Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)*
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Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI; Indonesian: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Center for Scientific Data and Documentation (PDDI; Indonesian: Pusat Data dan Dokumentasi Ilmiah) 1)
Beginner, 2 days
- 2008-09: Knowledge Management for Organizations
- …
Advanced, 3 days
- 2009: Knowledge Based Organization
- 2008: Creating innovation in the organization
- 2007: Knowledge Creation for Innovation
- …
- Dec 2007: Seminar: The Application of Knowlege to Create the Knowling Organization (Presentation of Research Results)
Scientific Professional Organization Communication Forum (FOPI; Indonesian: Forum Komunikasi Organisasi Profesi Ilmiah)
- Workshop on Knowledge Management in Research and Technology Organizations, 6-9 December 2004, Bedugul (Bali), Indonesia
(Co-organizer: World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations)-
New Challenges for R&D Organizations in Knowledge Economy
Knowledge Management for supporting remote area development
Delivering Market Driven Knowledge – Based Services : A case study of SIRIM Berhard
Maximising R&D Organizations Intellectual Property
SciBlog : a tool for scientific collaboration
Knowledge Sharing in Organizations: models and mechanism
WAITRO and its activitiesDiscussions:
Knowledge Management in R&D OrganizationsWorkshops: (Dec 7)
New Challenges for R&D Organizations in Knowledge EconomyExcursion (Dec 9)