Dunamis Study Awading Event**
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The Indonesian Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Study Award Presentation, previously in conjunction with the Indonesian Knowledge Festival (2009-2010, 2012) and the Indonesian Knowledge Management Conference & Workshop (2007), is organized by Dunamis Organization Services in cooperation with Teleos to award the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises of Indonesia.
Event History:
2017 Dunamis Study Awading Event, 27 September, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Organization of the Future
Conference Program n.a.
Dunamis Study Award Presentation:
– Indonesian Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Study
– Indonesian Human Capital Study (IHCS)
Pre-award Events:
2017 Dunamis Study Finalist Presentation & Judging, 8-10 August 2017
2017 Dunamis Study Knowledge Sharing & Launching, 10 May 2017
Sharing Sessions: Dunamis Human Capital; Prasetya Mulya Business Chool; Pertamina Corporate University; Go-Jek
2016 Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation, 14 September 2016, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management at the Crossroads: Cultivating Results of Implementation
Keynote Speech
Sharing Sessions: IBM Indonesia, BINUS University
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2016 Indonesian MAKE Finalists’ Presentations, 21-22 July 2016
Executive Breakfast: The role of trust in organizations (Jul 22)
2016 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 6 April 2016
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management at the Crossroads: Cultivating Results of Implementation
Talkshow: Rekayasa Industri, Telkom Indonesia
Dunamis Organizational Alignment
Dunamis Organization Services (Keynote Speech)
2015 Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation, 13 August 2015, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Winning the Competition in the Creative Economy
Knowledge for Impactful Results (Telkom Indonesia)
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2015 Indonesian MAKE Finalists’ Presentations, 11-12 June 2015
2015 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 3 March 2015
Conference Theme: Retaining Knowledge in the Creative Economy Era
Sharing Session: Maximizing Knowledge for Sustainable Growth (PLN Corporate University); Knowledge for Sustainable Growth – Learning Organization in Orang Tua Group
2014 Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation, 16 July 2014, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Embracing Changes
Keynote Speech
Sharing Sessions: Arup Hong Kong (winner of the 2013 Asian MAKE Award)
Semen Gresik
Panelist Session
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2014 Indonesian MAKE Finalists’ Presentations, 25-26 June 2014
2014 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 12 March 2014
Conference Theme: Changes Is Inevitable | Growth Is Intentional
To become an Indonesian knowledge-based organization that excels in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) era
Community of practices’ toolbusiness process improvement
2013 Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation, 24 July 2013, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Value Creation through Integrated Knowledge Management
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Book Launch: Successful Implementation of Knowledge Management in Indonesia
Pre-award Events:
2013 Indonesian MAKE Finalists’ Presentations, 26-27 June 2013
2013 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 14 March 2013
Conference Theme: Creating Innovative Culture
Validated Knowledge Platforms to Take Action
Creating Innovative Culture Experiences: Pertamina; Daya Adicipta Mustika
2012 Indonesian Knowledge Festival & MAKE Award Presentation, 10 July 2012, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Knowldge is not Power, Shared knowledge is POWER
Keynote Speech
General Lecturer
Execution: The Discipline to Achieve Widly Important Goals
Unleashing the Full Capacity of People, Key for Organizational Transformation
Developing a Knowledge Based City
Developing a Highly Effective Leader for Bureaucracy Transformation
Building Shared Knowledge Culture as a Leader
Aligning Vision, Developing an Organizational Learning Culture (Toyota Astra Motor)
Culture as a Habit: Strategies for a Successful Merger Process (CIMB Niaga Bank)
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2012 Indonesian MAKE Finalists’ Presentations, 13-14 June 2012
2012 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 14 March 2012
Conference Theme: Creating An Environment For Collaborative Knowledge Sharing
Creating an Environment for Collaborative Knowledge Sharing (Unilever Indonesia, 7 x Indonesian MAKE Study Winner & 2011 IOU Global MAKE Winner)
Leader Talks – Managing Knowledge-based Enterprise (United Tractors, Telekomunikasi Indonesia)
Indonesian MAKE Study Findings 2005-2011
2011 Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation, 20 July 2011, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Creating Great Organizations in Indonesia
The Quest to Find Great Organization in Indonesia
Great Era Demands Great Leadership
Execution: The Key to Great Results
Learning: The Price to Become Great
Unleash the Leader Within
The Art of Transformation (The Leadership Journey of Rajawali Group)
Creating Great Organization in Indonesia: BNI Overview
Great Leaders Build Great Company (BCA)
Leadership: Creativity & Innovation (Astra International)
Execution Culture: The Success of Achieving Most Critical Strategies & Priorities (Bank Mandiri)
Maximizing Your Performance Through Technology-based Human Capital System (IBM and A+HCIS)
KOMET: The Rise of Knowledge Management in State Own Company (Pertamina)
How School Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time (PSKD Mandiri)
The Success in Developing Knowledge-based Products/Services/Solutions (Singapore Armed Forces, overall 2010 Asian MAKE winner)
Pre-award Events:
2011 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 10 March 2011
Conference Theme: Transform: Knowledge into Action
Sharing: Transform: Knowledge into Action
Indonesian MAKE Study Update
2010 Indonesian Knowledge Festival & MAKE Award Presentation, 15 July 2010, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Knowledge Utilization as a Means to Create Opportunities
How to Lead So People Develop
Asian MAKE Winners:
Integrating Knowledge Into Your Environment (Samsung SDS, Korea, overall winner)
Enhancing Customer Knowledge (Tata Consultancy Services, India)
Breakout Sessions:
Integrated Knowledge across Cultures & Borders to Create a World-Class Products/Services/Solutions
Knowledge Management: Leading People & Meeting Enterprise Business Objectives
Knowledge-based Enterprise: Innovation, Technology & Leadership Collaboration
Knowledge management as an Enabler towards Creativity & Innovation
The Human Side of Knowledge Management: Gaining Support & Buy-In for Knowledge Management Practices & Culture
Enhancing Knowledge Managementto Increase Business Opportunities
Indonesian MAKE Study Winners 2005-2009: (Breakout Presentations)
Knowledge Management di Binus University (Binus University)
Delivering Knowledge Based Learning Solutions (Bank Danamon)
Leading and Meeting Enterprise Objective (AVP Knowledge Management, Telekomunikasi Indonesia)
Leading People & Meeting Enterprise Business Objective (KM Program, Medco Energi Internasional)
Knowledge Based Enterprise (XL Axiata)
Innovation: Collaboration of Technology and Leadership (Bank Indonesia)
Knowledge Management as Enabler Towards Creativity & Innovation (Federal International Finance)
Knowledge Management as Enabler Towards Creativity & Innovation (AMDI, Astra International)
WIKA Knowledge Management Sharing: Human Side (Wijaya Karya)
Human Side of Knowledge Management (Perusahaan Listrik Negara)
Sustaining Business Growth and Market Leadership by Enhancing Knowledge Management to Increase Business Opportunity (United Tractors)
Enhancing Knowledge Management to Increase Business Opportunity (Astra Credit Company)
Knowledge Talk Show (Panel)
Q&A session
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2010 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 10 March 2010
Conference Theme: Knowledge as a Means to Create Opportunities
Guest Speakers:
Capturing Knowledge & Increasing Business Value (ITB, 2008 Indonesian MAKE Winner)
Envisioning the Enterprise of the Future (Medco Energi Internasional, 2009 Indonesian MAKE Winner)
Indonesian MAKE Study Findings 2005 – 2009
2009 Indonesian Knowledge Festival & MAKE Award Presentation, 15 July 2009, Jakarta, Idonesia
Ocinference Theme: Elevating Intellectual Capital
Managing Intellectual Capital: Experience of Bank Mandiri
Managing Intellectual Capital: Telkom Indonesia’s Experience
Managing Intellectual Capital, a successful approach from Europe
The Role of Intellectual Capital for Industrial Development
Implementing Human Capital Strategy to Elevate Intellectual Capital
Book Launch: Indonesian MAKE Study & Lesson Learned from the Winner
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2009 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 5 March 2009
2008 Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation, 15 July 2008, Jakarta, Idonesia
Conference Theme: Celebrating Knowledge Management in Indonesia
Best Practice Sharing:
Knowledge Management Goes Social
Towards Corporate-wide Learning Organization
Creating Value by Leveraging Knowledge Assets
Knowledge management in Asia: Trends & Best Practices
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2008 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 27 February 2008
Best Practice Sharing:
UT Human Capital Management System as Building Block of Knowledge Enterprise (United Tractors, 2007 Indonesian MAKE Winner)
Human Capital Management System
Characteristics of Knowledge Enterprise
2007 Indonesian Knowledge Management Conference & Workshop, 1-2 August 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia
(in conjunction with the 2007 Indonesian MAKE Study Award)
Keynote Speaker
Best Practise Sharing:
2006 Indonesian MAKE Winners:
Transforming from Continuous Improvement to Breakthrough Improvement (AMDI, Astra International)
Developing Sustainable Learning Organization (Bank Niaga)
Sustaining Knowledge Driven Culture using Impactful & Creative Socialization (Unilever Indonesia)
Global Knowledge Management Trends and The Eight Knowledge Performance Dimensions
Developing Knowledge Country through Developing a Knoweldge-based Organizations
Global MAKE Best Practices
Best KM Practices in Asia: Findings of APO KM Survey of Nine Asian Countries & Integrating KM with TQM, BSC and other Tools for Premium Value Creation
The Challenges Implementing KM in Indonesia – Leadership Imperative
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2007 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 7 March 2007
Best Practice Sharing:
Reaching the Star with the Intangibles (Wijaya Karya, 2005 Indonesian MAKE Winner)
Managing Knowledge as a Competitive Advantage (Excelcomindo, 2005 Indonesian MAKE Winner)
2006 Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation, 25 July 2006, Jakarta, Idonesia
Keynote Speaker
Best Practise Sharing: PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia; Special Unit for Information Management, Bank Indonesia
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-/Post-award Events:
2006 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 23 February 2006
Best Practice Sharing: Unilever Indonesia (2005 Indonesian MAKE Winner)
2006 MAKE Knowledge Management Sharing, September 2006
Best Practise Sharing: Data & Computing Medco E&P Indonesia; Bank Indonesia
2005 Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation, 21 July 2005, Jakarta, Idonesia
Keynote Speaker
Best Practise Sharing: Siemens Indonesia (European/Global MAKE Winners)
Indonesian MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony
Pre-award Events:
2005 Indonesian MAKE Knowledge Sharing & Nominations Day, 20 January 2005