IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS)*

IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS)*

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The IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS) aims at providing an international forum for scientists, researchers, engineers and developers from a wide range of information science areas to exchange ideas and approaches in this evolving field. While presenting research findings and state-of-art solutions, you are especially invited to share experiences on new research challenges.

In general RCIS comes in conjunction with a Doctoral Consortium.

“Knowledge” sessions:

  • Data and Knowledge Management (2016, 2018)
  • Knowledge Discovery and Data (2017)
  • Knowledge Management (2007, 2009-2011)
  • Knowledge Discovery (2010)
  • Knowledge Discovery in Databases (2009)

Conference History:

19th RCIS 2025, 19-25 May, 2025, Seville, Spain

Special conference theme: Advancing Information Science and Information Systems Quality in the Era of Complexity
(Host: Department of Languages ​​and Computer Systems, University of Sevilla)

    Conference program TBD

    Data and Information Management (…, Knowledge Graphs)
    Information Infrastructures
    Data Science

    1st Trustworthy Scalable Data Sharing Workshop (TruSDaSh)

    Explanation, Semantics, Ontology & Trustworthiness

18th RCIS 2024, 14-17 May, Guimaraes, Portugal

Special conference theme: Information Science: Evolution or Revolution?
(Host: Department of Information Systems, University of Minho)

    Conference Sessions:
    Conceptual Modelling and Ontologies
    Data and Process Science
    Data and Information Management
    Research Projects
    Pitches and Posters
    Doctoral Consortium

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Exploring Ontology-based Design Interactions for Sustainability Research

    How Data Analytics and Design Science Fit: a Joint Research-methodological Perspective
    Decision Intelligence for Enterprise and IS Engineering

17th RCIS 2023, 23-26 May, 2023, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece

Special conference theme: Ethics and Trustworthiness in Information Science
(Host: Department of Informatics, Ionian University)

    Conference Sessions:
    Machine Learning and Analytics; Conceptual modeling and semantic networks; Conceptual modeling and ontologies

16th RCIS 2022, 17-20 May 2022, Barcelona, Spain

Special conference theme: Ethics and Trustworthiness in Information Science
(Host: Networks, Multimedia and Security Systems Laboratory (NMSLab), Software and Service Engineering research group, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

    Conference Sessions:
    Data Science and Data Management; Ontologies; Information Search and Analysis; Machine Learning Applications

15th RCIS 2021, May 11-14, 2021, Limassol, Cyprus Virtual venue

Special conference theme: Information Science and global crisis
(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus)

    Conference Sessions:
    Data and information management; Data science and decision support

14th RCIS 2020, September 22-25, 2020, Limassol, Cyprus Virtual venue

(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus)
Special conference theme: Information Science in the Days of Artificial Intelligence

    Note: The conference was scheduled for May 20-22, 2020 and Sep 23-25, 2020

    Automated Machine Learning

    Conference Sessions:
    Ontologies and Methods; Machine Learning; Networks and Communities; Data and Business Analytics

13th RCIS 2019, May 29-31, 2019, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Campus Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

Special conference topic: Towards a Design Science for Information Systems

    Conference Sessions:
    Data and Information Management; Business Intelligence

12th RCIS 2018, May 29-31, 2018, Nantes, France

Special conference topic: Enterprise of the future
(in conjunction with INFORSID – INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision)

    Conference Session: Data and Knowledge Management
    From Big Data to Smart Data: A Genomic Information Systems Perspective
    Using Probabilistic Relational Models to Generate Synthetic Spatial or Non-spatial Databases
    ETL-aware Materialized View Selection in Semantic Data Stream Warehouses

    Conference Session: Social computing and social network analysis
    Influence in Time-Dependent Citation Networks
    Empowering Responsible Online Gambling by Real-time Persuasive Information Systems
    DFBICA: A New Distributed Approach For Sentiment Analysis of Bibliographic Citations
    Social media comparison and analysis: The best data source for research?
    A Novel Approach for Terrorist Sub-Communities Detection Based On Constrained Evidential Clustering
    An Assessment of Privacy Preservation in Crowdsourcing Approaches: Towards GDPR Compliance

    Conference Session: Others
    Knowledge management infrastructure and processes on effectiveness of nursing care

    Leveraging Big Data and Analytics For Creating a Smarter and Better World

11th RCIS 2017, May 10-12, 2017, Brighton, United Kingdom

Special conference topic: Security and Privacy for Information Science

    Conference Session: Knowledge Discovery and Data
    Wikipedia-Based Extraction of Key Information from Resumes
    Context-Based Web Service Discovery Framework with QoS Considerations
    An Ontology-Based Framework for Enhancing Personalized Content and Retrieval Information

    Conference Session: Semantics and Ontology
    LogMap+: Relational data enrichment and linked data resources matching
    Semantic Task Specification in Business Process Context
    Traffic Flow Measurement of a Public Transport System through automated Web Observations

    Conference Session: Social Media and Network Analysis
    Community Detection in Dynamic Graphs with Missing Edges
    IMEXT: a method and system to extract geolocated images from Tweets Analysis of a case study
    Integration of a multidimensional schema from different social media to analyze customer’s opinions

    Conference Session: Others
    A Participative Method for Knowledge Elicitation in collaborative innovation projects

10th RCIS 2016, June, 1-3, 2016, Grenoble, France

Special conference topic: Information science for a socially and environmentally responsible world
(in conjunction with INFORSID – INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision)

    Conference Session: Data and Knowledge Management (RCIS + INFORSID)
    Designing Multidimensional Cubes from Warehoused Data and Linked Open Data
    Organizational Memory: a Model Based on a Heterogeneous Network and an Automatic Information Integration Process
    Increasing Secondary Diagnosis Encoding Quality Using Data Mining Techniques
    Data Schema Does Matter, even in NOSQL Systems!

    Conference Session: Social Computing and Social Network Analysis;
    A Model-based Approach for Capturing Consumer Preferences from Crowdsources: the Case of Twitter
    Towards a Twitter Observatory: A Multi-paradigm Framework for Collecting, Storing and Analysing Tweets
    Taking into Account the Evolution of Users Social Profile: Experiments on Twitter and some Learned Lessons

    Conference Session: Others
    More Transparency in Testing Results: Towards an Open Collective Knowledge Base
    Towards a Responsible Early-Warning System: Knowledge Implications in Decision Support Design
    A Participative Method to Improve Knowledge Absorption Capacity in Collaborative Innovation Projects
    Evolving Ontologies Using an Adaptive Multi-Agent System Based on Ontologist-Feedback

    Reactive Information Processing

9th RCIS 2015, May 13-15, 2015, Harokopio University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Special conference theme: Information is all around us

    Conference Session: Social Network Analysis
    How do we Spread on Twitter?
    Ranking Educational Videos: The Impact of Social Presence

    Conference Session: Others
    Modeling Analytics as Knowledge Work: Computing Meets Organizational Psychology
    Revealing intricate properties of communities in the bipartite structure of online social networks
    Online Knowledge Sharing: Investigating the Antecedents of Frequency and Intensity (Poster)
    Studying Social Network Sites via Computational Methods

8th RCIS 2014, May 28-30, 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco

Special conference theme: Social Network Analysis (SNA)

    Social Network Analysis

    Conference Session: Social Network Analysis
    Overcoming challenges in Global Software Development: The role of Brokers
    An energy-based model to optimize cluster visualization
    OLAP of the tweets: From modeling to exploitation
    On the use of intrinsic time scale for dynamic community detection and visualization in social networks
    Collaborative management of applications in enterprise social networks
    Mining bipartite graphs to improve semantic pedophile activity detection: User-Annotated Microtext Data for Modeling and Analyzing Users’ Sociolinguistic Characteristics and Age Grading
    From Tweet to Graph: Social Network Analysis for Semantic Information Extraction
    Taxonomy-based Job Recommender Systems On Facebook and LinkedIn
    Link Formation in a Telecommunication Network
    Dynamic Enrichment of Social Users’ Interests

    Conference Session: Others
    A user centred approach to represent expert knowledge: A case study at STMicroelectronics
    Software Implementation Knowledge Management with Technical Debt and Network Analysis

    Communities and dynamics in social and mobile phone networks

7th RCIS 2013, May 29-31, 2013, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France

    Conference Session: Ontologies and Data
    Be Careful When Designing Semantic Databases: Data and Concepts Redundancy
    An Ontological Foundation for Conceptual Modeling Datatypes based on Semantic Reference Spaces
    Automatic Generation of Ontology from Data Models: A Practical Evaluation of Existing Approaches
    Ontology Enhanced Mining of Multidimensional Association Rules from Data Warehouses

    Conference Session: Collaboration and learning systems
    Accessible Chats for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments in Mobile Devices
    Computer Mediated Collaboration among the Academic Research Community in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Kenya

    Conference Session: Others
    Monitoring Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems by Means of a Knowledge Discovery Cycle
    Leveraging Crowdsourced Knowledge for Web Data Clouds Empowerment
    Centrality-based peer rewiring in semantic overlay networks
    Towards an Ontology-based Scientific Knowledge Infrastructure for Information Systems Research (Poster)

6th RCIS 2012, May 16-18 2012, Valencia, Spain

    Conference Session: Ontologies and Data Warehouse
    Ontologies as a Solution for Simultaneously Integrating and Reconciliating Data Sources
    Transforming multidimensional models into OWL-DL ontologies
    A Data Warehouse Logical Design Method Based on the Alignment with Business Processes,
    A First Step for Building a Document Warehouse: Unification of XML Documents

    Conference Session: Others
    Applying a Foundational Ontology to Analyze Means-End Links in the i* Framework
    Toward a Knowledge Management Approach Based on an Ontology and Case-based Reasoning (CBR) Application to Railroad Accidents
    Knowledge Service Model for Business Process Design

5th RCIS 2011, May 19-21, 2011, Gosier, Guadeloupe (French West Indies), France

    Conference Session: Knowledge Management
    A Self-configuring Semantic Decision Table For Monitoring An Ontology-based Data Matching Strategy
    Extracting The Multilingual Terminology From A Web-based Encyclopedia
    The Data, Information, And Knowledge Hierarchy And Its Ability To Convince
    Simulating Tourists’ Behaviour Using Multi-agent Modeling

    Conference Sessions: Others
    A Knowledge Management Perspective Of Requirements Engineering
    Social Network Analysis In Epidemiology: Current Trends And Perspectives

    Creative thinking as information discovery

4th RCIS 2010, May 19-21, 2010, Nice, France

    Conference Session: Knowledge Management
    Performance Measuring in Communities of Practice: A Method and Case Study
    Enactment engine independent provenance recording for e-science infrastructures
    Similarity Searching in Sequences of Complex Events
    Toward a voice interface and personalized local web search in smart phones

    Conference Session: Knowledge Discovery
    IT Architecture Automatic Verification: A Network Evidence-based Approach
    A Process Model for Preliminary Classification of Knowledge Sources using Dependency Graphs and Incremental Computing Concepts
    A Tree-based Approach for Efficiently Mining Approximate Frequent Itemsets
    Support System for e-Learning Environment Based on Learning Activities and Processes
    A Data Collection Framework for Tracking Collective Behaviour Patterns
    Prediction of blood transfusion donation
    A Novel Decomposition Algorithm for Binary Datatables: Encouraging results on discrimination tasks
    Towards a new mechanism of extracting cyclic association rules based on partition aspect
    Government eTax Systems: Factors Influencing Citizen Adoption

    Conference Session: Ontologies
    User’s preferences and experiences based web services discovery using ontologies
    A Public transportation ontology to support user travel planning
    Towards Evaluating Ontology Based Data Matching Strategies – Matching Strategies, Evaluation Methodology and Results
    Ontology driven data mining and information visualization for the networked home
    Evolutive Ontologies by Versioning

    Conference Session: Information Retrieval
    An Induction-based Compaction of Sets of Association Rules among Web Concepts. 311-318
    Traces of navigation as knowledge for simulating Information Retrieval by navigation task in hypertext document. 319-330
    A Knowledge-based Efficiency Assessment System for Distribution Network using Data Envelopment Analysis. 331-336
    Query Expansion for Cross Language Information Retrieval Improvement.

    Conference Session: Others
    A Knowledge-Based System for Change Impact Analysis on Software Architecture

3rd RCIS 2009, April 22-24, 2009, Fes, Morocco

    Conference Session: Knowledge Management
    Framework for extending plagiarism detection in virtual worlds
    A component retrieval system
    Modelling Semantic Workflows for E-Government Applications
    A Recommendation Algorithm for Knowledge Objects based on a Trust Model
    Modeling Knowledge Management Systems For Component-Based Software Engineering
    Learning style appropriate to the personal character of a learner: Pedagogical Indexing Learning Object
    Representing User Definable Rules for Decision Making in the Single Location Surveillance Point

    Conference Session: Knowledge Discovery in Databases
    A Decision Tree Based Quasi-Identifier Perturbation Technique for Preserving Privacy in Data Mining
    Benchmark graphs for the evaluation of Clustering Algorithms
    Algorithms for Proteins Biclustering
    An Approach for Testing Mobile Agents Using the Nets within Nets Paradigm

    Conference Session: Ontologies
    A Collaborative Workflow for Building Ontologies: A Case Study in the Biomedical Field
    Semantic exploitation of persistent metadata in engineering models: application to geological models
    Towards automatic semantic annotation of data rich web pages

    Conference Session: Others
    The Knowledge-Gap Reduction in Software Engineering
    Capitalization and sharing of situated explicit engineering knowledge
    A Model-based Agents and Ontology for Semantic Information Search
    Word Stretching for Effective Segmentation and Classification of Historical Arabic Handwritten Documents
    AgentMat: Framework for Data Scraping and Semantization
    An Efficient Analysis of Honeypot Data Based on Markov Chain

    Ontologies: Creating Order out of Chaos, State of the Art and Challenges

2nd RCIS 2008, June 3-6, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco

    Conference Session: Ontologies
    Using Ontologies for Coordination in Loose Inter-Organizational Workflow
    Selected Results of a Comparative Study of Four Ontology Visualization Methods for Information Retrieval Tasks
    WhereRU : GPS Position Reporting and a Personal Ontology as a Virtual Community Utility
    PROFILE COMPILER : Ontology-Based Multilingual Online Services to Support Collaborative Decision Making
    A Model for Accounting Standards and its Applications
    OntoIntention : an Ontology for Documents Intentions
    Knowledge Evaluation Procedure Based on Concept Maps

    Conference Session: Others
    Representation of Knowledge in Information Technology Service Capability Maturity Model (IT Service CMM)
    A New Survey On Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining
    Ontology Based Knowledge Modeling for System Engineering Projects
    Ontology-Based Information Retrieval: Overview and New Proposition
    Ontology development for web services : Reverse engineering approach

1st RCIS 2007, April 23-26, 2007, Ouarzazate, Morocco

    Conference Session: Knowledge Management
    Applying Knowledge Management in Business-to-Business implementation
    Application of Knowledge Management Methods for Acquiring Project Management Skills
    Multi-Agent Multimodal Transport Information System using Mobile Agent Negotiation
    A UML/OCL Denotational Semantics for ODP Structural Computational Concepts

    Conference Session: Ontologies
    Fuzzy Ontologies and Scale-free Networks Analysis
    Extracted Knowledge Interpretation in mining biological data: a survey
    Multimedia documents management in a multistructural context
    AGATHE: an Agent and Ontology based System for Restricted-Domain Information Gathering on the Web
    How to measure interestingness in data mining: a multiple criteria decision analysis approach
    Historical Archive Ontologies Requirements, Modeling and Visualization
    Creating an Ontology for the User Profile: Method and Applications

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