Global Learning Summit (GLS)**
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The annual Global Learning Summit (GLS) is a two days conference with a pre-summit workshop day organized by Salvo Global. It is an event for learning and development and human resources professionals to discuss, debate and discover the key cutting-edge industry trends and practices in producing efficient and effective learning programs.
Conference History:
9th Global Learning Summit, 7-9 March 2016, Singapore
Summit Theme: Re-imagining Learning: Meeting Future Skills Challenges and New Growth Opportunities
- Pre-Conference Workshops: (Mar 7)
Running Learning Like a Business: Talent Development Reporting Principles
8th Global Learning Summit, 15-17 April 2015, Singapore
Summit Theme: Future-proofing your Omni-channel L&D Strategy in our VUCA and Talent Hungry 21st Century
- Pre-Conference Workshops: (Apr 15)
The End of the Talent War; The Dawn of the Corporate Talent System
7th Global Learning Summit, 3-5 March 2014, Singapore
Summit Theme: Unlocking the Potential of L&D to Create Strategic Value, Drive Innovation & Improve Productivity
- Pre-Conference Workshops: (Mar 3)
Talent Economics – How to make your development strategy core to business strategy; Harnessing the Power of Organizational Storytelling
Conference Streams: (Mar 4-5)
Developing Transformational Leaders; Driving Creativity & Learning Innovations; Learning Across Generations; Building An Adaptive & Sustainable; Organzational Learning Culture
Session Highlights:
Keynote Address: Unlocking the Potential of L&D in Asia
DFS Group Case Study – Leading the Pack: Developing talent that excels at the service experience
Encouraging Self-Directed Learning
Transiting from a Change Manager to a Change Leader
Going Beyond Traditional Metrics: An Integrated Approach to Measuring ROI
Creating Strategic Value through Corporate Universities
Juggling Cultures, Bridging Differences
Team-Based Learning
6th Global Learning Summit, 4-6 March 2013, Singapore
Summit Theme: Harnessing your talents through enriched learning and development strategies that foster growth and innovation
- Pre-Conference Workshops?: (Mar 4)
Conference Streams:
Innovation & Technology in Learning; Maximising & Measuring ROI of Learning & Development;Employee Engagement & Talent Retention through Learning Strategies; Marriage of Learning Methodologies: Collaborative Learning; Accelerating the Workforce From Learning to Performing; Getting it Right by Understanding the Learning Challenges; Accountability of Leaders to Drive Learning Strategies; Implementation of Learning Organisations
8th Global Learning Summit, 23-25 April 2012, Dubai, UAE
Summit Theme: Maximizing the latest learning strategies and successful integration of innovative technologies onto your learning and development practices; taking your business to the next level
5th Global Learning Summit, 22-24 February 2012, Singapore
Summit Theme: L&D – Where it Stands Today & Where it’s Headed for Tomorrow
- Pre-Conference Workshops: (Feb 22)
4th Global Learning Summit, 23-24 February 2011, Singapore
Summit Theme: Captivate on latest learning strategies and successful integration of innovation & technology onto your learning and development practices; to increase overall business performance
- Pre-Conference Workshops: (Feb 23)
Overcoming the Barriers of Innovation
Conference Streams:
Talent and Competency Management; Re-Engaging Employees; Leadership Development; Future of L&D Technologies; Learning Strategies; Social Learning; Learner Characteristics Challenegs; Optimising Human Resources Delivery
3rd Global Learning Summit, 3-5 March 2010, Singapore
Summit Theme: Harnessing the power of learning and aligning learning initiatives with business objectives to boost bottom-line performane in light of the current global economy
- n.a.
2nd Global Learning Summit, 24-27 February 2009, Singapore
Summit Theme: Harnessing the power of learning and aligning learning initiatives with business objectives to boost bottom-line performance in light of the current global economy
- n.a.
1st Global Learning Summit, 26-29 February 2008, Singapore
Summit Theme: Harnessing the power of learning and aligning learning initiatives with business objectives to boost bottom-line performance
- n.a.