knowledge Management Approaches

1st Global Learning Academy 2010, 10-12 May 2010, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: Expanding horizons of human intellect and sustaining a learning culture within your organisation to increase competency in light of healing global economy

    Conference program n.a.

    Building successful corporate academy
    Evolving significance of L&D in organisations
    Innovation in learning and development
    Challenges facing learning leaders
    Future of corporate learning

3rd Global Learning Summit 2010, 3-5 March 2010, Singapore

Summit Theme: Harnessing the power of learning and aligning learning initiatives with business objectives to boost bottom-line performane in light of the current global economy

    Conference program n.a.

    Presentation Topics:
    Aligning corporate learning to the ‘pules’ of your business
    Restructuring L&D to changing business realities
    Emergence of social learning as a key component
    Convergence of informal learning with formal learning techniques
    Future of learning and development

2nd Global Learning Summit 2009, 24-27 February 2009, Singapore

Summit Theme: Harnessing the power of learning and aligning learning initiatives with business objectives to boost bottom-line performance in light of the current global economy

    Conference program n.a.

    Presentation Topics:
    Aligning Corporate Learning to Your Overall Business Objectives
    Investing in Learning – Improving business productivity through training
    Unleashing the Power of Strategic Learning and Development Through Organisational Learning and Cultural Change
    Implementing a Learning Management System To Increase Productivity
    Achieve maximum return on your learning investment through effective partnering with learning institutions
    Transforming traditional E-learning into Learning Management System
    Develop your future leaders quickly by implementing effective leadership programmes
    Ensure you retain your employees by adapting your learning model to take account of their rapid development mindset
    Effective Learning -(Blended vs E-Learning)
    Maximising and Measuring the ROI of Your Learning Programmes
    Employee Engagement in Learning
    Technology in Learning
    Understanding Generation Y employee
    Implementing e-learning into your corporate learning centre
    Identifying how to create a revenue generating learning and training function
    How to Tackle Knowledge Transfer: Capturing the intellectual capital of the aging workforce
    Expanding the Skill pool of your Existing Workforce through the Implementation of learning and development programme
    Weighing the Outsourcing Option and Crafting Performance Metrics to Manage Outsourced Activities
    Web 2.0 and Its Impact on Workplace Learning
    Transforming Frontline Performance with Podcasting, Vodcasting and M-learning

1st Global Learning Summit 2008, 26-29 February 2008, Singapore

Summit Theme: Harnessing the power of learning and aligning learning initiatives with business objectives to boost bottom-line performance

    Conference program n.a.

    Presentation Topics:
    Latest trends in the learning and development arena
    New effective and efficient programmes that are revenue generating
    Getting senior management buy-in to ensure on-going support
    Driving performance through leadership supply and six sigma methodology
    Developing competency driven learning content to meet the organisation’s performance objectives
    Using business simulation in leadership development programmes
    Informal learning and its role in organisations today
    Organisation learning and culture change
    Implementing workplace learning programmes for quality results
    Evaluating learning management system
    Coaching and mentoring skills
    New technology – from e-learning to m-learning (mobile learning)
    Implementing effective workplace learning programmmes to produce quality results
    Investing in your people through employer branding

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